◎Charm of Christmasキャンペーンを開始へ  Chic Outlet Shopping Villages

Value Retail

◎Charm of Christmasキャンペーンを開始へ  Chic Outlet Shopping Villages

AsiaNet 51089

共同JBN 1336(12.10.25)

◎Charm of Christmasキャンペーンを開始へ  Chic Outlet Shopping Villages

【ロンドン2012年10月24日PRN=共同JBN】足早に近づく華やぐシーズンに備えChic Outlet Shopping(登録商標)Villagesは創意工夫を凝らそうと活気付いている。「The Charm of Christmas(クリスマスの魅力)」キャンペーンは11月1日から開始され、キャンペーンはデザインが最も創造性にあふれ大胆になるこの時期に、えりすぐりのエレガンスを駆使してわれわれの感性を包み込み、クリスマスのアールデコ超大作となることは請け合いである。



アールデコは近代性、優美さ、自由をひっさげて1920年代に登場した。それは欧州で始まり、昔も今もデザイン・タレント育成の基盤となっている。だからこそChic Outlet Shopping(登録商標)Villagesは、ロンドンのロイヤル・カレッジ・オブ・アート(Royal College of Art)、パリの有名なESMOD、ミラノとマドリードのヨーロッパ・デザイン学院(European Institute di Design)、アイルランドのナショナル・カレッジ・オブ・アート・アンド・デザイン(National College of Art and Design)、ミュンヘンのU5アカデミー(U5 Academy)など、欧州の有力なデザインスクールと提携し、今年のVillagesの華やいだキャンペーン向けの芸術テーマをデザインする学生コンペを開催して、欧州の最もクリエーティブな人材をこの季節に表彰する。このコンペは21世紀におけるアールデコのキラリと光る秘密を演出する。

審査員は国際的に認められた著名デザイナーで、ブラジルのマルシオ・アルベス・ロイター(Marcio Alves Roiter)、米国のエバ・ジャン・バート-ロレンゾッティ(Eva Jean Bart-Lorenzotti)、ロシアのバディム・ヤスノゴロドスキー(Vadim Yasnogorodsky)、香港のニコール・ショエニ(Nicole Schoeni)とスティーブ・レオン(Steve Leung)、英国のコリン・マクドウェル(Colin McDowell)、イタリアのウンベルタ・グヌッティ・ベレッタ(Umberta Gnutti Beretta)、ベルギーのガート・ブールジャンス(Gert Voorjans)、ドイツのミハエル・フォン・ハッセル(Michael Von Hassel)、スペインのモンツェ・クエスタ(Montse Cuesta)、フランスのマチルド・ドゥ・レコテ(Mathilde de L'Ecotais)の各氏が顔をそろえる。彼らが全員で賞金9000ユーロの優勝者を選ぶ。優勝者は12月1日にChicOutletShopping.com(http://www.ChicOutletShopping.com)で発表される。

Villagesへの訪問者は11月15日以降、参加スクールが制作したとてつもなく大きいイルミネーションで飾られたクリスマスプレゼントをかたどった彫像のぜいたくな展示に出くわすことになる。この展示は9カ所のChic Outlet Shopping(登録商標)Villagesにあるスタイリッシュなオープンエアーの大通りにガルボ風の豪華な雰囲気をかもし出す。こうしたプレゼントがパーフェクトな背景をつくりだし、世界トップの高級ファッションやホームウエア・ブランドに加え、ビースタービレッジでのソーホーハウス・グループのspa(Speciality store retailer of Private label Apparel)ブランドであるカウシェッドなどの奇抜なポップアップ・ブティークがまばゆいばかりのもてなしを提供する。また今年の祝賀シーズンには新たに、フィデンツァビレッジに慈善事業Convivio(HIVとAIDSと戦い、その主な使命を研究、予防、意識高揚、サポートプログラムに置くイタリアの国家団体であるANLAIDS of Lombardyに賛同する、2年に1回開催のイタリアの慈善非営利展示会)と提携して作られたブティック「A New Home for Convivio」が出展し、その中にはプラダ、シャネル、バレンシアガ、エトロ、ランバンのほか、ハル・ベリー、キャサリン・ゼタ・ジョーンズらレッドカーペットに輝く大物が寄付した極上の品が並ぶ。スパイスを利かせたワインがふんだんに用意された中で地元工芸品や装飾品が並ぶミュンヘン近郊のインゴルシュタットビレッジやフランクフルト近郊のベルトハイムビレッジを訪れる人々は必ず喜びと懐古を祝う感情をおぼえる。

