◎Cornerstone Real Estate Advisersが東京オフィス開設へ

Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers

◎Cornerstone Real Estate Advisersが東京オフィス開設へ

AsiaNet 50561

共同JBN 1142 (2012.9.10)

◎Cornerstone Real Estate Advisersが東京オフィス開設へ

【ハートフォード(米コネティカット州)2012年9月10日PRN=共同JBN】不動産投資顧問業界で世界のトップ10に入る(注)Cornerstone Real Estate Advisersは、グローバル事業展開の拠点を拡大するため東京に事業所を開設する。既存のアジア地域の顧客に対するサービスを強化し、他のアジアの機関投資家に米国や欧州の投資情報を紹介するのが目的。

東京オフィスのトップにはケリー・C・ヘイズ(Kelly C. Hayes)とピーター・ゲンスハイマー(Peter Gensheimer)の両ディレクターが就任する。2人はアジアの不動産投資マーケットに関するエキスパートであり、アジア地域での豊富な経験を有し、特に最近はグローバルな不動産サービスプロバイダーであるSavillsで経験を積んできた。新しいオフィスは既存のCornerstone香港オフィスを補完する。香港オフィスは同社のグローバルな証券事業のサービス拠点である。


Cornerstoneは2012年6月30日現在で全世界に170の顧客を有し、子会社であるCornerstone Europeと合わせて362億ドルの不動産資産を管理ないしサービス対象に置いていた。

Cornerstoneのデービッド・J・ライリー(David J. Reilly)最高経営責任者(CEO)は「機関投資家およびその他の有資格投資家は自身のグローバル所有権・債務投資需要を満たすためのワンストップ・ソリューションをよりいっそう求めており、同時に投資先の地理的な多様性も望んでいる。わが社の東京におけるプレゼンスは、既存のアジアの顧客に対するサービスを強化向上するだけでなく、われわれがそれらの顧客に対して米国や欧州における所有権・債務投資へのアクセスを拡大する機会を提供できるようになる」と語った。





追加情報は http://www.cornerstoneadvisers.com

▽Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers LLCについて

Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers LLCは米国、英国、欧州およびアジアに関連企業と子会社の事務所を有する、規模の大きさで世界のトップ10に入る不動産投資顧問企業の一つである。全世界の機関投資家およびその他の有資格投資家向けに、コアおよび付加価値投資顧問サービスを提供している。提供サービスには民間および公共不動産債務や株式・証券専門情報サービスが包括的なセットとして含まれる。Cornerstoneはマスミューテュアル・フィナンシャル・グループ(MassMutual Financial Group)のメンバーである。

(注)Pensions & Investments 10/3/11.


Patrick Collins   



ソース:Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers

Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers Expands Global Real Estate Investment Platform In Asia, Launches Tokyo Office


HARTFORD, Conn., Sept. 10, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers, one of the world's top 10 real estate

investment advisory firms[1], continues to expand its global platform with the

opening of a Tokyo office to serve its Asian clients and to introduce other

Asian institutional investors to its U.S. and European investment opportunities.

     The Tokyo office will be headed by Directors Kelly C. Hayes and Peter

Gensheimer, experts in Asian real estate investment markets who have extensive

experience in the region, most recently with Savills, a global real estate

services provider. The new office complements Cornerstone's existing Hong Kong

office that serves the company's global securities platform.

     The extension of Cornerstone's Asian operation follows its expan

sion in Europe, where the company has an established equity operation and this

year launched a real estate lending program in the United Kingdom.

     Cornerstone currently serves more than 170 clients globally and, with its

subsidiary Cornerstone Europe, had $36.2 billion of real estate assets under

management or servicing as of June 30, 2012.

     "Institutional and other qualified investors increasingly are looking for

a one-stop solution to their global equity and debt investing needs, while also

seeking geographic diversity in their investment exposure," said David J.

Reilly, CEO of Cornerstone. "Our presence in Tokyo will not only help augment

services for our existing Asian clients but also enable us to provide them

enhanced access to U.S. and European equity and debt investment opportunities."

     Hayes, a former Citigroup executive who previously headed the bank's real

estate finance business in Tokyo, stated: "With Cornerstone's outstanding track

record and reputation as one of the world's leading real estate investment

managers, this is an exciting opportunity to build the firm's business in Asia."

     Gensheimer, who brings significant real estate banking experience with a

large Japanese financial institution and private equity experience in Asia,

added: "Institutional investors in Asia are seeking to partner with the top

global real estate firms, so we are excited to be in a position to develop

Cornerstone's operations in the region and meet the needs of these investors."

     Cornerstone's equity business focuses on a range of asset classes

including apartment, office, retail, industrial and hotel properties across the

U.S., U.K. and Europe.

     Cornerstone's debt business includes a core lending operation, a capital

markets division that includes CMBS and REITs, and an alternatives unit that

includes high yield and mezzanine lending.

     More information is at http://www.cornerstoneadvisers.com.

     About Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers LLC     

     Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers LLC, with affiliate and subsidiary

offices in the U.S., UK, Europe and Asia, is one of the world's top ten largest

real estate investment advisers. It provides core and value-added investment

and advisory services, including a comprehensive suite of private and public

real estate debt, equity and securities expertise and services, to

institutional and other qualified investors around the globe.  Cornerstone is a

member of the MassMutual Financial Group. Visit


[1]Pensions & Investments 10/3/11.

     CONTACT: Patrick Collins   



      SOURCE: Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers




