◎精神・神経疾患に注意を喚起  IFPMAが世界精神保健デーで文書を発表


◎精神・神経疾患に注意を喚起  IFPMAが世界精神保健デーで文書を発表

AsiaNet 50952

共同JBN 1297 (2012.10.11)

◎精神・神経疾患に注意を喚起  IFPMAが世界精神保健デーで文書を発表

【ジュネーブ2012年10月10日PRN=共同JBN】国際製薬団体連合会(International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations、IFPMA)は10日、精神・神経疾患(Mental and Neurological Disorders)に関する政策提言を発表した。「MNDs:Innovative Therapies, Innovative Collaboration(MNDs:革新的治療法、革新的コラボレーション)」は、さらなる研究を勧告し、世界の人々に拡大する精神・神経疾患の苦難を解消するように呼び掛けている。この発表によって、製薬業界は政府および関係者が健康関連セクターを超え、この疾患による個人的、経済的な影響を考慮するように提言している。



今回の発表は、2012年10月10日の世界精神保健デー(World Mental Health Day)に合わせて行われた。今年のテーマは、「Depression: A Global Crisis(うつ病:世界的危機)」。WHOによると、精神、神経に関わる疾患は世界の疾患負担の13%を占めている。うつ病にかかっている人だけでも3億5000万人以上で、2030年までには最大の疾患原因となると見られる。「MNDs:Innovative Therapies, Innovative Collaboration」は、現在の製薬業界の努力を説明しており、前進のための協業方法を紹介している。







Pharmaceutical Industry Shares new Policy Recommendations to Address the Growing Burden of Mental and Neurological Disorders


GENEVA, Oct. 10th/ PRN=KYODO JBN/ --



    - Publication contains recommendations for governments and other

      stakeholders to address MNDs

    - Research in this disease area is complex, time-consuming, and needs to be


    - Launch coincides with World Mental Health Day to raise awareness on the  

burden of mental and neurological disorders on society

    Today the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and

Associations (IFPMA) released MNDs: Innovative therapies, innovative

collaborations, a publication outlining policy recommendations for further

research and to address the growing burden of mental and neurological disorders

on populations worldwide. In releasing this publication, industry encourages

governments and other stakeholders to consider the social and economic impact

of these disorders beyond the health sector.

    Many mental and neurological disorders are not very well understood, which

stifles diagnosis, and poses a challenge to innovating breakthrough medicines.

This presents an important and urgent priority for the global health community,

including the research-based pharmaceutical industry, governments, the World

Health Organization (WHO), patient groups, and other stakeholders.

    "Our companies have made substantial investments and progress towards

deepening the understanding of how the brain works," said Eduardo Pisani, IFPMA

Director General. "Many research challenges remain, and more innovation is

clearly needed both in and beyond the labs to address this growing health


    The release of this publication coincides with World Mental Health Day on

10 October 2012. This year's theme is of "Depression: A Global Crisis."

According to the WHO, mental and neurological disorders are responsible for 13%

of the global disease burden Depression alone affects more than 350 million

people and will become the largest cause of disease in the world by 2030. MNDs:

Innovative Therapies, Innovative Collaborations explains industry's current

efforts and highlights collaborative ways to go forward.

    The full report can be accessed here:


    About the IFPMA:

    IFPMA represents the research-based pharmaceutical companies and

associations across the globe. The research-based pharmaceutical industry's 1.3

million employees research, develop and provide medicines and vaccines that

improve the life of patients worldwide. Based in Geneva, IFPMA has official

relations with the United Nations and contributes industry expertise to help

the global health community find solutions that improve global health.