創意に満ち、うっとりするような魅力があふれ、さらには温かなもてなしと季節の歓待にあふれた雰囲気の中で、世界一の称賛と名声を受けるデザインブランドによる見事なお祝いのギフトを買い物できる場所がChic Outlet Shopping(登録商標)Villagesの一群以外にあるだろうか。






同氏はUSヴォーグに世界で最もスタイリッシュな女性の一人として選ばれ、業界およびスタイルに関する彼女の情熱と洞察を共有するために頻繁に招待されている。バート-ロレンゾッティ氏はグッゲンハイム美術館Young Collectors Councilでの指導的な役割を含め、多数の慈善取り組みに対して専門知識を役立てている。


ヤンスノゴロドスキー氏はパリの国立高等美術学校(Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts)で学び、現在モスクワのBritish Higher School of Art and Designでホーム・コンセプト(デザイン・ファーニチャー)の責任者として教べんをとっている。同氏はヴォーグ、GQ、Wallpaper* Magazine Russia (EIC)に勤めていた。




スティーブ・レオン氏は1957年香港生まれで、受賞歴のある優れた建築・インテリアデザイナーである。レオン氏は1981年に香港大学で建築学位を取得、ポーランドで開かれたUIA International Design Competition for Studentsで香港代表に指名され、そこでさまざまな賞を受賞した。


マクドウェル氏は1990年代と2000年代にサンデー・タイムズの主任ファションライターとして、彼と同年配のアンナ・ウィントワー氏(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Wintour)とスージー・メンケス氏(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suzy_Menkes)とともにファッションショーの最前列に座る常連となった。彼は「McDowell's Directory of Twentieth Century Fashion(マクドウェルの20世紀ファッション・ディレクトリー)」を含む約20冊の著書がある。彼は2008年、ファッションへの貢献が評価されて大英帝国勲章メンバー(MBE)(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Member_of_the_British_Empire)を叙勲された。マクドウェル氏はRoyal Society of Artsのフェローで、英国の大学5校から名誉博士号(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honorary_doctorate)と教授の地位を受けた。同氏はAudi Fashion Festival Singaporeのクリエーティブ・ディレクターである。2010年にはRoyal College of Art(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_College_of_Art)の上級研究員に指名された。


ベレッタ氏はビジネスの学位を持ち、社会・芸術関連のプロジェクトを専門にした起業家。同氏はRED 、amfAR など多くの団体を支援するBeretta Foundation For Cancer Research(がん研究のためのベレッタ財団)の理事会メンバーで、ミラノのポルディ・ペッツォーリ美術館の修復クラブ会長も務めている。






クエスタ氏はスペイン「Architectural Digest(アーキテクチュラルダイジェスト)」の編集長。同氏は芸術、工芸、装飾美術の権威として知られ、「Architectural Digest(アーキテクチュラルダイジェスト)」のディレクターを務めている。同氏は多くの芸術関係のプロジェクトに関与しているが、現在はARCOのVIPラウンジを飾るデザイナーを選ぶコンペでARCOとコラボレートしている。




*Istituto Europeo di Design(IED)、マドリッドとミラノ


*Royal College of Art、ロンドン

Royal College of Artは今年175周年を迎える世界でも最も影響力のある芸術、デザインの大学院。ロンドンのサウス・ケンジントン、バタシーに本拠を置いた同校の卒業生名簿はあたかもアートとデザインの紳士録のようで、その中にはジェームズ・ダイソン卿、トレイシー・エミーン氏、ピーター・ブレイク卿、著名な映画監督リドリー・スコット卿などがいる。



