◎アジア企業間取引でデフォルトが増加  アトラディウス調査


◎アジア企業間取引でデフォルトが増加  アトラディウス調査

AsiaNet 51445

共同JBN 1411 (2012.11.21)

【アムステルダム2012年11月21日PRN=共同JBN】アジア太平洋地域の企業が企業間取引で売掛金回収不能額の増加に直面している。回収不能額の比率は2011年の3.6%から2012年は5.0%に増えた。アジア太平洋地区を対象にしたAtradius Payment Practices Barometer(http://global.atradius.com/paymentpractice/list/paymentpractices.html)によると、調査の回答企業の半数以上が取引信用リスクの悪化から自社を守る対策を強化することを考えている。

Atradius Payment Practices Barometerの2012年11月版は、オーストラリア、中国、香港、インド、インドネシア、日本、シンガポール、台湾の1661社からの回答に基づいてまとめられた。調査の結果は全体として、この地域の調査回答企業が国内外企業へ発行したインボイスの金額の約30%が、期日までに支払われなかった。この比率が最も高かったのは香港の約35%、最も低かったのは日本の20%弱だった。






アジア太平洋地区を対象にしたAtradius Payment Practices Barometer(http://global.atradius.com/paymentpractice/list/paymentpractices.html)の2012年11月版の調査結果に焦点を当てたリポートの全文は、ウェブサイトAtradius.comのPublicationsセクションにある。


アトラディウス・グループ(Atradius Group)は45カ国に160事務所を置き、世界規模で取引信用保険、保証、債権回収サービスを提供している。世界の取引信用保険市場でのシェアは約31%。アトラディウスは世界の1億社の信用情報にアクセスでき、企業の与信上限に関して毎日2万件以上の決定を行っている。同社の商品は世界中の企業が製品、サービスを信用で販売する際に付随する支払いリスクを防止するのに役立っている。


ソース:Atradius N.V.

Atradius Survey Finds B2B Payment Defaults on the Rise in Asia-Pacific  


AMSTERDAM, Nov 21, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Over 30% of B2B receivables unpaid at due date, more than 5% defaulted on

    Compared to one year ago, businesses in Asia-Pacific experienced a

significant increase in the value of B2B receivables written off as

uncollectable from 3.6% in 2011 to 5.0% in 2012. According to the November

edition of the Atradius Payment Practices Barometer

[http://global.atradius.com/paymentpractice/list/paymentpractices.html ],

focusing on Asia-Pacific, over half of the survey respondents anticipate

intensifying their efforts to better protect their businesses against

deterioration of trade credit risk.

    The November 2012 Atradius Payment Practices Barometer is based on feedback

from 1,661 businesses in Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan,

Singapore and Taiwan. At overall survey level, around 30% of the total value of

domestic and foreign B2B invoices issued by survey respondents in the region

was unpaid at the due date. The highest percentage of overdue B2B invoices was

approximately 35% in Hong Kong and the lowest less than 20% in Japan.

    More than 10% of invoices remained unpaid after three months overdue and

over 5% of B2B receivables were defaulted on. This percentage reached a high of

7% in India and Singapore, and a low of around 2% in Japan. The impact of the

high percentage of invoices that were paid late is evidenced by the variance

between the average payment term recorded in Asia-Pacific (32 days) and the

average Days Sales Outstanding of 44 days.

    Compared to the same survey period last year domestic payment delays due to

liquidity restraints rose to 53.5% compared to 47.7% in 2011 for respondents in

Asia-Pacific. Indonesian respondents (70%) experienced the most problems with

past due domestic B2B receivables. Payments from foreign customers were mostly

delayed because of the complexity of the payment procedure or inefficiencies of

the banking system (around 45% of respondents in both cases).

    To reduce payment delays and payment defaults, over half of the survey

respondents (53%) anticipate checking buyers' creditworthiness more often,

particularly respondents in Singapore (68.0%) and China (64.5%).

    Andreas Tesch, Chief Market Officer of Atradius N.V. commented, "Atradius

expects exports from the Asia-Pacific region to grow just 3.4%this year; less

than half that of 2011. While we forecast another 5% reduction in insolvencies

in the US and stabile insolvency environments in other primary Asia-Pacific

export markets, such as China, Japan and Hong Kong, continued uncertainty in

the EU, including insolvencies stabilizing at a higher level, will limit export

growth. In addition, GDP growth in China, the largest export and import market

in the region, is expected to again slow, to 7.7%, in 2012 and to tick up to

only 8.1% in 2013 reflecting reduced exports to western customers and a

potential slowdown in domestic and important demand."

    Tesch concluded, "On average, the trade credit risk environment for survey

respondents deteriorated in 2012. Overdue payments to respondents inched up and

payment defaults climbed 25% in 2012 raising concerns about the overall trade

credit risk environment. In this environment, managing trade credit risk to

protect cash flow and financial stability is of great importance. Our goal is

to help these businesses achieve the security they need to continue driving

global growth."

    The complete report highlighting the findings of the November edition of

the Atradius Payment Practices Barometer

[http://global.atradius.com/paymentpractice/list/paymentpractices.html ]

focussing on Asia-Pacific can be found in the Publications section of the

Atradius.com website.

    About Atradius

    The Atradius Group provides trade credit insurance, surety and collections

services worldwide. With a presence through 160 offices in 45 countries, it has

a market share of approximately 31% of the global trade credit insurance

market. Atradius has access to credit information on 100 million companies

worldwide and makes more than 20,000 trade credit limit decisions daily. Its

products help protect companies throughout the world from payment risks

associated with selling products and services on credit.


    SOURCE: Atradius N.V.




