◎稲盛財団が100万ドルを追加寄付 CWR大学の稲盛国際センターに


◎稲盛財団が100万ドルを追加寄付 CWR大学の稲盛国際センターに

AsiaNet 50572

共同JBN 1152(12.9.10)

◎稲盛財団が100万ドルを追加寄付 CWR大学の稲盛国際センターに

【クリーブランド(米オハイオ州)2012年9月8日PRN=共同JBN】ケースウエスタンリザーブ大学(Case Western Reserve University、CWRU)のバーバラ・R・スナイダー学長は8日、稲盛財団が同大学の「倫理と叡智のための稲盛国際センター(Inamori International Center for Ethics)」にさらに100万ドルの寄付を約束したと発表した。この発表は、同大学が科学・環境活動家のデヴィッド・スズキ氏に第5回稲盛倫理賞を授与した際に行われた。

W.A. “バッド”バエスラック学部長は「デヴィッド・スズキ氏はそのキャリアを通じて環境保護主義、持続可能性、科学教育、クライメートジャスティス(公平な温暖化対策)の分野における倫理的指導性の重要性を一貫して強調してきた」と述べた。

デヴィッド・スズキ氏はカナダ生まれで、米国の大学、大学院を卒業後40年以上ブリティッシュコロンビア大学の遺伝学教授を務めてきた。彼はまた、10年間にわたって連続テレビ番組「The Nature of Things」のホストとして科学と環境への愛情を伝えてきた。スズキ氏は、個人、団体が地球環境保護を促進するために、一定の方法を示唆する援助として1990年、デヴィッド・スズキ財団を設立した。



今回追加される100万ドルによって、稲盛国際センターは諸活動の中でプログラムの拡大が可能になる。今年の授与式の一環として、同センターは新たな学術出版として「The International Journal of Ethical Leadership」の発行を発表している。稲盛博士は通訳を通じて6日夕、以下のような謝辞を伝えた。


ソース:Case Western Reserve University


Chris Sheridan,

+1-216-368-2774 office,

+1-216-338-6469 cell,


Inamori Foundation Commits Additional $1 Million for Ethics Initiatives at Case Western Reserve


CLEVELAND, Sept. 8, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    - University celebrates environmental activist David Suzuki as fifth

               recipient of the Inamori Ethics Prize

    Case Western Reserve President Barbara R. Snyder today announced that the

Inamori Foundation has committed an additional $1 million to advance the work

of the university's Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence. The

news came as the university honored academic and environmental activist David

Suzuki as the fifth recipient of the annual Inamori Ethics Prize.

    "David Suzuki, throughout your career you have consistently emphasized the

importance of ethical leadership in the areas of environmentalism,

sustainability, science education, and climate justice," Provost W.A. "Bud"

Baeslack III said during ceremonies at Severance Hall.

    A native of Canada who earned his undergraduate and doctoral degrees in the

United States, Suzuki spent more than 40 years as a professor of genetics at

the University of British Columbia. He also turned his abiding love for science

and the environment into a decades' long career hosting the television series,

The Nature of Things. In 1990 he founded the David Suzuki Foundation to help

suggest ways that individuals and organizations could take steps to help the


    As part of the ceremonies, Snyder also recognized foundation President

Kazuo Inamori for his passion for promoting ethical and humane leadership

around the world. The founder of Kyocera and, later the telecommunications

giant DDI, Inamori also is an ordained Buddhist priest and volunteers as

president of a private management school known as Seiwajyuku. In 1984 he

founded the Inamori Foundation with his own personal financial commitment.

Seven years ago the foundation awarded $10 million to Case Western Reserve to

foster ethical leadership.

    "This award honors individuals whose history of philanthropic service has

made a profound, positive and lasting impact locally, nationally, and

internationally," Snyder said. "Dr. Inamori's influence not only pervades our

campus, but the world."

    The additional $1 million commitment will allow the center to expand its

programs, among other activities. As part of this year's celebration, the

center announced publication of a new annual academic publication, The

International Journal of Ethical Leadership. With the assistance of a

translator, Dr. Inamori conveyed his appreciation Thursday evening.

    "My wish," he said, "is that this university continue to be a world leader

in the field of ethics."

     SOURCE: Case Western Reserve University

    CONTACT: Chris Sheridan,

             +1-216-368-2774 office,

             +1-216-338-6469 cell,





