
UBM Live


AsiaNet 54455

共同JBN 1136 (2013.9.30)



それは健康的だろうか? それは免疫システムを強化するだろうか? 最近まで、付加価値健康食品が提示する問題は、その大部分が生産者自身から答えられて、包装の上に表記されてきた。「腸内細菌そう(叢)の強化」、「心臓と血液循環の強化」、「コレステロール値の低下」は同義語のようなものである。その証拠として、メーカーは自社研究による利点を示してきた。しかし2006年以来、栄養・ヘルスクレームの使用規制が実施された。規制はそのような表示の使用に当たって、欧州連合(EU)諸国に広く一致した規則を課している。規制はまた、フランクフルト・アム・マインで9月19-21日に開かれた欧州食品素材(Fi Europe)見本市で、多くの展示者の主要なトピックでもあった。食品素材・包装企業は見本市で、新しい規制に準拠するソリューションを展示するため緊密に協業するとともに、製品の外観と内容の双方をさらに強化している。

  Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130723/629764-a




専門家はこれで十分であるとは思わない。ローゼン理事長は「企業は既に、これ(規制)はイノベーションを阻害すると発表している。長年の間、ハードルは余りにも高く、高価である」と語る。研究開発はここでは利益と釣り合わない。市場は単にコスト削減の視点から考える。しかし、Fi Europeでは多くのイノベーションと新製品を見いだした。業界は引き続き成長し、課せられる規制の圧力があるにもかかわらず、市場要件を満たそうとする。





新開発食品規制(Novel Food Regulation)が見直されることになっている。1997年以来、他国から新開発食品を輸入し、EUで販売する試みに大きな面倒な手続きがあった。将来は、世界中で消費される食品を販売する障壁はEUにおいてはより一層高くなりそうである。ローゼン理事長は結論として、「傾向は明らかにより厳密な法規制に向かうだろう」という。これがイノベーションを阻害することは今や予見可能である。それが消費者をより一層保護し、透明性を示すことになるか、あるいは混乱や不確実性を招くかどうかは結論待ちである。Fi Europeはこの話し合いに役立ち、あるいは現行規制に準拠する最適のソリューションを持っている新しいビジネスパートナーに会う適切な場所となる。Fi Europeは新商品を求め、意見を持つ人を探し、食品素材市場に影響力を持ちたい人と会う場である。

▽Fi ingredients Global-1986年以来市場への信頼されるルートについて

Food ingredientsは1986年にオランダのユトレヒトで開始された。ライブイベント、刊行物、詳しいデータ、デジタル・ソリューション、高レベルの会議というポートフォリオは今では世界中で確立され、食品素材業界のすべての利害関係者に地域的、世界的プラットフォームを提供している。それ以来約50万人が展示会に参加し、その結果、数十億ユーロ相当のビジネスがつくり出された。約25年にわたる優秀さによってこのイベント、デジタル・ソリューション、サポート製品は、真にグローバルなオーディエンスのいる実証済みの市場へのルートを提供している。Food ingredientsポートフォリオの詳細は以下のサイトを参照。http://www.foodingredientsglobal.com/europe


UBM Liveは人々を結びつけ、5大陸の企業に新たなビジネスを開発し、顧客の声に応え、新製品を発表し、ブランドの販売促進を行い、市場を拡大する機会をつくり出す。Fi、NuW、MD&M、CPhI、IFSEC、TFM&A、Cruise Shipping Miami、Concrete Showなどの一流ブランドを通じて、UBM Liveの展示会、会議、授賞プログラム、刊行物、ウェブサイト、訓練・認証計画は、20以上の業界分野で企業のマーケティングプランの不可欠な部分になっている。UBM Liveは40カ国に6500人のスタッフを持つ有力な世界的B2Bメディア・プロバイダーであるユナイテッド・ビジネス・メディア(United Business Media)(LSE: UBM.L、http://www.ubm.com)の1部門である。1918年にユナイテッド・ニュースペーパー社として設立され、「We explore, we exceed, you excel(われわれは探求し、超越することで抜きんでる)」をモットーにしている。

UBM Liveの詳しい情報はhttp://www.ubm.comを参照。

ソース:UBM Live

Transparency for Consumers or Barrier to Innovation?



- Either way, the Regulation on Nutrition and Health Claims is sure to bring

lots of change

Is that healthy? Does it strengthen the immune system? Until recently, the

question of what additional health value foods offer was mostly answered by

producers themselves and labelled on the packaging. "Strengthens intestinal

flora," "strengthens the heart and circulation," and "lowers cholesterol" are

just some of the claims. As proof, manufacturers were to demonstrate the

benefit in a self-conducted study. Since 2006, however, the Regulation on

Nutrition and Health Claims has been in place. It lays down harmonised rules

across the European Union for the use of such claims. The regulation is also a

major topic for many exhibitors at the Food Ingredients Europe (Fi Europe) fair

taking place from the 19th to the 21st of September in Frankfurt am Main.

Businesses in food ingredients and packaging are closely collaborating here to

present solutions that comply with the new regulation and also enhance both the

appearance and the content of the product.

