◎血友病治療の血漿(けっしょう)製品を途上国に配布 カナダのプロジェクト開始


◎血友病治療の血漿(けっしょう)製品を途上国に配布 カナダのプロジェクト開始

AsiaNet 54405

共同JBN 1117 (2103.9.27)



世界血友病連盟(WFH)はCanadian Blood Services(CBS)および血漿製品メーカー2社のBIOTEST AGとGRIFOLSと提携して、カナダのモントリオールで9月26日から開かれる出血性疾患治療剤の安全性、供給に関するWFH Global Forumで、(血漿製品製造にかかわる)Project Recoveryの開始を正式に発表する。この人道支援プロジェクトは、Canadian Hemophilia Society(CHS)による初のプロジェクトと考えられ、数十年の努力が実って現実のものになる。

Project Recoveryは、カナダの献血者からこれまで破棄されてきたクリオプレシピテート(寒冷沈降物)をBIOTEST社の第8因子含有濃縮製剤Haemoctin(登録商標)に変換する。それはWFHの人道支援プログラム(Humanitarian Aid Program)を通じて実行され、これら命と手足を救う医療へのアクセスがほとんどあるいはまったくなく、それでなければ死亡もしくは重篤の身体障害のリスクのある患者に提供することに注力する。

WFHのアラン・ワイル会長は「Project Recoveryは世界中の多数の血友病患者の生活を向上する能力を持っている。プロジェクトはまた、WFHがいつどこでこの必須医薬品を配布し、この素晴らしい人道的努力の恩恵を最大限発揮するかのプロジェクトを注意深く計画してもらえる」と語った。



Canadian Hemophilia Society(CHS)のクレイグ・アップショー会長は「CHSは10年以上前からProject Recoveryを始めた。われわれはパートナーがプロジェクト成功のため多くの法律上、技術上、商業上、規制上の障壁を乗り越えて協力できたことを心から評価し、ほかの国々もカナダの例に続くことを希望している」と語った。

血液凝固に必須の第8因子は、血漿の要素の1つであるクリオプレシピテートに含有している。Canadian Blood Services(CBS)への献血者の血漿に含まれるクリオプレシピテートすべてが、カナダの患者に向けだけに第8因子を作る必要はなく、これまでは余剰分が廃棄されてきた。Project Recoveryによって、クリオプレシピテートは米国にある工場でGRIFOLS 社によって抽出され、製造のためドイツのBIOTEST社に移送される。この完成後の医薬品は、BIOTESTのライセンスの下で製造、リリースされ、血友病A治療用の高純度、二重のウイルス不活性第8因子製品であるブランド名Haemoctinとなる。一部はBIOTESTから販売され、残りはWFHへ寄付されるためCBSに割り当てられる。BIOTESTはまた、受け入れ国に寄贈Haemoctinを配布するためWFHを支援する。パートナーシップはあらゆる関係者にとって実費ベースである。

Canadian Blood Services(CBS)のイアン・マンフォード業務責任者は「われわれはProject Recoveryの名誉あるパートナーである。献血者から受け取った心温まる贈り物(献血)を最大限活用することに加えて、利害関係者との粘り強く強力な関係は、多くの有資格患者を支援することになる」と語った。







▽Canadian Blood Servicesについて

Canadian Blood Servicesは国立、非営利慈善団体で、全州とケベック以外の準州における血液および血液製剤を管理している。Canadian Blood Servicesはまた、OneMatch Stem CellとMarrow Networkを監督しており、組織、細胞のドネーションと移植で全国的なリーダーシップをとっている。Canadian Blood Servicesは、年間42の常設献血サイトと2万以上のドナー・クリニックを運営している。カナダ各州・準州の保健省はCandian Blood Servicesの運営資金を提供している。カナダ連邦政府は、連邦政府保健省(Health Canada)を通じて血液システムの規制に責任を持っている。

▽Canadian Hemophilia Societyについて

Canadian Hemophilia Society(CHS)は1953年創立の全国的で自発的な健康慈善団体である。その使命は、遺伝性血液疾患にかかっているすべての人々の健康と生活の質を改善することであり、究極的にはその治療法を見つけ出すことにある。ビジョンは、遺伝性血液疾患からの痛みと苦しみのない世界である。CHSは世界血友病連盟(World Federation of Hemophilia、WHF)の創立メンバーである。CHSのサイトはwww.hemophilia.ca.


