


AsiaNet 51298

共同JBN 1369(2012.11.7)


【ミルフォード(米コネティカット州)2012年11月7日PRN=共同JBN】世界最大のレストラン・フランチャイズが2013年の店舗を求めている。SUBWAY(登録商標)Real Estate のディレクターであるジョン・ディバイン氏は、MIPIM Asia2012(2012年香港アジア不動産見本市)で基調講演を行う。MIPIM Asiaでサブウェイ(SUBWAY、登録商標)のチームに会おう。


サブウェイ(登録商標)のフランチャイズ・システムは、店舗場所数の面で世界最大のレストラン・チェーンである。その数は、世界100カ国に3万8000店近くになる。同社が継続中の発展目標達成のため、幹部が2012年11月7,8の両日香港で開催されるMIPIM Asia 2012(2012年香港アジア不動産見本市)のサブウェイ(登録商標)ブースに詰める。

Subway Real Estate, LLCの訓練・ビジネスプロモーション・スペシャリストであるクリス・カン氏は「起業家にキャリア機会を提供し続け、当社の有名なサブマリン・サンドイッチを拡大している消費者ベースに提供するため、サブウェイのアジア全域のデベロッパーとリース専門家がこのイベントに参加する」と語った。

さらに11月8日の木曜日には、Subway Real Estateのジョン・ディバイン・ディレクターが「小売業のサクセスストーリー」と題し簡単なアイデアが世界で最も成功したブランドになった理由について基調講演を行う。



より健康的な食事のオプションを提供するリーダーのサブウェイ(登録商標)・レストラン・チェーンは、レストランと運営についてより一層環境に配慮したものにするよう努力しており、コスト効果の上がる方法でエネルギー、水、廃棄物を削減するよう設計された「グリーン・サブウェイ(登録商標)・エコレストラン(“Green” SUBWAY Eco-Restaurants)」を何店舗かオープンしている。

サブウェイ(登録商標)・チェーンが新しい場所を探していることに関して、詳細を求めるかもしくは不動産情報を提供することに関心のある不動産専門家は以下の方法でSubway Real Estate Officeのクリス・カン氏に連絡を。電話+1-203-877-4281 extension 1434, kan_c@subway.com




Facebook: Facebook.com/subway

Twitter: twitter.com/subwayfreshbuzz

SUBWAY(登録商標)はDoctor's Associates Inc.の登録商標である。

ソース:SUBWAY Restaurants


Subway Real Estate, LLC

Chris Kan, +1-203-877-4281 ext. 1434,


Subway(R) Opens 2,200 New Restaurants So Far in 2012


MILFORD, Conn., Nov. 7, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

           -World's Largest Restaurant Franchise Needs Sites for 2013-

   -SUBWAY(R) Real Estate Director, John Devine, to Deliver Keynote Address-

                          -Meet the Team at MIPIM Asia-

With more than 2,000 franchisees actively seeking locations, the SUBWAY(R)

sandwich chain has aggressive growth plans.

The SUBWAY(R) franchise system is the world's largest restaurant chain, in

terms of number of locations, with nearly 38,000 outlets in 100 countries. In

order to reach the company's continuing development goals, a contingent of

company representatives will be manning the SUBWAY(R) booth at MIPIM Asia 2012,

November 7-9, in Hong Kong.

"To continue providing career opportunities to entrepreneurs and offer our

world famous submarine sandwiches to an increasing consumer base, Subway

developers and leasing specialists from across Asia will be attending the

event," says Chris Kan, Training and Business Promotion Specialist for Subway

Real Estate, LLC. "We will be looking for sites and ready to make deals."

In addition, on Thursday November 8th, Subway Real Estate Director, John

Devine, will present a keynote address entitled, "A Retail Success Story,"

about how a simple idea became one of the world's most successful brands.

The SUBWAY(R) chain is growing and continues to forge ahead with new

opportunities in traditional shopping centers, mall and high street locations

as well as non-traditional venues such as airports, hospitals, universities,

and sports arenas. Since January, the chain has opened 2,200 new stores

globally, equating to approximately 245,000 square meters of prime retail

space. In total, SUBWAY(R) leases approximately 4.2 million square meters of

property worldwide.

From 10 to 465 square meters, SUBWAY(R) restaurants come in all shapes and

sizes. Because of the chain's unique business model, which has minimal

equipment and space requirements, a SUBWAY(R) restaurant can operate just about

anywhere. Restaurant locations include an automobile assembly plant; a new car

showroom; a brewery; a church; and a river boat.

The SUBWAY(R) restaurant chain, a leader in providing healthier dining options,

is dedicated to making its restaurants and operations more environmentally

friendly and has opened several "Green" SUBWAY(R) Eco-Restaurants - designed to

reduce energy, water, and waste consumption in cost effective ways.

Real estate professionals interested in submitting property information, or

learning more about what the SUBWAY(R) chain is looking for in new sites, can

contact Chris Kan at the Subway Real Estate office at +1-203-877-4281,

extension 1434, or by e-mail at kan_c@subway.com.

About SUBWAY(R) Restaurants

Headquartered in Milford, Connecticut, and with regional offices in Amsterdam,

Beirut, Brisbane, Miami and Singapore, the SUBWAY(R) chain was co-founded by

Fred DeLuca and Dr. Peter Buck in 1965. Their partnership has made it possible

for thousands of individuals to build and succeed in their own business.

For more information about the SUBWAY(R) chain, visit www.subway.com.

Find us on Facebook: Facebook.com/subway

Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/subwayfreshbuzz

SUBWAY(R) is a registered trademark of Doctor's Associates Inc.

SOURCE: SUBWAY Restaurants

CONTACT: Subway Real Estate, LLC, Chris Kan, +1-203-877-4281 ext. 1434,





