◎Lao Holdingsが4億米ドルの投資資産でラオス政府を提訴

Sanum Investments Limited

◎Lao Holdingsが4億米ドルの投資資産でラオス政府を提訴

AsiaNet 50341

共同JBN 1052(2012.8.15)

◎Lao Holdingsが4億米ドルの投資資産でラオス政府を提訴

【ワシントン2012年8月15日PRN=共同JBN】Lao Holdings N.V.とその完全子会社Sanum Investments Limitedの両社は15日、ラオス人民民主共和国を相手取り、同国政府による4億米ドルの不法接収停止を提訴した。この提訴は、ラオス政府が外国投資の保護を約束して調印した協定に基づき世界銀行国際投資紛争解決センター(ICSID)によって取り扱われる。

Sanum Investments Limitedのジョディ・ジョルダール社長は「われわれはラオス人民民主主義共和国を信用して投資した。われわれは、ラオスの前首相が法の原則を順守すると言明した際に前首相を信用した。われわれは、ラオス国民に数千の雇用を創出した収益の上がる事業を設立した。われわれが成功すると、彼らはそれをわれわれから取り上げるために介入した。これは外国投資を強欲かつ搾取から保護するとのラオス政府の保証を破棄する明白なケースである」と語った。

これらの資産は、Sanum Investmentsが8500万米ドル余をラオスに直接投資したことによって形成された。ジョルダール社長によると、この投資は現在では、少なくとも4億米ドルの価値があるという。

Sanum Investmentsは、外国投資が地元当局者による法の原則の厳格な順守を通じて保護され、安全であると保証される安全かつ安定的な経済・法的な環境をラオス政府が保証したことに基づき、ラオス人民民主主義共和国に投資した。投資は約5年前に行われた。Sanum Investmentsは今回、ラオス政府がSanum Investmentsの投資を没収するため政府が行使できるあらゆる手段を使って同社を敵対している主張している。

政府の不正行為の一例は、ラオス政府の司法および税務当局が政府と有力なコネがあるラオス人ファミリーとその企業に、ラオスの首都ビエンチャン近郊のラオス・タイ両国にある「友好橋(Friendship Bridge No. 1)」のたもとにあるSanum Investmentsの重要な資産Thanaleng Slot Machine Clubを掌握することを許す措置を講じたことである。ジョルダール社長によると、Lao Holdingsはこの接収がこのまま許されれば、毎月180万米ドルを失うことになる。


 *文書化された保証および合意に反してこれらを守らず、Sanum Investmentsの事業に対して過去数年間にわたり2300万米ドルの税金および罰金を課した。


 *48時間告知に基づいて地元ビジネスパートナーが起こした数百万ドルの訴訟の裁判にSanum Investmentsが応じることを強いたうえに、同社が反論するためにたった1時間しか与えなかった。




▽Sanum Investmentsについて

Sanum Investments Limitedは中国マカオを本拠とする投資・開発会社である。Sanum Investmentsはラオス人民民主共和国の開発プロジェクトを専門としているが、最近はマカオで多数のコンドミニアム開発に携わっている。

Sanum InvestmentsはサバンナケートのSavan Vegasを含めラオスにあるホテル・カジノ・プロジェクトのパートナーであり、マネジャーである。同社はまた同地域でその他多数の機会に投資もしている。



世界銀行の独立機関である国際投資紛争解決センターは、Lao Holdingsのケースを取り扱う。Sanum Investmentsのケースは、適用協定に定められたように臨時仲裁機関で取り扱われる。両方の仲裁は3人の仲裁人によって構成され、仲裁人は違反した国に対して拘束力のある損害裁定を下す権限がある。





Jeff Eller

Email: jeff.eller@hkstrategies.com

Phone: +1-512-432-1910


John Morgan

Email: john.morgan@hkstrategies.com

Phone: +852-2894-6399

May Chan Rhodes

Email: may.chanrhodes@hkstrategies.com

Phone: +852-2894-6242

ソース:Sanum Investments Limited

Lao Holdings N.V. Seeks Help of World Bank in Dispute on US$400 Million Investment


WASHINGTON, Aug. 15, 2012 /PRN-Asia=KYODO JBN/ --

Lao People's Democratic Republic: Alleged to Be Unsafe For Foreign Investment

Today Lao Holdings N.V. and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Sanum Investments

Limited, both filed suit against the Government of the Lao People's Democratic

Republic to stop the illegal taking of a US$400 million investment by the

Government of Lao. The claims will be handled by the World Bank's International

Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes using treaties signed by Lao

in which it promised to protect foreign investment.

