
Vienna Tourist Board


AsiaNet 51878




2012年の観光市場国のトップテン(カッコ内は宿泊訪問者数と前年比)に入ったのは、再度首位のドイツ(239万9000人、1%増)、続いてオーストリア(224万1000人、7%増) 、イタリア(64万3000人、2%減)、ロシア(63万4000人、22%増)米国(61万8000人、10%増)の順。6位から10位は、英国(42万9000人、9%増)、スイス(38万4000人、11%増)、スペイン(37万9000人、2%減)、フランス(36万8000人、7%増)、日本(30万9000人、12%増)であった。

2011年との比較で強い増勢を示したのは、中国(19万8000人、40%増)、トルコ(12万9000人、25%増)、ブラジル(11万1000人、 39%増)、サウジアラビア(7万4000人、 63%増)、アラブ首長国連邦 (7万1000人、14%増)、アジア圏アラブ諸国(10万1000人、13%増)である。




Vienna Tourist Board

Isabella Rauter





▽ソース:Vienna Tourist Board

Vienna 2012: Best Tourism Result in History


VIENNA, Austria, Jan. 21, 2013/PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    The Viennese tourism industry can look back on its best year ever: 12.3

million overnight stays, up 7.5% on 2011, have set a new record.

    From January to December 2012 every single month saw a record number of

overnight stays in Vienna - in total, the annual result of 12.3 million

overnight stays represents a 7.5% improvement on 2011. "In 2012 Vienna

continued to develop its international outlook as a destination. The 150th

birthday of Gustav Klimt no doubt contributed to the result," explains Norbert

Kettner, director of the Vienna Tourist Board. In 2012 Vienna's top ten tourism

markets once again included Germany, with 2,399,000 overnight stays (+1%) in


place, followed by Austria (2,241,000 overnight stays, +7%), Italy (643,000,

-2%), Russia (634,000, +22%) and the USA (618,000, +10%). In sixth to tenth

place were the UK (429,000, +9%), Switzerland (384,000, +11%), Spain (379,000,

- 2%), France (368,000, +7%) and Japan (309,000, +12%).

    Vienna also saw strong growth on 2011 from China (198,000 overnight stays,

+40%), Turkey (129,000, +25%), Brazil (111,000, +39%), Saudi Arabia (74,000,

+63%), the United Arab Emirates (71,000, +14%) and other Arab countries in Asia

(101,000, +13%). Vienna's accommodation capacity grew in the period between

December 2011 and December 2012 by 2,600 beds (+5%) to around 55,000 beds, but

there was still a slight increase in the average bed occupancy rate to 56.7%

(2011: 56.5%), whilst room occupancy rates remained unchanged at 70%. In 2012

Vienna was once again confirmed, now for the seventh time in a row, as the

number one conference city by the International Congress and Convention

Association (ICCA), with 181 international meetings in 2011.



    Vienna Tourist Board

    Isabella Rauter

    Tel. +43-1-211-14-301

    E-mail: media.rel@vienna.info



    SOURCE: Vienna Tourist Board




