

AsiaNet 53085





Underwriters Laboratories(UL、ウェブサイト:http://www.ul.com ) は、先日IECEE(国際電気機器安全規格適合試験制度)が発表した2012年度認証発行実績において、OFF(IT機器)およびBATT(バッテリー)の2つのカテゴリーで第1位の国家認証機関(NCB)となりました。OFF(IT機器)カテゴリーのランキングは1.5ポイント上昇し、第2位との差を広げました。




ULは、エンジニアや専門家を擁する現地事業所を世界各地に設置し、顧客に業界のトレンドやニーズに関する情報を提供するグローバルネットワークを形成しています。今後もULではハイテク関連カテゴリーに力を入れると同時にMED(医療機器) 、HOUS(家庭用機器)等のカテゴリーでも実績を伸ばしていく考えです。ULが持つ専門的価値とサービスに対する顧客の変わらぬ信頼と支援が、ULを世界一の認証機関へと導くことでしょう。


2012年度発行のCB証明書について - http://www.cbscheme.org/cbscheme/pdf/cmc1360inf.pdf

CB証明書に関する統計 - http://www.cbscheme.org/cbscheme/html/cbstats.htm

詳細については、ULグローバル・ハイテク・インダストリー、ビジネス・デベロップメント・マネージャーの Asli Solmaz-Kaiser ( asli.solmaz-kaiser@ul.com ) までお問い合わせいただくか、下記ULウェブサイト上のCBスキームに関するページをご覧ください。( http://www.ul.com/global/eng/pages/solutions/services/globalmarketaccess/cbscheme/ ).


ULは、118年以上の歴史を持つ世界トップクラスの第三者安全科学機関です。約10,000名の専門家を有し、世界100カ国に顧客を持つULは、製品安全(Product Safety)、環境(Environment)、ライフ&ヘルス(Life and Health)、セミナー・情報提供(Knowledge Services)、検査・検証(Verification Services)のサービスを提供する5つの事業部門を設置し、拡大する顧客のニーズに対応すると共に、公共安全というミッションに向けた活動を展開しています。ULグループ各社、95の試験/認証事業所に関する詳細はウェブサイト(UL.com)をご覧ください。

出典: UL(Underwriters Laboratories )

UL Remains the Top CB Certificate Issuing Body in Categories Information Technology & Office Equipment (OFF) and Batteries (BATT) in 2012


HONG KONG, May 21, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    In the recently released IECEE (Worldwide System for Conformity Testing and

Certification of Electrotechnical Equipment and Components) metrics for 2012,

UL ( http://www.ul.com ) (Underwriters Laboratories) is the number one NCB

(National Certification Body) in the categories of OFF (Information Technology

& Office Equipment) and BATT (Batteries). UL's ranking has improved by 1.5

points in the OFF category, widening the gap from its nearest competitors.

    In the BATT category, UL remains the number one certificate issuer in the

category accounting for a significant share at 45 percent, way ahead of the

closest competitor.

    In the TRON (Consumer Electronics, Entertainment) category, UL has

progressed from 5th to 3rd place. These are all testimony to UL's leading

performance in the High Tech arena.

    Overall, UL's ranking in the 2012 IECEE metrics has been outstanding. UL

moved up by 1.5 points, the single largest advancement by any member, and

remained the second largest issuer of certificates within the IECEE system.

Having a share of 17 percent of the overall certificates issued within the

scheme, UL lagged behind the first issuer by just less than 2 percent, This is

a result of UL's committed focus on meeting and exceeding customer needs as

well as the strategic management of IECEE related services.

    UL's global network is formed by local offices around the world with

engineers and experts on the ground to provide customers insights in industry

trends and needs.  Looking ahead, UL intends to keep up its good efforts in the

High Tech related categories and at the same time boost its performance in

categories including MED (Electrical Equipment for Medical Use) and HOUS

(Household Appliances). Ongoing trust and support from customers in

professional integrity and services will lead UL to the number one position in

overall certificates issued.

    Official IECEE data is available at:

    CB Test Certificates issued in 2012 -         


    CB Test Certificate Statistics -


    For information, please contact Asli Solmaz-Kaiser (

asli.solmaz-kaiser@ul.com ), Business Development Manager, UL Global High Tech

Industry or visit UL's CB Scheme Web page (



    About UL

    UL is a premier global independent safety science company with more than

118 years of history. Employing more than 10,000 professionals with customers

in over 100 countries, UL has five distinct business units - Product Safety,

Environment, Life & Health, Knowledge Services, and Verification Services - to

meet the expanding needs of our customers and to deliver on our public safety

mission. For more information on UL's family of companies and network of 95

laboratory, testing, and certification facilities, go to UL.com.