GRIFOLSは、高品質の革新的病院向け製品とサービスによって人々の生活を改善している。ヒト血漿由来の治療法は、有効性、安全性で群を抜いた記録を持っている。GRIFOLSはまた、血液バンク、輸血センター、臨床研究所で使用される医療機器、分析器、試薬で業界をリードするメーカーでもある。GRIFOLSは、Canadian Blood Services向けヒト血漿分留装置を製造している2社の1つである。


国際的な非営利組織の世界血友病連盟(World Federation of Hemophilia、WHF)は50年間にわたり、血友病やその他の先天性出血性疾患を患う人々の生活を向上させることに努めてきた。1963年に創設されたWHFは122カ国の患者組織の世界規模のネットワークであり、世界保健機構(WHO)から公認されている。WHFのサイトはhttp://www.wfh.org


World Federation of Hemophilia

Sarah Ford

+1 514 266-7764



Canadian Hemophilia Society

Chantal Raymond

+1 514 848-0503 #226



ソース:World Federation of Hemophilia

Project Recovery Turns Unused Blood Products from Canadian Blood Donations into Hemophilia Medicine for Developing Countries


MONTREAL, Sept. 27, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

   In what's being hailed as a world first, precious proteins left over from

the manufacture of plasma products from Canadian blood donors are being turned

into life- and limb-saving treatments for thousands of people living with

hemophilia in developing countries.

   A lifelong inherited bleeding disorder, hemophilia affects about 1 in 10,000

people worldwide. Close to seventy-five percent of them receive little or no

treatment. Hemophilia is one of a number of such disorders that prevent blood

from clotting properly. People with hemophilia experience prolonged internal

bleeding that can result from a seemingly minor injury. Bleeding into joints

and muscles causes severe pain and disability while bleeding into major organs,

such as the brain, can cause death. Hemophilia A (factor VIII deficiency) is

treated with factor VIII, a protein necessary for blood coagulation.

   The World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH), in partnership with Canadian Blood

Services (CBS) and two manufacturers of plasma products, BIOTEST AG and

GRIFOLS, will officially announce the launch of Project Recovery during the WFH

Global Forum on the safety and supply of treatment products for bleeding

disorders in Montreal, Canada, on September 26. This humanitarian aid project,

first conceived by the Canadian Hemophilia Society (CHS), now becomes a reality

after a dozen years of effort.

   Project Recovery will transform previously discarded cryoprecipitate from

Canadian blood donors into BIOTEST's factor VIII concentrate, called

Haemoctin(R), to treat people with hemophilia. It will be channeled through the

WFH Humanitarian Aid Program, which focuses on providing for patients in

developing countries who have little or no access to these life- and

limb-saving medicines and would otherwise be at risk of death or severe


   "Project Recovery has the potential to improve the lives of thousands of

people with hemophilia all over the world," said Alain Weill, WFH president.

"It also allows the WFH to carefully plan where and when these essential

medicines will be distributed thereby maximizing the benefits of this wonderful

humanitarian endeavour."

   It is estimated that in each year of the project at least five million

International Units of factor VIII will be donated. This will allow the annual

treatment of approximately 5,000 joint hemorrhages, the most common symptom of

hemophilia, in children and adults. Without such treatments, the people

experiencing these hemorrhages would endure weeks of excruciating pain and,

over time, serious joint damage leading to crippling. In addition, early

treatment or prevention of these hemorrhages will mean that caregivers―parents,

spouses, siblings―will not have to miss work or school to care for the person

immobilized at home or in hospital.

   This is the first time anywhere in the world that such a partnership has

been created to transform surplus cryoprecipitate into factor VIII for

humanitarian use. Contracts for this international cooperation were signed in

July of 2013 and the first production steps have begun. The WFH will receive

the first deliveries of this factor VIII in 2014.

   "The CHS was at the origin of Project Recovery more than a decade ago," said

Craig Upshaw, Canadian Hemophilia Society president. "We truly appreciate how

the partners were able to work through the many legal, technical, commercial

and regulatory barriers to success, and hope that other countries will follow

the Canadian example."

