


AsiaNet 53836

共同JBN 0891(2013.8.9)




立ち上げを主催したタイ国政府商務省国際貿易振興局スウィパン・ティサモンド副局長は「ELMA 2013はタイ企業の物流管理能力を格上げし、2015年にタイがASEAN経済共同体に入る準備をするための公共部門政策の重要構成要素になっている」と述べた。

立ち上げのハイライトは「ELMA:成功の報酬」と題したパネルディスカッションで中心メンバーは代表的な物流サービス・プロバイダーだった。Berli Jucker Logistics Co., Ltd.、Triple i Logistics Group、DHL Express International (Thailand) Ltd.の最高経営責任者(CEO)および代表たちが過去のELMA受賞経験について意見を述べた。ELMA賞は、顧客満足度を最も効果的にあげることができる賞であるため、受賞企業は国際競争力を向上することができるという点で全員の意見が一致した。


ELMA賞の結果は今年9月に予定されているタイ国際物流フェア 2013の間に発表されることになっている。


Miss Duangnate Soonthornpanich

Tel. (+66) 2 718 8950 ext. 209

Email: duangnate@ttis.co.th

ソース:Department of International Trade Promotion of Thailand

ELMA Award Underscores Thailand’s Logistics Management Capability


BANGKOK, Thailand, Aug, 9. 2013 /InfoQuest=KYODO JBN/ --

ELMA Award is a trademark which guarantees Thai entrepreneurs’ logistics

management know-how, the key factor for successful business networking,

invaluable and effective trade alliances.

The 7th Export Logistics Model Award (ELMA) 2013 is being organized to select

outstanding Thai enterprises from amongst the users group and the logistics

service providers group, with a view to strengthen the confidence of local

businesses and foreign investors, pave the way for the ASEAN Economic Community

in 2015 as well as forthcoming free trade agreements with other geographical


The recent launching of ELMA Award 2013 organized by the Department of

International Trade Promotion was attended by a large number of commercial

attaches, chambers of commerce, logistics gurus and business entrepreneurs.

Capt. Suwipan Thisyamondol, Deputy Director-General of the Department of

International Trade Promotion, Ministry of Commerce, who presided at the

launching ceremony, noted that “ELMA 2013 is the key component of the public

sector’s policy to upgrade the logistics management capability of Thai

enterprises, and to prepare for Thailand’s entrance into the ASEAN Economic

Community in 2015.”

The highlight of the launching ceremony was the panel discussion on “ELMA: the

reward of success” led by top logistics service providers. CEOs and

representatives of Berli Jucker Logistics Co., Ltd., Triple i Logistics Group,

and DHL Express International (Thailand) Ltd., shared their experience as

winners of previous ELMA awards. They also agreed that ELMA Award is a prize

that can boost customer satisfaction most effectively, thereby improving

international competitiveness of winning companies.

Regarding the criteria for selecting winners of the ELMA Award, a committee

composed of qualified persons from the public and private sectors will jointly

assess the performance of contestants based on universally accepted criteria

within the Malcolm Baldrige Framework, the European Framework for Quality

Management and Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) Model. As such, the ELMA

Award will apply criteria that cover quality assurance as well as business

efficiency, the key factors which combine to ensure business excellence.

Results of the ELMA Award contest will be handed out during the Thailand

International Logistics Fair 2013 this coming September.

Media Contact:

Miss Duangnate Soonthornpanich

Tel. (+66) 2 718 8950 ext. 209

Email: duangnate@ttis.co.th

SOURCE: Department of International Trade Promotion of Thailand




