◎ストックホルム声明を発表して閉幕  世界水週間


◎ストックホルム声明を発表して閉幕  世界水週間

AsiaNet 54179

共同JBN 1025 (2013.9.9)

【ストックホルム2013年9月6日PRN=共同JBN】協力と連携をテーマとした2013年世界水週間(World Water Week)は6日、国連がポスト2015年開発アジェンダを検討する際、水問題を特に重視すべきであるとの声明を発表して1週間にわたる行事を終えた。

ストックホルム国際水協会(Stockholm International Water Institute、SIWI)は、ストックホルムにおける世界水週間の閉会式で、今月開催される国連総会への呼び掛けとしてストックホルム声明を発表した。声明は、水週間の期間中とその前に行われたオープンで包括的な協議の結果であり、国連がポスト2015年開発アジェンダを検討する際、水に特化した目標を設定することを求めている。



この1週間、100を超えるセミナー、ワークショップ、イベントが繰り広げられ、2600人以上の参加者は「Water Cooperation - Building Partnerships」のテーマの下で、現在直面している水問題について議論を交わした。





ソース:Stockholm International Water Institute

World Water Week Closes with a Call for Special Focus on Water in Development



     The 2013 World Water Week, focusing on cooperation and partnerships,

closed today with a call for the United Nations to put special emphasis on

water when it considers the post-2015 global development agenda.

    As input to the United Nations General Assembly later this month, the

Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) presented the Stockholm

Statement during the closing ceremony of the World Water Week in Stockholm. The

Statement, a result of an open and inclusive consultation process before and

during the Week, calls for a dedicated goal on water as the world body

considers the post-2015 global development agenda.

    Mr Torgny Holmgren, Executive Director of SIWI, said of the Stockholm

Statement: "A great collaborative effort before and during the World Water Week

has resulted in a forward-looking document on the role we believe water must

have in shaping the future development agenda for our globe. It is an

expression of the high level of expertise and dedication I see all around me in

the water community".

    The Stockholm Statement says that water, given its centrality to

individuals, ecosystems and economic development, sits at the very core of

sustainable global development. Therefore, "a dedicated goal on water is

necessary for a world where all people can live in safety and dignity". By the

year 2030 the world must have achieved a doubling of global water productivity,

a realisation of the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation, and

increased resilience to water-related disasters.

    In over 100 seminars, workshops and events spread throughout the week, over

2,600 participants have discussed and debated the most pressing water

challenges of our time under the thematic umbrella "Water Cooperation -

Building Partnerships".

    "This Week has brought together an unprecedented number of professionals

here in Stockholm. We have listened to world leaders, government

representatives, scientists, members of the private sector and civil society.

Every single one of them contributes to the work toward a water wise world. The

high level of discussions and debate on theory, policy and concrete solutions

reinforces the position of the World Water Week as the main global meeting

place on water and development, where the future agenda on water related

challenges is set," said Ms Karin Lexen, Director of the World Water Week at


    Note to Editors:

    For further information: http://www.worldwaterweek.org, http://www.siwi.org

    Source: Stockholm International Water Institute