   Factor VIII, a protein essential to blood clotting, is contained in

cryoprecipitate, one of the components of plasma. Not all of the

cryoprecipitate contained in plasma from Canadian Blood Services donors is

needed to make factor VIII for Canadian patients and until now the excess was

discarded. With Project Recovery, the cryoprecipitate will be harvested by

GRIFOLS at its plant in the U.S., transported by BIOTEST to Germany for

manufacturing. This finished pharmaceutical product will be manufactured and

released under the BIOTEST license and trademarked Haemoctin, a high purity and

double virus inactivated factor VIII product for the treatment of hemophilia A.

A portion will be marketed by BIOTEST and the remainder allocated to CBS for

donation to the WFH. BIOTEST will also support the WFH in distributing the

donated Haemoctin to recipient countries. The partnership is cost neutral for

all parties.

   "We are a proud partner in Project Recovery," said Ian Mumford, Canadian

Blood Services chief operating officer. "In addition to maximizing the generous

gift we receive from our donors, the persistence and strong relationships with

stakeholders that have gotten us here will help thousands of deserving


   This Haemoctin donation will be a milestone for the WFH. This project will

enable the WFH to expand its Humanitarian Aid Program as part of its

comprehensive activities to achieve treatment for all people with bleeding


   About hemophilia and other bleeding disorders

   Hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, inherited platelet disorders, and other

factor deficiencies are lifelong bleeding disorders that prevent blood from

clotting properly. People with bleeding disorders do not have enough of a

particular clotting factor, a protein in blood that controls bleeding, or else

it does not work properly. The severity of a person's bleeding disorder usually

depends on the amount of clotting factor that is missing or not functioning.

People with hemophilia can experience uncontrolled bleeding that can result

from a seemingly minor injury. Bleeding into joints and muscles causes severe

pain and disability while bleeding into major organs, such as the brain, can

cause death.


   BIOTEST is a specialist in innovative hematology and immunology with the

integrated approach of a pharmaceuticals and biotherapeutics group operating

worldwide and develops, produces and sells medicinal products for the treatment

of blood and immune disorders. The principal starting material for BIOTEST

pharmaceuticals is human plasma, which is processed into medicinal products

that are used in the treatment of life-threatening conditions such as

coagulation disorders (hemophilia), severe infections or disorders of the

immune system. Visit BIOTEST online at http://biotest.com.

   About Canadian Blood Services

   Canadian Blood Services is a national, not-for-profit charitable

organization that manages the supply of blood and blood products in all

provinces and territories outside of Quebec. Canadian Blood Services also

oversees the OneMatch Stem Cell and Marrow Network, and provides national

leadership for organ and tissue donation and transplantation. Canadian Blood

Services operates 42 permanent collection sites and more than 20,000 donor

clinics annually. The provincial and territorial Ministries of Health provide

operational funding to Canadian Blood Services. The federal government, through

Health Canada, is responsible for regulating the blood system.

   About the Canadian Hemophilia Society

   Founded in 1953, the Canadian Hemophilia Society (CHS) is a national

voluntary health charity. Its mission is to improve the health and quality of

life of all people with inherited bleeding disorders and ultimately to find a

cure. Its vision is a world free from the pain and suffering of inherited

bleeding disorders. The CHS is a founding member of the World Federation of

Hemophilia. Visit the CHS online at www.hemophilia.ca.

   About GRIFOLS

   GRIFOLS improves people's lives with high quality innovative hospital

products and services. The plasma-derived therapies have outstanding records of

efficacy and safety and GRIFOLS is also a world-leading manufacturer of medical

devices, analyzers and reagents used by blood banks, transfusion centers, and

clinical laboratories. GRIFOLS is one of two custom plasma fractionators for

Canadian Blood Services.

   About the World Federation of Hemophilia

   For 50 years, the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH), an international

not-for-profit organization, has worked to improve the lives of people with

hemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders. Established in 1963, it is a

global network of patient organizations in 122 countries and has official

recognition from the World Health Organization. Visit WFH online at


For further information:

World Federation of Hemophilia

Sarah Ford

+1 514 266-7764



Canadian Hemophilia Society

Chantal Raymond

+1 514 848-0503 #226



SOURCE:  World Federation of Hemophilia




