


AsiaNet 54370

共同JBN 1099 (2013.9.25)

【アブダビ(アラブ首長国連邦)2013年9月25日PRN=共同JBN】アブダビのシェイク・ナヒヤン・ビン・ムバラク・アル・ナヒヤン文化・青少年・社会開発相は、Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi(PSUAD)でGolden Age of Arab Sciences(アラブの黄金時代の科学)展示会を開会した。この展示会は、2013年9月24日から2014年1月14日まで開かれる。

 (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130923/642437-a

 (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130923/642437-b


元フランス教育相でアラブ世界研究所(Institut du monde arabe)長のジャック・ラング氏はこの展示会の重要性を強調して、アラブ世界が天文学的数字で知的成長を実現した驚異的な繁栄の時期であったことを想起してもらうため、「われわれ欧州の人々は、アラブとイスラム文明の重要性について十分認識している。なぜならばわれわれはある時点で、この偉大な文化が黄金時代中に生み出した思考と発明の高まりを基礎にして構築し、大きな恩恵を受け、その後われわれをルネサンス期に導き、芸術と科学の発展をもたらしからだ」と語った。

PSUAD副理事長であるムグヒール・カミス・アルカイリ博士はParis - Sorbonne University Abu Dhabiの役割をコメントして、「この展示会はアラブ首長国連邦(UAE)の青少年によりよい未来を生み出すために改革を進め、貢献し、UAEがテクノロジーと科学で指導的役割を果たせるよう備えることを奨励するものである」と語った。

Paris - Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi学長のエリック・フアーシュ教授は、同大学を文化交流の縮図であると表現し、互いに影響し合う65の国籍の人々で鮮明に代表される「文明の架け橋」であるとのビジョンを持ち、アブダビを世界に、世界をアブダビに持ち込むと説明した。


Mourad Tlili,




PSUAD Organises The Golden Age of Arab Sciences Exhibition for the First Time in the UAE


ABU DHABI, UAE, Sept. 25, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    HE Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Culture, Youth and

Social Development, opened The Golden Age of Arab Sciences exhibition in Paris

- Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi. The exhibition will run from 24 September 2013

until 14 January 2014.

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130923/642437-a )

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130923/642437-b )

    The Golden Age of the Arab civilization, from the beginning of the eighth

century until the fifteenth century, saw the discovery and production of major

scientific and intellectual feats that became a catalyst for the development of

European culture and knowledge towards a highly developed world. The exhibition

brings the accomplishments of the Arab and Islamic world to the fore, giving

the youth and the public a deeper understanding of their importance.

    HE Jack Lang, former French Minister of Education and President of the

Institut du monde arabe, highlighted the importance of this exhibition in

reminding us of a period of phenomenal prosperity during with the Arab world

carried intellectual growth forward at an astronomical rate, stating: "We in

Europe are fully aware of the importance of Arab and Muslim civilisation

because we, at a certain point, built on and benefited immensely from the surge

of thought and invention that this great culture produced during its golden

age, bringing us into a period of Renaissance and growth in the arts and


    Commenting on the role of the Paris - Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi in

organising this exhibition, HE Dr. Mugheer Khamis Al Khaili, Vice President of

PSUAD, said: "This exhibition will encourage younger generations in the UAE to

innovate and contribute towards creating a better future, and ensuring that the

UAE is prepared to take on a leadership role in technology and the sciences".

    Professor Eric Fouache, Chancellor of Paris - Sorbonne University Abu

Dhabi, describes his university as the epitome of cultural exchange, with its

vision as a "Bridge between civilizations" being vividly represented by the 65

nationalities that interact, bringing Abu Dhabi to the world and the world to

Abu Dhabi.

    The exhibit will be equipped with audio visual guides, short films, and

digital screens that further elaborate the various elements of the history of

the Arab golden age, alongside the curated artefacts and scripts by their

different eras. There will also be several talks, schedules of which can be

found on the website soon.

    Mourad Tlili,







