


AsiaNet 50658

共同JBN 1187 (2012.10.4)


【ソウル2012年10月4日PRN=共同JBN】国際法律事務所スクワイヤ・サンダース(Squire Sanders)は、同事務所が、韓国法務省に提出していた開業申請が承認されたことを受け、このほどソウル江北区商業地域の中心部、乙支路のフェラムタワーに事務所を開設した。

スクワイヤ・サンダースのソウル事務所は、米国の弁護士資格を持ち、7月に韓国法務省によって「外国法事務弁護士(foreign legal consultant)」として認められたキム・ジョン・ヨン(Joon Yong Kim)氏が代表を務める予定で、同氏はM&Aその他企業間取引案件、米国訴訟および国際仲裁を専門に担当する。その他、同事務所では、インフラ計画、知的所有権、独占禁止法、企業間紛争などの案件も扱う。

同事務所にはキム・ジョン・ヨン氏のほか、スクワイヤ・サンダースの東京事務所から異動するコーポレート・パートナーのエドワード・ギョン・キム(Edward Ghiyun Kim)氏も参加する予定。エドワード・キム氏が専門に担当するのは企業間取引、M&A、プロジェクト・ファイナンス、その他一般企業法務である。現在、他のスクワイヤ・サンダース所属弁護士も韓国で法律業務を行うための申請を行っており、同事務所では、今後、人員を増員する予定。




▽スクワイヤ・サンダース(Squire Sanders)について


ソース:Squire Sanders


スクワイヤ・サンダース・三木・吉田外国法共同事業法律特許事務所 担当:青山

〒150-0012 東京都渋谷区広尾1丁目1番29号 恵比寿プライムスクウェアタワー16階

Tel: 03-5774-1800

Email: Stan.Aoyama@squiresanders.com

Squire Sanders Opens Office in Seoul, Korea


SEOUL, Oct. 4, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Global legal practice Squire Sanders has opened an office in Seoul, Ferrum

Tower in Eulji-ro, in the heart of Seoul's Gangbuk business district, after its

application to practice in the Republic of Korea was approved by the Korean

Ministry of Justice.

     The Seoul office of Squire Sanders which will be led by Joon Yong Kim, a

U.S. licensed lawyer who was admitted as a foreign legal consultant by the

Ministry of Justice in July will focus on M&A and other transactional work, as

well as litigation and arbitration. Other practice areas include infrastructure

projects, intellectual property and anti-trust and trade disputes.

     Joon Yong Kim will be joined by corporate partner Edward Ghiyun Kim, who

is relocating to Korea from Squire Sanders' Tokyo office.  Edward Kim's

practice focuses on corporate transactions, M&A, project finance and commercial

matters. Other Squire Sanders lawyers are also applying to practice in Korea

and will relocate during the course of the coming year.  

     Joon Yong Kim commented: "We are pleased that our application has been

successful and that we have been able to move quickly to open our office in

Seoul.  We believe our local knowledge, our reputation for comprehensive, cost

effective legal counsel, and our cross-border experience and global platform

will benefit Korean businesses of all sizes, including mid-market companies

that are looking to grow and invest abroad. We will be able to represent Korean

companies in key markets throughout the Asia Pacific region, the U.S., South

America, the Middle East and Europe. And, with an office in Seoul, we will also

be ideally placed to advise our global clients on Korea-related work."

     James J. Maiwurm, Squire Sanders chair and global CEO, added: "We have

been watching developments in Korea for some time.  With an export-orientated

economy, driven by multinational conglomerates with interests in sectors where

we have considerable experience, such as energy, infrastructure, automotive,

shipbuilding, electronics, finance and securities, it was an obvious market for

us to consider.

     "We are excited about our prospects in South Korea.  We believe our long

history of representing manufacturers and trading houses in Asia will stand us

in good stead as we launch our office in Seoul."

     Squire Sanders has been advising a wide range of Korean companies from the

automotive, chemicals, communications, construction, energy, electronics and

steel industries, from several key offices, including Tokyo, Beijing, Los

Angeles and Washington D.C., for nearly 30 years.  The launch of the Seoul

office is part of a wider investment in Asia-Pacific over the past 12 months:  

The firm has added offices in Australia (Perth) and Singapore, grown its

offices in China with senior hires, including eight new partners, and now has a

total of 124 lawyers across the Asia-Pacific region.

     About Squire Sanders

     Founded in 1890, Squire Sanders has approximately 1,300 lawyers in 37

offices located in 18 countries.  With one of the strongest integrated global

platforms and our longstanding "one-firm firm" philosophy, Squire Sanders

provides seamless legal counsel worldwide. Our presence in Asia dates back to

the 1950s, making Squire Sanders one of the first global legal practices

operating in the region.


     Nicola Woodmass,

     Squire Sanders Senior Media Relations and Communications Manager,

     Europe, Middle East and Asia

     E: Nicola.Woodmass@squiresanders.com,

     T: +44-0-121-222-3690

     Stan Aoyama,

     Squire Sanders Regional Business Development and Communications,


     E: stan.aoyama@squiresanders.com

     T: +81-3-5774-1800

     SOURCE:  Squire Sanders




