◎南アフリカ政府と再生エネルギー・プロジェクト協定に調印 Mainstream

Mainstream Renewable Power

◎南アフリカ政府と再生エネルギー・プロジェクト協定に調印 Mainstream

AsiaNet 51284

共同JBN 1373(2012.11.13)

【ダブリン2012年11月12日PRN=共同JBN】世界的な再生エネルギー開発企業のMainstream Renewable Powerは、南アフリカ政府の風力プロジェクト1件と太陽エネルギー・プロジェクト2件に関し、合わせて5億ユーロ以上の投資となる重要な融資・電力購入・遂行協定に調印した。Mainstreamは数週間のうちに建設を開始し、3件のプロジェクトすべては2014年半ばまでに完全稼働する予定。

プロジェクトは南アフリカのイースタンケープ州にある138MWのジェフリーズ・ベイ(Jeffreys Bay)風力発電地帯、ノーザンケープ州エマタンジェニ市にある50MWのデ・アール(De Aar)太陽光発電所、ノーザンケープ州キンバリー近郊の50MWのドルーグフォンテイン(Droogfontein)太陽発電所の3カ所で構成されている。


Mainstreamは2011年11月プロジェクトを企画し、南アフリカ政府初の再生エネルギー独立発電プログラム(Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Programme、REIPPP)のプロジェクト3件を建設するライセンスに入札するコンソーシアムの指導的メンバーとなった。南アフリカ政府は2011年12月、このコンソーシアムが競争的入札プロセスを経て3件の契約すべてを獲得したと発表した。

コンソーシアムのメンバーには、戦略的出資パートナーとして新興市場の電力会社Globeleq、Thebe Investment Corporation、地元エンジニアリング企業のEnzani TechnologiesとUsizo Engineeringのほか、地元コミュニティー企業トラストが含まれている。Old MutualのIDEAS Managed Fundは、ジェフリーズ・ベイ風力発電所のコンソーシアム・メンバーに新たに加わる。

南アフリカで初めて建設される今回のプロジェクトは、Mainstreamの地元パートナーで、再生エネルギー開発企業として同国で2001年創設されたGenesis Eco-Energyとともに共同開発が進められてきた。




Mainstream Renewable Powerは、再生エネルギー・プロジェクトにおける世界有数の独立系開発企業の一つである。同社は世界で15GWにのぼる開発パイプラインを保有し、その中には欧州で4.45GWの確実な送電網を備えた8GW弱の洋上風力発電プロジェクトも含まれている。



ソース:Mainstream Renewable Power

Mainstream Renewable Power to Start Constructing 238MW of Wind and Solar Projects in South Africa with a Combined Investment of Over 500 million Euro




    Global renewables developer Mainstream Renewable Power has signed the key

Financing, Power-Purchase and Implementation Agreements with the South African

Government for its wind and two solar projects in South Africa which have a

combined investment value in excess of 500 million Euro. Mainstream will issue

Notice to Proceed to its construction contractors this week on all three

projects which are scheduled to be fully operational by mid 2014.

    The projects comprise the 138MW Jeffreys Bay wind farm located in the

Eastern Cape; the 50MW De Aar solar PV farm located in the Municipality of

Emthanjeni in the Northern Cape; and the 50MW Droogfontein solar PV farm

located near the town of Kimberley in the Northern Cape.

    Mainstream has developed these projects over the last four years and was

responsible for gaining all consents, grid connections, project finance,

construction contracts, equipment procurement and will also manage the full

construction programme under the supervision of a joint steering committee with


    In November 2011 Mainstream put together and was the lead member in a

consortium which bid for licences to build the three projects under the South

African Government's first Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer

Programme (REIPPP). In December 2011 the Government announced the consortium

had been successful in winning all three contracts in the competitive bidding


    Members of the consortium include emerging markets power company Globeleq

as the strategic equity partner, Thebe Investment Corporation (advised by

Bridge Capital), local engineering firms Enzani Technologies and Usizo

Engineering as well as local community trusts.  Old Mutual's IDEAS Managed Fund

is an additional consortium member of the Jeffreys Bay Wind Farm.

    The projects, which are among the very first to be built in the country

have been co-developed with Mainstream's local partner, renewable energy

developer Genesis Eco-Energy, which has been active in South Africa since 2001.

    "This milestone reinforces the leading position of Mainstream in the South

African electricity market," commented Eddie O'Connor Mainstream's Chief

Executive. "We have recently raised money on the world markets which we are

delighted to commit to developments in South Africa and we look forward to

having the 238MW of wind and solar plant operational in mid 2014."

    He continued: "The South African government has shown tremendous vision and

foresight in creating this new and sustainable industry for South Africa,

firmly placing it on the world map for renewable energy generation. Mainstream

is fully committed to playing a leading role in the delivery of this vision, to

bringing significant socio-economic benefits to the areas in which we're

building the projects as well as clean, free-fuel energy to South Africa."

    Notes to editors

    During construction, the projects are expected to generate hundreds of jobs

and once operational, the project revenues will benefit the local communities

through socio-economic and enterprise development.  The projects are expected

to produce 635 GWh of electricity, enough to supply up to 48,000 households and

displace approximately 628,000 tons of carbon emissions per year.

    About Mainstream

    Mainstream Renewable Power is one of the world's leading independent

developers of renewable energy projects. With a development pipeline of over

15GW globally it has started construction on its first wind farm in Ireland and

is about to start building five further wind and solar projects in South

Africa, Chile and Canada this year.

    As Europe's leading independent offshore wind developer Mainstream is

developing just under 8GW of offshore wind projects in England, Scotland and

Germany with 4.45GW of secured grid connection for these offshore projects.

It employs more than 150 experienced staff across four continents with offices

in Berlin, Cape Town, Chicago, Dublin, Glasgow, Johannesburg, London, Santiago

and Toronto.


    SOURCE: Mainstream Renewable Power




