
REC (Renewable Energy Corporation ASA)


AsiaNet 53742

共同JBN 0847 (2013.7.18)

【サンドヴィカ(ノルウェー)2013年7月18日PRN=共同JBN】太陽光発電ソリューションの大手グローバルプロバイダーであるREC(Renewable Energy Corporation ASA)は18日、同社を2分割してそれぞれ独立した上場企業となるシリコン(Silicon)およびソーラー(Solar)両事業部門の分離を発表した。両社はそれぞれの分野での業界リーダーとなり、計画された金融取引を通じて、RECは競争上の優位と両社が前進するための堅固な基礎を提供する。

 Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130211/594514



個別の企業体の発足は一定の金融取引を通じて実施され、RECは既存のREC株主にREC Solarの株式を100%提供する。同取引中で、REC Solarは8億ノルウェークローネ(1億200万ユーロ)の価値(株式時価総額)を持ち、株式の提供はRECの筆頭株主らによって完全に引き受けられている。

REC Solarは3億クローネ(3800万ユーロ)のネット・キャッシュポジションを与えられ、オスロ証券取引所への上場を申請する。REC Solarは67%の自己資本比率となり、業界では数少ない負債なしのソーラーパネル供給企業の一つとしてユニークな立場になる。REC ASAはさらに、この取引から5億クローネ(6300万ユーロ)の現金を受け取ることでそのバランスシートを一段と強化する。REC ASAはこの取引後、約17億クローネ(2億1600万ユーロ)の負債総額、約53%の自己資本比率となる。同取引は株主総会によるREC株主とREC社債保有者による承認待ちである。

新しいソーラーおよびシリコン企業発足の発表は、RECが第2四半期決算を発表した時期と一致する。同決算は需要増大、販売価格の上昇、RECの全体的収益改善が特徴である。当四半期の収益は15億4400万クローネ(2億300万ユーロ)と前年同期の21%増だった。EBITDA前年同期の4600万クローネ(600万ユーロ)から1億5200万クローネ(2000万ユーロ)に増加した。REC SolarのEBITDAは7500万クローネ(1000万ユーロ)、REC Siliconのそれは1億600万クローネ(1400万ユーロ)だった。


RECは緊密で長期的なパートナーによる大きなネットワークと広範囲の株主を持っており、シリコンとソーラー両事業への分離の動きは、両事業部門とも業務、R&D、販売&マーケティングを含めて完璧な個別の組織構成であることから、RECとの関係に影響を与えることはない。RECブランドと商標はオイヴィンド・ハサース氏をCEOに迎え、シンガポールに本社を構える新しいREC Solarが所有することで継承され、親会社と関連シリコン事業はいずれ再ブランド化される。




RECの詳細はTwitter: https://twitter.com/recgroupmediaでフォローできる。

RECについてさらに詳しい情報は visit http://www.recgroup.comを参照。


アニヤ・ヘッセ(Anja Hesse)

RECソーラー・セールス・アンド・マーケティング(REC Solar Sales and Marketing GmbH)広報担当

Leopoldstr. 175, 80804 Munich, Germany

電話 +49-89-442-3859 70

Eメール anja.hesse@recgroup.com

ソース:REC (Renewable Energy Corporation ASA)

REC to Separate the Solar and Silicon Business, Launching Two New Pure Play Industry Leaders to Capture Strong Solar Energy Growth


SANDVIKA, Norway, 18 July, /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    REC (Renewable Energy Corporation ASA), a leading global provider of solar

electricity solutions, announces that it will divide the company into two

entities, launching the Silicon and Solar divisions as independent, listed

companies. Both companies will be industry leaders in their fields and through

the planned financial transaction REC will ensure a strong financial base which

will provide a competitive advantage and a solid fundament for both companies

going forward.  

     (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130211/594514 )

    According to Ole Enger, CEO & President of REC, dividing the company along

the segment lines will place the two new entities in favorable positions to

capture future growth.

    "Solar has become a highly competitive source of energy and we strongly

believe the solar industry will experience significant growth over the coming

years. We recognize that it will be increasingly demanding to grow and maintain

a leading position with a vertically integrated business model. By launching a

pure play solar company and a pure play silicon company, both companies will be

in a favorable position for attracting capital, and well equipped to streamline

the market approach and stay in the forefront in terms of technology

development," says Ole Enger.

    Launching the separate entities will be done through a financial

transaction where REC offers 100 percent of the shares in REC Solar to the

existing REC shareholders. In the transaction, REC Solar is valued at NOK 800

million (EUR 102 million) and the offering is fully underwritten by the largest

shareholders of REC.

    REC Solar will be provided with a net cash position of NOK 300 million (EUR

38 million) and apply for a listing at the Oslo Stock Exchange. With an equity

ratio of 67 percent, REC Solar will be uniquely positioned as one of the few

debt free solar panel suppliers in the industry. REC ASA, will further

strengthen its balance sheet through receiving proceeds of NOK 500 million (EUR

63 million) from the transaction. After the transaction, REC ASA will hold net

debt of about NOK 1.7 billion (EUR 216 million) and with have an equity ratio

of about 53 percent. The transaction is pending approval by the REC

shareholders through an Extraordinary General Meeting and by the REC


    The announcement to launch the new solar and silicon companies coincides

with REC releasing its second quarter results marked by increased demand,

higher selling prices and overall improved earnings for the company. Revenues

from the quarter ended at NOK 1,544 million (EUR 203  million), up 21 percent

from the previous quarter. EBITDA was NOK 152 million (EUR 20 million) in the

second quarter, up from NOK 46 million (EUR 6 million) in the previous quarter.

EBITDA for REC Solar was NOK 75 million (EUR 10 million) and for REC Silicon

NOK 106 million (EUR 14 million).

    Further price increase on polysilicon is expected over the next quarter,

and strong solar panel demand growth from Asia means the outlook for the

industry is positive.

    For REC's large network of close, long-term partners and wide range of

stakeholders, the move to separate the Silicon and the Solar businesses will

not impact the interaction with REC, as the two business segments both have

complete separate organizational set-ups, including operations, R&D, sales &

marketing. The REC brand and trademark will in the continuation be owned by the

new REC Solar company, headquartered in Singapore under CEO, Oyvind Hasaas,

while the parent company and the associated silicon business will be rebranded

in due time.

    "With these new entities, we are able to launch two independent and strong

companies in an industry which is rapidly maturing. The current senior

management of the solar and silicon segments will head up the new companies

after a transition period. There are no other plans to change locations or

alter the number of staff in the two new organizations, as maintaining the high

competence level and strong global market position is of utmost importance to

us, underlines Ole Enger.

    The current corporate headquarters in Sandvika - Norway, will after a

transition period will be downsized significantly, with corporate functions and

roles transferred to the new head offices in Singapore for the solar business

and the US for the silicon business.

    More information is available here: http://www.recgroup.com/offering2013

    Follow REC on Twitter: https://twitter.com/recgroupmedia

    About REC:

    To see more of what REC can offer, visit http://www.recgroup.com

    For further information please contact:

    Anja Hesse

    Public Relations Manager, REC Solar Sales and Marketing GmbH

    Leopoldstr. 175, 80804 Munich, Germany

    Phone: +49-89-442-3859 70

    Email: anja.hesse@recgroup.com

    SOURCE: REC (Renewable Energy Corporation ASA)




