Successful First Edition of CPhI Russia Highlights Growth in Domestic Manufacturing and International Partnering

UBM Live

Successful First Edition of CPhI Russia Highlights Growth in Domestic Manufacturing and International Partnering

AsiaNet 53219

AMSTERDAM, May 31, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Russian government's 'Pharma 2020 plan' to stimulate generics growth

                   and GMP production across the country

    CPhI Russia reflected growth in the Russian Pharma market at its debut next

to IPhEB, the St Petersburg International Forum for Pharmacy, Medical

Equipment, Biotechnology and Radiology, and is the latest addition to UBM

Live's global pharmaceutical events portfolio. The event was held at the Manege

Central Exhibition Hall, St Petersburg on 10th and 11th of April 2013 and

brought together senior Russian pharma professionals and international

pharmaceutical suppliers and buyers.

    Following the event, the next few years are predicted to be a very exciting

time for investing in the region as the Russian pharmaceutical market is now

considered to be one of the most dynamic in the world, and continues to grow at

an average of 10-12% per year. The country is already the eleventh largest

pharmaceutical market and is projected to reach a value of US $26.7 billion by

the end of this year. Furthermore, this tremendous growth is being achieved

thanks to the government support through its ambitious "Pharma 2020 Plan",

introduced in October 2009. The programme is aimed at achieving a complex

structural upgrade of the national pharmaceutical industry by means of a

substantial improvement in production capacity - increasing both domestic and

export production. The Plan, outlined alongside other pharmaceutical

innovations at the event, is currently in its second stage and on course to

achieve the following goals by 2017:

    - Home production of national generics and achievement of medicines

      independence of the Russian Federation

    - Accreditation of all foreign producers of pharmaceutical substances and  

      official medicines entering the Russia market by the regulatory bodies

      in order to strengthen quality control for official medicines

    - Establishment of joint manufacturing and R&D structures with production

      sites on the territory of Russia

    Another Pharma 2020 project is the development of new, and the modification

of existing training programs, intended to provide the pharma industry with

employees capable of ensuring the transition to international GMP standards.

    "The Russian Government is making a big effort to keep the pharmaceutical

market attractive for international manufacturers in order for them to fulfil

their localisation plans" said Andrew Pert, Brand Director for CPhI Russia.

"The harmonisation with GMP is a mandatory step for the Russian government and

it has to be achieved as soon as possible to enable the national market to be

competitive and to play an active role within the international pharmaceutical

market - but the growth potential in this region's industry should not be under

estimated and we envisage this event will expand enormously over the coming


    In addition to the exhibition, CPhI Russia presented an in-depth conference

programme that provided a comprehensive picture of the Russian pharmaceutical


    The plenary session, entitled "Pharmaceutical and Medical Industries as

Strategic areas of Innovative Economic Development" focused on the Russian

economic strategy in a rapidly growing pharmaceutical market, particularly on

how innovation and improved GMP standards and harmonisation can stimulate rapid

growth. Furthermore, a debate on the International Cooperation in the area of

pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, followed by the successful experiences of

international pharmaceutical companies provided unparalleled insights into how

companies can enter and succeed in this most dynamic of markets, including

opportunities in the fast developing generics and biosimilars market and the

implications this has for a regional regulatory framework.

    Show Highlights

    With 1,853 requests and 437 meetings conducted, the "Matchmaking programme"

was a huge success, allowing participants to arrange one-to-one meetings with

potential business partners prior to attending the event via an automated

meeting scheduler.

    Additionally, the Gala Awards night for "Russian Leaders in the

Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industry", sponsored by Sotex Pharm, took

place during the opening ceremony. The awards were designed to encourage the

development of cutting-edge achievements in the field of pharmaceutical,

biotechnological and medical technologies and winners included:

    - OAO Phamasyntez - a leader in innovative TB drugs - for

      its 'contribution to the development of innovative Russian products'

    - OAO Akrikhin for its 'contribution to the modernisation of the pharma

      industry in Russia'

    - Regina Ilyasovna, general director of Invar pharmaceuticals, in the

      category of 'effective business strategy' for developing successful

      business partnering relations with a number of European pharmaceutical


    - OJSC Biosintez for the 'development of export potential in the Russian

      pharmaceutical industry' by meeting GMP requirements in order to improve

      the export potential of Russian Pharmaceutical companies

    - Indukern-Rus LLC, in the category of 'most reliable partner'

    CPhI Russia 2014 expands to facilitate Pharma 2020 plan:

    16th-17th April 2014, Lenexpo, St. Petersburg, Russia.

    Russia's Pharma 2020 plan, which calls for 90% of medicines to be locally

produced by 2020, will require a substantial increase in the country's entire

pharmaceutical supply chain. In response to this, to help provide a central hub

for the growing demand, CPhI Russia 2014 will also launch four new co-located


    - ICSE- connecting the pharmaceutical community with outsourcing solution

      providers, offering a forum for business development, networking and


    - P-MEC- delivering innovative pharmaceutical machinery, equipment and


    - InnoPack- bringing together buyers and specifiers from the packaging and

      pharmaceutical industries

    MEDTEC Russia/iMeR - Leading suppliers of the international medical

manufacturing device industry

    Notes for Editors

    About CPhI

    CPhI drives growth and innovation at every step of the global

pharmaceutical supply chain from drug discovery to finished dosage. Through

exhibitions, conferences and online communities, CPhI brings together more than

100,000 pharmaceutical professionals each year to network, identify business

opportunities and expand the global market. The flagship event, CPhI Worldwide

is held in Europe, with additional events in China, India, Japan, Southeast

Asia, Russia and South America co-located with ICSE for contract services,

P-MEC for equipment, InnoPack for packaging and BioPh for biopharma. CPhI

provides an online buyer & supplier directory at and hosts a

global community with news and analysis at, produced by UBM

Live and partners.

    For more information visit:

    About UBM Live

    UBM Live connects people and creates opportunities for companies across

five continents to develop new business, meet customers, launch new products,

promote their brands, and expand their market. Through premier brands such as

TFM&A, Internet World, IFSEC, MD&M, CPhI, Cruise Shipping Miami, the Concrete

Show, and many others, UBM Live exhibitions, conferences, awards programs,

publications, Websites, and training and certification programs are an integral

part of the marketing plans of companies across more than 20 industry sectors.

    About RESTEC(R) Exhibition Company:

    RESTEC(R) Exhibition Company is one of the top three leaders of the

Russia`s exhibition business. The optimal structure formed by RESTEC(R) let us

combine exhibition, congress, business and contest programs that altogether

foster effective work of our exhibitors, participants, delegates and trade

visitors. At this point our exhibition and congress events continue developing

as centers of international business networking with the constantly growing

number of countries and participants represented. For more information, go to:

    For media enquiries, please contact:

    Alex Heeley or Tristan Jervis

    De Facto Communications

    T: +44-207-203-6742


    Kirill Pakhryaev

    Project Manager

    RESTEC(R) Exhibition Company, St. Petersburg,

    Tel: +7-(812)-303-88-67

    SOURCE: UBM Live




