◎Generation Opportunityが米国の若者に内政・外交世論調査

Generation Opportunity

◎Generation Opportunityが米国の若者に内政・外交世論調査

AsiaNet 51110

共同JBN 1348(12.10.22)

◎Generation Opportunityが米国の若者に内政・外交世論調査

【ワシントン2012年10月22日PRN=共同JBN】米国最大の非営利、中立組織で、米国民が直面している重要な経済問題に関して米国の若者(18歳から29歳)と結びつき結集しているGeneration Opportunity(http://generationopportunity.org/)は22日、米大統領選挙を控えて新しい世論調査結果を発表した。バラク・オバマ大統領とミット・ロムニー前マサチューセッツ州知事は10月22日に3回目で最後となる討論を行うことになっており、外交政策と安全保障について意見を戦わす。

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110805/DC48058LOGO

Generation Opportunityの会長でイレーン・L・チャオ労働長官時代に労働省補佐官を務めたポール・T・コンウェー会長は以下のように語っている。


Generation Opportunityは2011年6月の発足以来、Facebookで400万人を超えるフォロワーを集め、草の根戦術、投票者登録、投票行動促進を通じて全米で若者を積極的に組織している。コンウェー会長はまた、米国土安全保障省(DHS)の補佐官、米公務員に責任を持つ人事局(OPM)の補佐官を務めた。OPM在職当時、コンウェー会長は国土安全保障省設立の法的準備に関与した。彼はハーバード大学ジョン・F・ケネディ政治大学院の国家・国際安全保障シニア・エグゼクティブ課程に在籍した。

世論調査会社inc/WomanTrendは、Generation Opportunityのため年齢18歳から29歳までの全米1003人の若者を対象に、2012年7月27日から7月31日まで世論調査を行った。ランダムサンプリングで抽出された参加者は電子メールによって、安全を確保されたリンクでオンラインによる質問に答えるよう求められた。18歳から29歳の全米人口を代表した結果になるよう人種、地域、性別によるクオータが使用された。データは加重平均されなかった。世論調査サンプリングの誤差は、信頼区間(CI)95%でプラス・マイナス3.1%。これは得られた回答が、同じようなサンプル100のうち95が3.1%ポイント以上には違わないことを意味している。


























▽Generation Opportunityについて

Generation Opportunityは、若者からキャリア専門職の緒になりたての人、大学生、若い母親、父親、建設労働者、サービス従事者、退職者、企業家ら、現状に満足せず、よりよい未来を切り開くあらゆる米国人の結集を目指す非営利、無党派の米組織である。

Generation Opportunityは、米国の18歳から29歳の若者に接触するため、先進的ソーシャルメディア戦術と実証済みのフィールド戦術を組み合わせた戦略を展開している。この組織のソーシャルメディア・プラットフォームであるFacebook上の「Being American by GO」と「The Constitution by GO」「Gas Prices Are Too Damn High」「Lower Taxes by GO」「Keep Texas Awesome」「Jersey Proud」「We Like Small Government」は、400万以上のファン基盤を集めている。このページでは、米連邦政府監査院(GAO)からニューヨーク・タイムズ、ワシントン・ポスト、ブルッキングス研究所、ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル、ハフィントン・ポスト、ヘリテージ財団に至るまでを出典とする関連記事やリポートへのリンクが掲載されている。

Generation Opportunityのウェブサイト(http://www.generationopportunity.org)を閲覧、さらにFacebookの「Being American by GO」(https://www.facebook.com/BeingAmericanByGO)、「The Constitution by GO」(https://www.facebook.com/TheConstitutionByGO)、「Gas Prices Are Too Damn High」(http://www.facebook.com/TheGasIsTooDamnHigh)、「Lower Taxes by GO」(http://www.facebook.com/LowerTaxesbyGO)、「Keep Texas Awesome」(http://www.facebook.com/KeepTexasAwesome)、「Jersey Proud」(http://www.facebook.com/WeAreJerseyProud)、「We Like Small Government」(http://www.facebook.com/WeLikeSmallGovernment)を参照。

スペイン語のページ「Generacion Oportunidad」は以下を参照。




Matthew Faraci



David Pasch



ソース:Generation Opportunity

Poll Finds Young Americans Concerned About China and National Debt as Presidential Election Nears  


WASHINGTON, Oct. 22, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

- President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney to Debate Foreign Policy and

Security Concerns on October 22

Generation Opportunity http://generationopportunity.org/, the largest

non-profit, non-partisan organization in the United States engaging and

mobilizing young Americans (ages 18-29) on the important economic issues facing

the nation, released new polling data today as the 2012 American presidential

election nears. Presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney will

participate in the third and final Presidential Debate October 22nd, focusing

on foreign policy and national security issues.

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110805/DC48058LOGO)

"Young American adults are very concerned about the United States' ability to

maintain its role as a global leader in the future if it continues on the same

path as the last several years. They believe certain policies advocated in

Washington, D.C. have weakened America's national security, especially policies

that increase the national debt, decrease American energy production, expand

American reliance on foreign energy sources, and escalate America's

indebtedness to foreign powers. They view China as both an economic and

military threat to the United States, and they closely watch China's economic

policies, military buildup, space exploration, and restrictions on Internet and

speech freedoms," said Paul T. Conway, President of Generation Opportunity and

former Chief of Staff of the United States Department of Labor under Secretary

Elaine L. Chao. "Young Americans refuse to settle for an American future

defined by chronic joblessness, increased national debt, and a diminished role

on the world stage. They believe President Obama should lower taxes and

regulations on American businesses so that they compete effectively and to

avoid American jobs from going overseas to countries like China. They

overwhelmingly agree that current policies are taking us backward, not forward,

and plan to make their voices heard in the upcoming presidential election."

