
Beijing Guozijian Oil Painting Art Museum


AsiaNet 50674

共同JBN 1194 (2012.9.18)



この展示会は、北京市政府の後援でBeijin Guozijian Oil Painting Museum(北京国子監油絵芸術館)が組織した。多くの作品は「カラフルな北京」に焦点を当てたものだった。北京は2008年の五輪大会の主催地。




ビジターは、伝統的中国文化と欧州「古典主義」の精神を取り入れた、ジン・シャンイー氏の「Portrait of a Friend」のような作品に感銘を受けた。リアリズム学派は、張健君氏の油絵「Flying Snow」の魅力的で表現豊かな作品によって代表された。

中国文化の一部であるチベットの民族的な特徴は、張祖英氏の審美的に楽しい作品「Droma’s World」の中で伝統的な中国文化価値と融合しており、一方で尚揚氏の「Album ¨C 28」は、現代的なイメージと文学の世界の不可解な探求とが混在している。


Wang Wei

Tel: +86 10 67193035

Email: zxbw@vip.sina.com

ソース:Beijing Guozijian Oil Painting Art Museum

Chinese Art Exhibition A Big Hit at London Olympics


BEIJING, China, Sept. 17 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/

An exhibition of more than 100 oil paintings by three generations of China's

most influential artists was a major cultural attraction for people from all

over the world during the London Olympic Games, from July 24 to 31, 2012.

Held at the well-known Olympia Exhibition Centre it was part of the highly

acclaimed 'Beijing Culture Week' that was one of the highlights of the events

and part of the Cultural Olympiad, which ran in tandem with the Games.

The exhibition was organized by the Beijing Guozijian Oil Painting Museum

sponsored by the Beijing Municipal Government, and the focus of many of the

works was 'Colourful Beijing', which was the host city to the 2008 Games.

Apart from promoting Beijing, the week long event in July was also part of the

ongoing cross-cultural links to promote friendship between China and Britain

that has been encouraged by the governments of both countries.

The artists chosen to represent the essence of the Chinese art world to foreign

audiences included Jin Shangyi, Zhan Jianjun, Zhong Han, Quan Shanshi, Zhang

Zuying, Yan Zhenduo , Xu Jiang and Yang Feiyun.

Visitors to the exhibition were able to absorb the modern development and

changes in Chinese art demonstrated by the paintings and many were introduced

to Chinese contemporary culture for the first time.

They were impressed by such work as Jin Shangyi's 'Portrait of a Friend', which

blends the traditions of Chinese culture and spirituality with European

'classicism'. The school of realism was represented by the fascinating and

expressive style of Zhan Jianjun in his painting 'Flying Snow'.

And the unusual ethnic characteristics of Tibet, a part of Chinese culture,

were fused with traditional Chinese cultural values in Zhang Zuying's

aesthetically pleasing 'Droma's World' while 'Album ¨C 28' by Shang Yang mixed

contemporary images with the almost intangible exploration of the literary


Contact: Wang Wei

Tel: +86 10 67193035

Email: zxbw@vip.sina.com

SOURCE: Beijing Guozijian Oil Painting Art Museum