     (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130723/629764-a )

On its website, the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer

Protection states that the consumer should be able to rely on "claims that are

true and accurate, and supported by scientific data". Peter Loosen, managing

director of the Bund fur Lebensmittelrecht und Lebensmittelkunde e.V. (BLL),

elaborates, "This means that basically all claims relating to the health

benefits of ingredients are prohibited, with the exception of those that have

been expressly approved." It took until May 2012 to prepare this list, which

authorises a total of 222 claims. "That surprised the industry," says Loosen.

"We had anticipated a far greater number and, above all, in a broader

spectrum." The authorised claims mainly only relate to vitamins and minerals.

Omitted areas include fibre or functional ingredients, such as probiotics or

glucosamine, which is generally considered to strengthen the joints. Loosen

states, "In the meantime, six additional claims have been authorised; a seventh

is pending, and a total of six claims relating to caffeine are still being

discussed, however, will apparently be added to the lists soon."

Risk or opportunity?

Yet the regulation is not merely geared to consumer protection. It was also

initiated to create equal marketing conditions in the EU. Loosen explains, "In

the past, certain claims could be used in France but not in Germany -

regardless of the fact that the legislative framework was the same." Now, it is

much easier to sell a product across Europe. The question is whether or not it

will still be worth it for companies to apply for authorisation of certain

claims. Among other things, clinical trials must be performed, which are

tedious and, above all, costly. However: Should a company have a finding that

is surprising or not yet known, the company has the right to exclusively use

this finding for five years.

The expert doubts that this is sufficient. "Companies have already announced

that this is hampering their innovation. For many, the hurdles are just too

high and expensive," says Loosen. Research and development are not balanced

with profit here. The market simply thinks in terms of saving costs.

Nevertheless, there will be many innovations and new products to see at Fi

Europe. The industry is continuously growing and will cater to the market's

requirements, even under the pressure the regulation imposes.

More transparency for the consumer

The regulation primarily aims to prevent misleading advertising claims and to

make food labelling as transparent as possible for the consumer. Regarding the

requirement to label, Loosen says, "Today, food companies are more transparent

than ever." Ingredients, additives, how much of what, for what purpose, and the

upcoming requirement to provide a nutrition facts table, inform the consumer of

a product's contents. The government fundamentally ensures that consumers can

eat all food products on the market without concern. Through the requirement to

label and to be transparent, consumers are only left with the choice of which

ingredients they prefer. Loosen: "But in the end, the labelling is just one

side of the coin. The information needs to be perceived and understood as

well." With the stevia plant, for example, the sweetening agent is allowed but

it is still uncertain whether the dried leaves of the plant may be used.

Drawing the line is sometimes difficult even for experts. More education is

needed here with regard to what the labelled information means and the consumer

also needs to be actively involved.

What will the future bring?

Many issues relating to food ingredients and their health-related claims have

not been clarified yet. There is, for example, still a large gap as regards

plant-derived ingredients known as botanicals. To date, no agreement has been

reached on a list here because demonstrating the beneficial effects is

difficult. Food law expert Loosen also sees two critical points here: "If no

agreement can be reached, then, in the worst case, health claims for botanicals

could be banned completely. But a consumer generally believes that plant

extracts have a positive effect. When this cannot be officially attributed to

natural products then it just confuses consumers even more." Possible

restrictions and authorisations may be on the agenda in further areas as well.

The Novel Food Regulation is to be revised. Since 1997, there has already been

immense red tape tied to bringing in novel foods from another country and

selling them here. In the future, the barrier to selling foods that are

consumed across the globe may be raised even higher in the EU. Loosen

concludes, "The trend clearly points to even more rigid laws." That this will

hamper innovation is now foreseeable. Time will tell whether it will bring

consumers greater protection and transparency, or confusion and uncertainty. Fi

Europe is just the right place to contribute to this discussion or meet new

business partners who have optimal solutions that comply with the current

regulations. This is where those seeking novelties, who want to have a say, or

want to influence the food ingredients market, meet.

About Fi ingredients Global - the trusted route to market since 1986

Food ingredients was launched in Utrecht, The Netherlands, in 1986. Its

portfolio of live events, publications, extensive data, digital solutions and

high-level conferences, are now established throughout the world and provide

regional and global platforms for all stakeholders, in the food ingredients

industry. Over 500,000 people have attended our shows over the years with

billions of Euros worth of business created, as a result. With over 25 years of

excellence, our events, digital solutions and supporting products, deliver a

proven route to market, with a truly global audience. For more information

about the Food ingredients Portfolio please visit:


About the Organiser

UBM Live connects people and creates opportunities for companies across five

continents to develop new business, meet customers, launch new products,

promote their brands and expand their markets. Through premiere brands such as

Fi, NuW, MD&M, CPhI, IFSEC, TFM&A, Cruise Shipping Miami, the Concrete Show and

many others, UBM Live exhibitions, conferences, awards programs, publications,

websites and training and certification programs are an integral part of the

marketing plans of companies across more than 20 industry sectors. UBM Live is

a division of United Business Media (LSE: UBM.L, http://www.ubm.com), a leading

global B2B media provider with 6,500 staff in 40 countries. Incorporated in

1918 as United Newspapers Limited, we live by the motto: "We explore, we

exceed, you excel."

For more information about UBM Live, please visit: http://www.ubm.com

Source: UBM Live