*National College of Art and Design、 アイルランド

National College of Art and Designは、1746年に私立の絵画学校としてスタートしたのが始まりで、現在は毎年750人以上の全日制の学生が入学する国立機関になっている。同校にはデザイン、教育、美術、ビジュアル・カルチャーの4学部がある。同校の過去の学生の中にはオーラ・カイリー、フィリップ・トレーシーの両氏がいる。

*U5 Academy、ミュンヘン


▽Chic Outlet Shopping(登録商標、シック・アウトレット・ショッピング)について

Chic Outlet Shopping(登録商標)は高級アウトレットショッピングのVillages(ビレッジ)の開発、運営に特化した唯一の企業、Value Retailが運営する高級アウトレットVillagesの集合体である。Villagesは前シーズンの純正大手高級ファッション、ライフスタイル・ブランドのコレクションを販売しており、1年を通して、希望小売価格の最大60%、時にはそれ以上の割引を行っている。Villagesはロンドン、ダブリン、パリ、マドリード、バルセロナ、ミラノ、ボローニャ、ブリュッセル、アントワープ、ケルン、フランクフルト、ミュンヘン、そして2014年には上海/蘇州など欧州、中国の玄関都市の近くに立地している。Villagesはまた文化と歴史で有名な地区に立地し、Villagesそのものが観光客の目的地になっている。Value RetailはChic Outlet Shopping(登録商標)Villagesを中国に導入する皮切りに最初のVillageであるSuzhou Village(商標、蘇州ビレッジ)を上海の50マイル西にある歴史のある蘇州に立地する予定。他のVillageと同様、Suzhou Village(商標、蘇州ビレッジ)の特色は世界の高級ファッション、ライフスタイル・ブランドおよび最高レベルのサービスになる。

ソース:Value Retail

The Charm of Christmas


LONDON, Oct. 24, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    With the festive season fast approaching, the Chic Outlet Shopping(R)

Villages are fizzing with creativity. 'The Charm of Christmas' campaign

launches on 1 November and promises to be a Christmas Art Deco spectacular,

harnessing all the eclectic elegance that wrapped itself around our

sensibilities during one of design's most fertile and daring periods.

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


    Art Deco roared into life during the twenties with all that was modern,

elegant and free. And it started in Europe - then and now a breeding ground for

design talent. Which is why the Chic Outlet Shopping(R) Villages have partnered

with Europe's leading design schools - London's Royal College of Art, Paris's

famous ESMOD, the European Institute di Design in Milan and Madrid, Ireland's

National College of Art and Design, and Munich's U5

Academy - in a seasonal celebration of some of Europe's most creative talent

with a competition for students to design the artistic theme of the Villages'

festive campaign this year - one that interprets the gleaming confidence of Art

Deco for the twenty-first century.

    The judges are internationally recognised design luminaries - Marcio Alves

Roiter from Brazil; Eva Jean Bart-Lorenzotti from the USA; Vadim Yasnogorodsky,

Russia; Nicole Schoeni and Steve Leung, Hong Kong; Colin McDowell, UK; Umberta

Gnutti Beretta, Italy; Gert Voorjans, Belgium; Michael Von Hassel, Germany;

Montse Cuesta, Spain; and Mathilde de L'Ecotais, France. Together they will

select the winner of the EUR9,000 prize. The winner

will be announced on 1 December on ChicOutletShopping.com

[http://www.ChicOutletShopping.com ].

    From 15 November visitors to the Collection of Villages will discover a

selection of designs from across the participating schools brought to life in

an opulent display of oversized illuminated Christmas present sculptures,

lending the stylish open-air boulevards of the nine Chic Outlet Shopping(R)

Villages a touch of Garbo-esque gloriousness. They will provide the perfect

backdrop against which one can discover sparkling treats from world-leading

luxury fashion and homewares brands, as well as quirky pop-up boutiques

including the Soho House Group's spa brand Cowshed at Bicester Village.

