◎ウクライナは依然ゼロインフレ ウクライナ中銀のリポート


◎ウクライナは依然ゼロインフレ ウクライナ中銀のリポート

AsiaNet 51424

共同JBN 1403(2012.11.20)



一方、国内における銀行活動の回復は注目に値する。銀行融資残高は10月に0.7%、金額では55億フリブナ(UAH)増加した。預金残高は1億3200万フリブナの増加で、この増加の主因は個人預金の増加(前年比14. 5%増)によるものだった。



ソース:National Bank of Ukraine

Inflation in Ukraine Remains at Zero - Report of the Central Bank


KYIV, Nov. 20, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    Effective management of the financial sector allows Ukrainian authorities

to hold inflation. Experts from the National Bank of Ukraine stated this

conclusion in the report "major trends of the monetary market in October 2012,"

published recently.

    "The monetary policy of the National Bank of Ukraine in October contributed

to the support of price stability in the country. In particular, at the end of

the month the consumer price index over the past 12 months - was 0%. Since

early 2012 consumer prices in Ukraine have fallen by 0.3%," - according to the


    Meanwhile, revival of bank activity is noticeable in the country. The total

amount of remaining balances on bank loans in October increased by UAH 5.5

billion which is 0.7%. The total amount of remaining balances on deposits

increased by UAH 132 million, which was achieved mainly due to the increase of

the deposit accounts of individuals (+14.5% YTD).

    Volume of the monetary base over the last month fell by 0.9% and total

money supply decreased by 0.7%. The regulator is continuing the process of

commercial banks' refinancing (the volume of banks' refinancing by the National

Bank of Ukraine totaled UAH 19.8 billion in October). Moreover the NBU

purchased public bonds of Ukraine to the amount of UAH 3.96 billion in October

(UAH 18.1 billion YTD). The NBU did not hold operations on

the sale of public bonds from its portfolio.


    SOURCE: National Bank of Ukraine




