
Malwell Corporate Projects


AsiaNet 50919

共同JBN 1286 (2012.10.5)



(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121005/567321-a

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121005/567321-b

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121005/567321-c

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121005/567321-d



新記録はウズベキスタン南部のシュルタンで高効率、低排出の燃料をつくる合弁事業OLTIN YO'L GTLの命名式の一部として樹立された。

OLTIN YO'L GTLのゼネラルディレクターであるジェームズ・ボーン氏は「祝賀したかったのでプラント・レイアウトのフルサイズのイメージをつくり出した。このプラントはクリーンな燃料の新たな標準となるので、スタートから『OLTIN YO'L-記録破り』になるのは素晴らしい。われわれはやると決めたことを時間通りに安全にやった-これがわが社の前進の標準になる」と語っている。

クリエーティブチームのマネジャーでMalwell Corporate Projects役員のマルコム・ウェルズ氏は「この6日間、約40度の気温、風速30キロを超える風の中でぶっ続けで働いた。非常にタフな妖精のために妖精の国をつくるようだった」と述べた。



ソース:Malwell Corporate Projects

One Million Lights and Counting - A New Guinness World Record for the World's Largest LED Light Picture




    "It's midnight. You're standing in the middle of a remote desert in Central

Asia, surrounded by over a million lights, and you just think 'Wow'."

    Former BBC and Sky News CameramanNigel Bateson, Official Witness

    The world record for the largest light picture using LEDs has been smashed

using over a million lights spread across over three quarters of a million

square metres - the equivalent of approximately one hundred full-sized soccer

pitches. The successful attempt broke the previous record of 50,010 lights.

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121005/567321-a )

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121005/567321-b )

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121005/567321-c )

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121005/567321-d )

    The light picture, a full scale plan of an energy plant, used 1,012,840

lights and needed twenty four kilometres of lighting cables, fourteen

kilometres of power cables and 302 kilowatts of power from three generators, a

railway station and a nearby gas plant.

    At the award ceremony in London, Guinness adjudicator Jack Brockbank

described the achievement as:

    "The perfect marriage of engineering, technology and creativity."

    The new record was set at Shurtan in southern Uzbekistan as part of the

naming ceremony for OLTIN YO'L GTL, a joint venture to make high performance,

low emissions fuels.

    The General Director of OLTIN YO'L GTL, James Vaughan said:

    "We wanted to celebrate so we created a full-sized image of the plant

layout. Our plant will set new standards for clean fuels so it's great to be

"OLTIN YO'L - the record breaker" right from the start.

    "We did what we set out to do, on time and safely - that sets the standard

for us going forward."

    Malcolm Wells, the manager of the creative team and director of Malwell

Corporate Projects said:

    "For six days, we worked round the clock in temperatures of over forty

degrees, in thirty kilometre plus winds. It was like building a fairyland for

very tough fairies."

    One of the official witnesses of the attempt, award-winning international

news cameraman, Mr Nigel Bateson said:

    "I've filmed the North Pole, the South Pole and most things in between,

including the wreck of the Titanic, but this has to be one of the most

incredible sights I've ever seen. It's midnight. You're standing in the middle

of a remote desert in Central Asia, surrounded by over a million lights, and

you just think 'Wow'."

    For more details:


    SOURCE: Malwell Corporate Projects