Since its launch in June of 2011, Generation Opportunity has amassed a

following of over four million people on Facebook and is actively organizing

young adults across America through grassroots tactics, voter registration, and

voter turnout efforts. Conway also served as an agency Chief of Staff at the

United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and as the Chief of Staff

of the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the agency

responsible for the American civil service. While at OPM, Conway was involved

in the legislative efforts to establish the Department of Homeland Security. He

is a past participant in the Senior Executives in National and International

Security program at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard


For Generation Opportunity, the polling company, inc./WomanTrend conducted a

nationwide online survey of 1,003 American adults ages 18-29 between July 27

and July 31, 2012. Randomly selected online opt-in panel participants were sent

an invitation to the survey via email which included a secure link to the

online questionnaire. Quotas were used to ensure the survey was representative

of the larger 18-29 year old nationwide population with regard to race, region,

and gender. The data were NOT weighted. The overall sampling margin of error

for the survey is plus/minus 3.1% at a 95% confidence interval, meaning that

the data obtained would not differ more than 3.1 percentage points in 95 out of

100 similar samples obtained.


    - 55% of young Americans are not confident that America will still be a

      global leader in five years if the USA continues along the same path as

the last few


    - Only 36% of young Americans agree with the statement "generally speaking,

      things in the United States are heading in the right direction."


    - When asked to rank the greatest threats to the national security of the

  United States, young Americans listed the following reasons: (Randomized List)

      (Accepted Multiple Responses)

         - 59% - The national debt;

         - 46% - Energy dependence;

         - 43% - Indebtedness to foreign nations;

         - 40% - Terrorism;

         - 33% - Nuclear capable nations like Iran;

         - 3% - Other;

         - 7% - Do not know/cannot judge (accepted only this response).

  - 62% of young Americans would increase production of domestic American

      energy sources like oil, natural gas, and coal if given the opportunity

to set America's fiscal priorities.


    - 71% of young Americans are concerned that so many American jobs are going

      to foreign competitors like China.

    - 72% of young Americans agree that with more and more companies leaving

the USA in favor of locating their business in places like China and even

Canada, President Obama should lower the taxes on American businesses to

restore and expand jobs in America.

    - When asked why they thought American jobs are going to foreign competitors

like China, young Americans indicated the following reasons: (Randomized List)

      (Accepted Multiple Responses)

         - 69% - Cheaper wages overseas;

         - 41% - High taxes on businesses in the U.S.;

         - 30% - Too much regulation on businesses in the U.S.;

         - 28% - Lack of opportunities to start and grow businesses in the U.S.;

         - 2% - I do not think U.S. jobs are going overseas;

         - 6% - Do not know/cannot judge (accepted only this response).

    - 76% of Millennials view China as a danger: 48% as an economic threat and

28% as both an economic and military threat (the polling company,

inc./WomanTrend, April 16 - 22, 2011, +/- 4 percent margin of error).


Generation Opportunity is an American non-profit, non-partisan organization

that seeks to engage everyone from young adults, to early career professionals,

college students, young mothers and fathers, construction workers, current

service men and women, veterans, entrepreneurs, and all Americans who find

themselves dissatisfied with the status quo and willing to create a better


Generation Opportunity operates on a strategy that combines advanced social

media tactics with proven field tactics to reach Americans 18-29. The

organization's social media platforms - "Being American by GO," "The

Constitution by GO," "Gas Prices Are Too Damn High," "Lower Taxes by GO," "Keep

Texas Awesome," "Jersey Proud," and "We Like Small Government" on Facebook -

have amassed a total fan base of more than 4 million. The pages post links to

relevant articles and reports from sources ranging from the federal Government

Accountability Office (GAO), to The New York Times, The Washington Post, The

Brookings Institution, The Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post, and The

Heritage Foundation.

    Read about Generation Opportunity here[http://www.generationopportunity.org

]; visit "Being American by GO" on Facebook

here[https://www.facebook.com/BeingAmericanByGO ], "The Constitution by GO" on

Facebook here [https://www.facebook.com/TheConstitutionByGO ], "Gas Prices Are

Too Damn High" on Facebook here  [http://www.facebook.com/TheGasIsTooDamnHigh

], "Lower Taxes by GO" on Facebook here [http://www.facebook.com/LowerTaxesbyGO

], "Keep Texas Awesome" on Facebook here

[http://www.facebook.com/KeepTexasAwesome ], "Jersey Proud" on Facebook here

[http://www.facebook.com/WeAreJerseyProud ], and "We Like Small Government" on

Facebook here [http://www.facebook.com/WeLikeSmallGovernment ].

    For our Spanish-language page - Generacion Oportunidad - click here

[http://www.generationopportunity.org/espanol ].

    Follow us on Twitter @GenOpportunity [https://twitter.com/GenOpportunity ].


Matthew Faraci



David Pasch



SOURCE: Generation Opportunity




