Pantos Logistics、中国AEO認証における最高ランクの「AA」を獲得!

Pantos Logistics

Pantos Logistics、中国AEO認証における最高ランクの「AA」を獲得!

AsiaNet 52421



2013年3月15日ソウル /PRニュースワイヤ/ -- 39カ国において164の物流ネットワークを運営しているグローバル企業のPantos Logisticsは、先日、自社の上海法人が中国の税関当局からAEO認証の最高ランクである「AA等級」を獲得したと発表した。このことはこの企業の輸出入における安全管理システムの素晴らしさを、国際的に認められたことを示している。


今回の認証獲得により、Pantos Logisticsに対し、中国における輸出入貨物の通関の際、書類提出の簡素化、検査比率の削減、通関の迅速化など、様々な税関行政の優遇措置が取られる。さらに、物流サービスの良さと安定さが正式に認められ、信頼性を高めることができた。

中国とAEO認証の相互認定協定を締結した国の税関でも同一の優遇が受けられるので、通関の時間と費用を節減するなど、様々な直接的・間接的効果があると思われる。Pantos Logisticsは2011年にはドイツとオランダ、昨年にはポーランドなど、ヨーロッパ地域でもAEO認証を獲得している。

一方、Pantos Logisticsは上海に位置する中国地域の総括本部を含め、北京、天津、青島、煙台、南京、香港、深セン、広州など中国の30地域に独自のネットワークをもっており、航空・海上・鉄道運送、通関、内陸運送、倉庫運営、国際特送など様々な物流関連事業を行っており、上海市が主管する物流企業部門における優良賞を2004年から8年連続で受賞している。

出所:Pantos Logistics

Pantos Logistics Wins the AEO's Highest Rating "AA" in China


SEOUL, South Korea, Mar.15, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    As a global logistics business operating a total of 164 logistics networks

in 39 countries, Pantos Logistics reported that its local branch in Shanghai

won the AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) program's highest rating of "AA"

from the Chinese Customs Authorities. Pantos Logistics is now internationally

acknowledged for its excellence in trade safety management systems.

    As the international standard designed by the World Customs Organization to

accommodate trade-related safety measures, which were reinforced following the

9/11 terror in the United States, the AEO Program certifies that a business has

met certain standards in relation to their security, management systems,

compliance with customs rules, and ongoing solvency. Customs Authorities in

each country provide benefits in customs administration -- including simplified

customs clearance procedure -- to businesses that have acquired the

certification. Chinese Customs Authorities operate the AEO program under the

Customs Authorities' Methods of Classification and Management of Businesses. At

present, they are using five grades in the classification of businesses.

    With the certification, Pantos Logistics will be able to enjoy benefits in

customs administration in China such as simplification of the documents

required for customs clearance, reduction of list of items subject to

inspection, speedy customs clearance, etc. Not only that - the Company will

enjoy more business advantages through the certified reliability in logistics


    The certification will also enable the Company to obtain diverse positive

effects, including time and expense savings in customs clearance, in connection

with the customs authorities in countries that have signed an agreement with

China for the mutual recognition of the AEO program. Pantos Logistics acquired

the same AEO certification in Germany and the Netherlands in 2011 and in Poland

in 2012.

    Pantos Logistics operates a network of logistics operation

(air/ocean/railroad, customs clearance, overland transportation, warehouse,

international special delivery, etc.) covering more than 30 cities in China

including Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, Yantai, Nanjing, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and

Guangzhou and regional headquarters in Shanghai. The Company has received the

Exemplary Business Award from Shanghai City for eight years in a row since 2004.

    SOURCE: Pantos Logistics




