◎香港中心にアジアで業務拡大  Boston Healthcare

Boston Healthcare

◎香港中心にアジアで業務拡大  Boston Healthcare

AsiaNet 51461

共同JBN 1418 (2012.11.27)

【ボストン、香港2012年11月27日PRN=共同JBN】Boston Healthcareは27日、アジアに戦略的顧問業の拠点を設置し、医療経済学や医療価格設定、医療費償還に関するコンサルティング業務を拡大すると発表した。アジア太平洋地区でのプレゼンス拡大によってBoston Healthcareは、世界中の医薬品、医療機器、医療診断企業の医療費償還や市場アクセスのニーズに、今後とも効率的に対応できることになる。

アジアでの業務の中心になるのはベティ・スー氏。同氏はBoston Healthcare Associates International Hong Kong Limitedのマネジングディレクターとして、香港や中国などアジア太平洋市場の顧客を支援するコンサルタントチームを統括し、Boston Healthcareの世界的な医療費償還、市場アクセス顧問業を補完する。


Boston Healthcareのジョゼフ・V・フェレーラ社長は「アジアでの地位拡大と、ベティ・スー氏を経営チームに加えたことにより、Boston Healthcareは世界中の革新的な企業への戦略的アドバイス業務をさらに拡大し、向上させていく。香港と中国は急速に拡大する医薬品・医療機器市場であるばかりでなく、医療技術の改革では新興諸国の先頭に立つ。われわれはアジアでの業務拡大で、この活力に満ちた地域での医療費償還や市場アクセスの面で顧客を強くサポートできるようになる」と語った。

▽Boston Healthcareについて

Boston Healthcareはバイオ医薬品や医療機器、医療診断企業が世界の医療市場で改革の価値を切り開くのを助けている。同社は医療費償還や市場アクセス戦略に関するサービスや、医療経済学と結果調査、市場分析、医療価格戦略、事業開発に関して世界中の顧客医療企業を支援している。

Boston Healthcareはボストン、ワシントン、ベルリン、香港に事務所を持ち、独自の手法と、エビデンス主導を重視する環境へ深い理解に戦略的コンサルティングを重ね、世界の市場・ビジネス開発機会を分析、獲得する上で実効性のある手法を顧客に提供している。



Michal Taton

Boston Healthcare Associates, Inc.

Phone: +1-(617)-482-4004

ソース:Boston Healthcare

Boston Healthcare Expands Health Economics, Pricing, and Reimbursement Consulting Practice in Asia


BOSTON and HONG KONG, Nov. 27, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Boston Healthcare announced today that it is expanding its health

economics, pricing, and reimbursement consulting services with the formation of

a strategic advisory practice in Asia. This enhanced presence in the Asia

Pacific region enables Boston Healthcare to continue to effectively meet the

reimbursement and market access needs of pharmaceutical, medical device, and

diagnostics companies worldwide.

     The Asia practice will be headed by Betty Su, who will become Managing

Director for Boston Healthcare Associates International Hong Kong Limited,

leading a team of consultants supporting clients in Hong Kong, China, and other

Asia-Pacific markets, and complementing Boston Healthcare's global

reimbursement and market access advisory services.

     Ms. Su specializes in market access and regulatory strategy in China,

advising drug, device, and diagnostics companies on commercialization and

business development opportunities. She advises biopharmaceutical, medical

device, imaging and diagnostics companies in the areas of pricing and

reimbursement, sales and marketing, market development, and growth strategy.

Prior to her consulting role, Ms. Su held several positions at AstraZeneca in

China in marketing, government affairs, and corporate communications.

     "With our expanded presence in Asia, and the addition of Betty Su to our

leadership team, Boston Healthcare continues to grow and enhance our strategic

advisory to innovative companies around the globe," said Joseph V. Ferrara,

President of Boston Healthcare. "Hong Kong and China are rapidly growing

pharmaceutical and medical device markets, as well as emerging leaders in

health care technology innovation. The expansion of our practice in Asia

provides our clients with strong support in reimbursement and market access in

this vital region."

     About Boston Healthcare:

     Boston Healthcare helps biopharmaceutical, medical device, and diagnostics

companies unlock the value of innovation in the global health care marketplace.

Boston Healthcare provides reimbursement and market access strategy services,

health economics and outcomes research, market analytics and pricing strategy,

and business development support to health care clients worldwide.

     With offices in Boston, Washington, D.C., Berlin, and Hong Kong, our

unique approach, combining strategic consulting with a deep understanding of

the evidence-driven value environment, gives clients a real-world edge in

assessing and capturing global market and business development opportunities.

     For more information please visit, www.bostonhealthcare.com.


     Michal Taton

     Boston Healthcare Associates, Inc.

     Phone: +1-(617)-482-4004

     SOURCE: Boston Healthcare




