


AsiaNet 51138

共同JBN 1367(2012.10.24)


【モントリオール2012年10月24日】「ファイザー・ヘモフィリア(Pfizer Hemophilia)」は世界の恵まれない地域の血友病B患者を助けるため、3500万IU以上の遺伝子組み換え第IX因子治療薬を世界血友病連合(WFH)に寄付する。









   World Federation of Hemophilia

     Assad Haffar

     Deputy Programs Director

     +1 514 875 7944, ext 283



ソース: World Federation of Hemophilia

Pfizer Donates Vials of Factor IX to the World Federation of Hemophilia to Help Developing Countries


MONTREAL, Oct. 24, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Pfizer Hemophilia is donating more than 35 million IUs of its recombinant

factor IX therapy to the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) to help

hemophilia B patients in underserved regions of the world.

    "This donation has the potential to impact people living with hemophilia B

in more than 40 countries worldwide," said Alain Weill, WFH president. "The WFH

relies on these donations to advance our goal of improving and introducing

treatment in developing countries where care might not otherwise be available.

We are thankful for our continued work with companies like Pfizer, which has

historically made some of the largest donations to our Humanitarian Aid

program, which channels donations of life-saving treatment products to people

with bleeding disorders who need them and supports our vision of Treatment for


    "The product donation underscores our joint commitment to providing

hemophilia medicines in developing countries and hemophilia care around the

world," said Andrew Callos, Vice President, Commercial Development, Pfizer. "We

understand that overall care has improved for people living with hemophilia,

but significant disparities still exist, with about 75 per cent of people with

bleeding disorders receiving inadequate treatment or no treatment at all. It is

our hope that, by partnering with organizations like the WFH, Pfizer can help

bridge the treatment gap and continue providing access to hemophilia medicines

for patients who need them."

    This donation and Pfizer's ongoing commitment will continue to strengthen

the WFH's Global Alliance for Progress (GAP) Program and help provide those in

need with valuable and life-saving medicines. In addition to this initiative,

Pfizer is the exclusive sponsor of the WFH Twinning Program, a program that

partners developing and developed patient organizations or treatment centres.

WFH's latest 50th anniversary film, Changing Lives Through Twinning, will be

released by the WFH in early November. To learn more about the WFH Twinning

Program and GAP visit www.wfh.org.

    About Hemophilia

    Hemophilia is a type of bleeding disorder that causes the blood to take a

long time to clot, and occurs almost exclusively in males. Hemophilia affects

more than 400,000 people worldwide, an estimated 1 in 1000 women and men.

People with hemophilia B have a deficiency in clotting factor IX, a specific

protein in the blood. Approximately one in 50,000 people globally have

hemophilia B. People with hemophilia can experience uncontrolled internal

bleeding that can result from a seemingly minor injury. Bleeding into joints

and muscles causes severe pain and disability while bleeding into major organs,

such as the brain, can cause death.

    About the World Federation of Hemophilia

    For 50 years, the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH), an international

not-for-profit organization, has worked to improve the lives of people with

hemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders. Established in 1963, it is a

global network of patient organizations in 122 countries and has official

recognition from the World Health Organization. Visit WFH online at www.wfh.org.

    For further information:

    World Federation of Hemophilia

    Assad Haffar

    Deputy Programs Director

    +1 514 875 7944, ext 283



    SOURCE: World Federation of Hemophilia