Also new for the festive season is 'A New Home for Convivio' at Fidenza

Village, a boutique created in collaboration with the charity Convivio (Italy's

most charitable non-profit biennial trade fair institution, favouring ANLAIDS

of Lombardy (Italy's National Association for the fight against HIV and AIDS)

with its main mission being research, prevention, awareness and support

programs) featuring fashion titans such as Prada, Chanel, Balenciaga, Etro and

Lanvin, as well as vintage pieces donated by Halle Berry, Catherine Zeta-Jones

and other leading lights of the red carpet. Festive feelings

of joy and nostalgia are sure to be evoked by those visiting the traditional

Christmas markets at Ingolstadt Village near Munich and Wertheim Village near

Frankfurt, with local crafts and decorations ready to be enjoyed with plenty of

spicy mulled wine.

    With creativity, charm and glamour in abundance, and cosy treats and

seasonal hospitality aplenty, what better atmosphere could there be in which to

shop for inspired festive gifts from the world's most admired and aspirational

designer brands, than at the Collection of Chic Outlet Shopping(R) Villages?

    Notes to Editors

    International Jury

    Marcio Alves Roiter, Brazil

    Marcio is considered a world-renowned expert in the subject of Art Deco. He

is President of the Art Deco Institute of Brazil and the man behind the 11th

World Congress of Art Deco, which took place in Rio de Janeiro in 2011.

    Eva Jean Bart-Lorenzotti, USA

    Named by US Vogue as one of the world's most stylish women, she is

frequently invited to share her passion and insight on the industry and style.

Eva lends her expertise to a number of philanthropic efforts, including

leadership roles in the Guggenheim Museum Young Collectors Council.

    Vadim Yasnogorodsky, Russia

    Having studied at Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris, Vadim

currently heads Home Concept (design furniture) and teaches at the British

Higher School of Art and Design in Moscow. He has held positions with Vogue, GQ

and Wallpaper* Magazine Russia (EIC).

    Nicole Schoeni, Hong Kong

    Born into the Hong Kong arts scene, Nicole now heads up the Schoeni Art

Gallery, which was established by her late father Mandred Schoeni, to showcase

contemporary Chinese artists. She continues to expand the gallery, currently

extending the collection into English urban art, which reflects her personal

interest and influences from her own in education in art.

    Steve Leung, Hong Kong

    Steve Leung is a leading award-winning architect and interior designer born

in 1957 in Hong Kong. Steve received a BA degree in Architecture from the

University of Hong Kong in 1981 and was appointed to represent Hong Kong in the

UIA International Design Competition for Students in Poland, for which he has

won several awards.

    Colin McDowell, UK and Ireland

    As senior fashion writer for The Sunday Times

[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sunday_Times ], in the 1990s and 2000s, Colin

became a familiar sight in the front row of fashion shows alongside his

contemporaries Anna Wintour [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Wintour ] and

Suzy Menkes [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suzy_Menkes ]. He is the author of

some 20 books on fashion and designers, including McDowell's Directory of

Twentieth Century Fashion. In 2008 he was appointed Member of the British

Empire [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Member_of_the_British_Empire ] (MBE) for

services to fashion. Colin is a Fellow of The Royal Society of Arts

[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Society_of_Arts ] and has been awarded

honorary doctorates [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honorary_doctorate ] and

professorships by five British universities. He is creative director of the

Audi Fashion Festival Singapore. In 2010 he was appointed Senior Fellow of the

Royal College of Art [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_College_of_Art ].

    Umberta Gnutti Beretta, Italy

    With a BA degree in business, Umberta is an entrepreneur with a focus on

social and art-related projects. She is a member of the board of the Beretta

Foundation For Cancer Research, which supports various associations such as RED

and amfAR, and is the president of the restoration club of Museo Poldi Pezzoli

in Milan.

    Gert Voorjans, Belgium

    Gert is an architect and designer specialising in residential development

and fashion retail. Renowned as a Belgian designer, he has designed interiors

for a clientele that includes Dries Van Noten, Mick Jagger among others. An

enthusiast of Art Deco, Gert was recently selected as one of the 100 best

interior designers in the world.

    Michael Von Hassel, Germany

    A photographic artist, Michael has a strong celebrity following and has

held more than 50 exhibitions in the last five years both in Germany, Dubai,

Mexico and India. In 2011 he presented one of the world's largest photographs.

