◎不眠症治療薬の臨床試験で好結果 Neurim Pharmaceuticals

Neurim Pharmaceuticals

◎不眠症治療薬の臨床試験で好結果 Neurim Pharmaceuticals



【チューリヒ2013年2月18日PRN=共同JBN】Neurim Pharmaceuticalsは18日、原発性、併発性の不眠症を治療するために開発された複数方式の新しい治験睡眠薬であるPiromelatine(Neu-P11)の効能と安全性を評価する第II相臨床研究が好結果を示したと発表した。この新しい結果は最近のダブルブラインド、無作為方式、偽薬対比、パラレルグループ、不適合報告、睡眠試験室の研究からのものである。この研究は18歳以上の成人の原発性不眠症患者を対象に偽薬と比較してPiromelatineの評価を行った。

4週間のPiromelatine 20/50mgによる治療は、中途覚醒時間(WASO)(両投与量ともp=0.02)を含む主要多極睡眠図(PSG)パラメーターで、また特に睡眠6時間後のWASO(WASPO-6h)(50mg,20mgグループでそれぞれp=0.0008, p=0.004)で、偽薬に比べ統計的に意義があり、臨床的に意味のある改善結果をもたらした。またPiromelatine 50mgは睡眠効率(SEF)(p=0.02)、全睡眠時間(TST)(p=0.02)、全覚醒時間(TTA)(p=0.01)、ノンレム睡眠時間(p=0.028)を改善し、睡眠持続に役立つ効果があることを示した。ピッツバーグ睡眠の質質問書(PSQI)で測定した睡眠の質と全睡眠時間では偽薬に関係する客観的改善も観察され、PSG所見が確認された。Piromelatineはノンレム睡眠のEEGデルタパワーを強化し、ベータパワーを大きく減少させた(p<0.05)。大脳皮質覚醒のマーカーであるEEGベータ活動の減少は睡眠持続におけるPiromelatineの効能を示す生理学的代用マーカーである。Piromelatineは全般的に安全で、受容性がよく、どの投与量グループでも(数字符号入れ替え検査=DSST=で判定した)翌日の精神運動性能に対する悪影響はなく、睡眠の構造、構成に有害な影響はなかった。




▽Neurim Pharmaceuticalsについて

1991年に創立されたNeurim Pharmaceuticals Ltdは医薬品発見、開発会社で、中枢神経系(CNS)に集中している。同社の医薬品で初めて承認されたCircadin(登録商標)-不眠症用の延長リリース・メラトニン-は世界の40カ国以上で購入できる。


    Eran Schenker, MD

    Medical & Corporate Business Development Director

    Neurim Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 27 Habarzel  St Tel-Aviv 69710 Israel

    Tel: +972-3-7684914 Cell: +972-52-6689944 EranS@Neurim.com

ソース:Neurim Pharmaceuticals

Neurim Pharmaceuticals Announces Positive Phase 2 Clinical Trial Results of Piromelatine for the Treatment of Insomnia


ZURICH, Feb. 18, 2013/ PRN=KYODO JBN/--

     Neurim Pharmaceuticals announced today positive results from a phase II

clinical study evaluating the efficacy and safety of Piromelatine (Neu-P11), a

novel investigational multimodal sleep medicine developed for the treatment of

patients with primary and co-morbid insomnia. The new results are from a recent

double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled, parallel group, non-confirmatory,

sleep-laboratory study. The study evaluated piromelatine compared to placebo in

120 adult primary insomnia patients ages 18 years and older.

    Piromelatine 20/50mg treatment for 4 weeks resulted in statistically

significant and clinically meaningful improvements relative to placebo in key

polysomnographic (PSG) parameters including Wake After Sleep Onset (WASO)

(p=0.02 for both doses) and in particular WASO for the first 6 hours of sleep

(WASO-6h) (p=0.0008 and p=0.04 for the 50 mg and 20 mg groups, respectively).

Piromelatine 50 mg also improved Sleep Efficiency (SEF) (p=0.02), Total Sleep

Time (TST) (p=0.02), Total Time Awake (TTA) (p=0.01) and time in NREM sleep

(p=0.028) indicating beneficial effects on sleep maintenance. Subjective

improvements relative to placebo in quality of sleep and total sleep time

measured by the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Questionnaire (PSQI) were also

observed, confirming the PSG findings. Piromelatine enhanced NREM sleep EEG

delta power and significantly reduced beta power (p<0.05). The decrease in EEG

beta activity, a marker of cortical arousal, is a physiological surrogate

marker of the efficacy of Piromelatine in sleep maintenance. Piromelatine was

generally safe and well tolerated, had no detrimental effects on next-day

psychomotor performance (as assessed by the Digit Symbol Substitution Test

(DSST)) for any dose group and no deleterious effects on sleep structure and


    "Piromelatine demonstrates a good potential for the treatment of primary

insomnia characterized by sleep maintenance disturbances as well as insomnia

with psychiatric or medical co-morbidities" said Prof. Nava Zisapel, CSO of

Neurim. The study results will be presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the

Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS) -Sleep 2013 meeting in Baltimore.

    About Piromelatine:

    Piromelatine is thought to work through a combination of MT1\MT2 (potential

sleep promoting and chronobiotic effects) and 5HT1A\D (potential anxiolytic and

analgesic effects) receptors agonism. All potential effects of piromelatine

were demonstrated in relevant animal models. Phase-IA and IB studies of safety,

tolerability, pharmacokinetics and sleep promoting activity of piromelatine

demonstrated dose proportionality PK profile, good absorption and distribution,

good safety & tolerability profile across a wide dose range and provided the

first indication for a pharmacodynamic activity of Piromelatine on sleep

maintenance with no detrimental effects on memory.

    About Neurim Pharmaceuticals:

    Neurim Pharmaceuticals Ltd., founded in 1991 is a drug discovery and

development company focused on the central nervous system (CNS). It's first

approved drug, Circadin(R) - prolonged release melatonin for insomnia is

commercially available in more than 40 countries around the world.

    For more information:

    Eran Schenker, MD

    Medical & Corporate Business Development Director

    Neurim Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 27 Habarzel  St Tel-Aviv 69710 Israel

    Tel: +972-3-7684914 Cell: +972-52-6689944 EranS@Neurim.com

Source: Neurim Pharmaceuticals