"We invested in good faith in the Lao PDR.  We believed the former Prime

Minister when he told us the Lao Government would uphold the rule of law.  We

established a profitable business that created thousands of jobs for the Lao

people," said Jody Jordahl, President of Sanum.  "As we became more successful,

they moved in to take it from us.   This is a simple case of a government

breaking its promise to protect foreign investors against greed and


These assets were established by means of the direct investment of over US$85

million made in the country by Sanum Investments.  According to Mr. Jordahl,

today that investment is worth at least US$400 million.

Sanum Investments was enticed to invest in the Lao PDR on the basis of the

government's promises of a safe and stable economic and legal environment,

where foreign investments were promised protection and security through

steadfast adherence by local officials to the rule of law.  The investment was

made approximately five years ago. Now Sanum alleges that the government has

turned on the company, using all the governmental tools at hand to expropriate

Sanum's investments.

One example of the government's misconduct is the way both its judicial branch

and its tax authorities have taken actions to allow a well-connected Lao family

and their companies to seize control of Sanum's prize asset, the Thanaleng Slot

Machine Club, which is located close to the Lao capital, Vientiane, near the

foot of the Lao-Thai "Friendship Bridge No. 1."  Lao Holdings is losing US$1.8

million every month that this taking is allowed to stand, according to Mr.


Lao PDR's alleged illegal acts are in violation of multiple treaties and


    1. Retroactively imposing over US$23 million in taxes and penalties

       for years past upon Sanum's businesses, going back on written

       promises and agreements to the contrary;

    2. Threatening to use these baseless tax claims as an excuse to

       seize and auction off the company's investments;

    3. Forcing the enterprise to go to trial in a multi-million dollar

       lawsuit brought by a local business partner on 48 hours' notice,

       and then giving it only an hour to make its entire case;

    4. Having a Lao court impose an unheard of US$5 million fine, and

       begin enforcing it, before the hearing was over and the result


    5. Arbitrarily revoking a number of licenses and concessions, for

       projects worth hundreds of millions of dollars, without valid

       cause and with no compensation paid.

"The Lao Government wants and needs foreign direct investment.  They want to be

a member of the World Trade Organization.  They want to be a member in good

standing of the international legal community.  It will not happen until they

can enforce the rule of law at home.  The treatment we have received shows they

simply cannot be trusted," Jordahl said.

About Sanum Investments

Sanum Investments Limited is a Macau, China, based investment and development

company. Sanum is primarily focused on development projects in the Lao People's

Democratic Republic, but is also currently involved in a number of condominium

developments in Macau.

Sanum is a partner in and manager of several hotel and casino projects

throughout Lao including Savan Vegas in Savannakhet. The company is also

investigating many other opportunities in the region.

About Investment Treaty Arbitration

Investment treaty arbitration is an independent and impartial process provided

for in over 3,000 treaties worldwide.  The Lao PDR has concluded 14 such

treaties, whose purpose is to encourage foreign investment by promising

investors that the local government will provide "fair and equitable treatment"

and "full protection and security" to foreign investors.  In these treaties the

Lao PDR has also promised not to revoke valuable concessions and licenses

granted to foreigners without good reason and not without the prompt payment of

fair market value compensation.

The International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes, an

independent arm of the World Bank, will administer the Lao Holdings case.  The

Sanum Investments case will be handled by an ad hoc tribunal as provided under

the applicable treaty.  Both tribunals will be composed of three arbitrators,

who are authorized to issue binding damages awards against offending


For more information on investment treaty arbitration, please visit:


Additional Documentation:


Media Contact:  

Jeff Eller

Email: jeff.eller@hkstrategies.com

Phone: +1-512-432-1910

Asia Media Contact:

John Morgan

Email: john.morgan@hkstrategies.com

Phone: +852-2894-6399

May Chan Rhodes

Email: may.chanrhodes@hkstrategies.com

Phone: +852-2894-6242

SOURCE:  Sanum Investments Limited