Mounted behind glass, it stands at almost 20 square metres in size.

    Montse Cuesta, Spain

    Montse Cuesta is the editor of Architectural Digest Spain. Well known as an

authority on art, crafts and decorative arts she has served as director of

Architectural Digest. Involved in various art-related projects, she is

currently collaborating with ARCO in a contest to choose a designer to decorate

ARCO'S VIP lounge.

    Mathilde de L'Ecotais, France

    Mathilde is a photographer, designer, director, inspired by materials and

different textures. She collaborated on the last book by French modern chef

Thierry Marx, to which she contributed 200 photographs and 20 films for the

publication's accompanying DVD. She created a travelling art exhibition in

France entitled 'Edo' (meaning "to eat"), with a focus on the abstract textures

of ordinary food items. She has worked in photojournalism for major print

publications such as the Los Angeles Times. Among many other awards,

Mathilde was recently elected 'Woman of the Year' by the magazine Jalouse.

    Participating Design Schools

    IED (Istituto Europeo di Design), Madrid and Milan

    The IED was established in Milan more than 45 years ago as an educational

institution in all disciplines of design, visual communication and fashion.

Today it is a private school of Design Art Education and exists in nine

locations around the world including Italy, Spain and Brazil, attracting

students from more than 90 countries. IED Design course options include a

university degree, intensive Master's degree, specialised courses as well as

executive and summer courses.

    Royal College of Art, London

    Celebrating its 175th anniversary this year, the Royal College of Art is

the world's most influential postgraduate university of art and design. Based

in South Kensington and Battersea, the College's roll call of alumni reads like

a who's who of art and design, and includes Sir James Dyson, Tracey Emin, Sir

Peter Blake and renowned film director Sir Ridley Scott.

    ESMOD, Paris

    Esmod Paris is a historic school that is the centre of a worldwide network

of 21 schools. Esmod Paris encourages dynamism and movement in fashion while

bringing together talent and spawning innovation. From the beginning, Esmod has

designed its programme with the realities of the fashion industry in mind. The

school has forged professional credibility while providing its students with

true value on the market for talent. Exchange programmes, partnerships with

renowned institutions, international professors and diverse interactions are

all opportunities for students to enrich their careers at an international


    National College of Art and Design, Ireland

    The National College of Art and Design originally started as a private

drawing school in 1746 and is now a national institution, enrolling more than

750 full-time students each year. The College has four faculties: Design,

Education, Fine Art and Visual Culture. Past NCAD students include Orla Kiely

and Philip Treacy.

    U5 Academy, Munich

    U5 Academy is a private institution based in Munich that has been educating

students in the areas of graphic design and communications design with an

emphasis on advertising communication for 40 years. The school follows the

motto, "Our students should study reality", teaching practical life-applicable

design skills that prepare its students for corporate employability.

    About Chic Outlet Shopping(R)

    hic Outlet Shopping(R) is the Collection of luxury outlet Villages by Value

Retail, the only company to specialise exclusively in the development and

operation of luxury outlet shopping Villages. The Villages offer the authentic

previous seasons' collections of leading luxury fashion and lifestyle brands

with savings of up to 60%, and sometimes more, on the recommended retail price,

all year round. Within easy reach of some of Europe's and China's favourite

gateway cities - London, Dublin, Paris, Madrid,Barcelona, Milan, Bologna,

Brussels, Antwerp, Cologne, Frankfurt, Munich and, in 2014, Suzhou and Shanghai

- the Villages are synonymous with high fashion, superior service and

hospitality, a calendar of celebrated events, and exceptional value for money.

Located in regions of cultural and historic renown, the Villages have become

international tourist destinations in their own right. Value Retail's new

venture to bring its distinctive Chic Outlet Shopping(R) Villages to China will

see its first Village - Suzhou Village(TM) - located in historic Suzhou, 50

miles west of Shanghai. As with other members of the Collection, Suzhou

Village(TM) will be defined by its offer of international luxury fashion and

lifestyle brands, together with an exceptional level of service.

     SOURCE: Value Retail




