◎BNPパリバ・個人フィランソロピー大賞を受賞 シブ・ナダールHCL会長

HCL Technologies Limited

◎BNPパリバ・個人フィランソロピー大賞を受賞 シブ・ナダールHCL会長

AsiaNet 54614

共同JBN1200 (2013.10.15)



世界的な大手プライベートバンクのBNPパリバ・ウェルス・マネジメントは、インドのIT企業HCLとShiv Nadar Foundation(シブ・ナダール財団)の創設者兼会長であるシブ・ナダール(Shiv Nadar)氏に「2013年BNPパリバ・個人フィランソロピー大賞」を授与した。ナダール氏の慈善活動に対する比類のない献身をたたえる大賞は、2013年10月10日にパリのBNPパリバ本社(サロンドランジュリ)で開かれた会合で同氏に贈られた。

  (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131011/647173

BNPパリバ・ウェルス・マネジメントが設立した財団、Fondation de l'Orangerie for Individual Philanthropyのフランソワ・デビエッセ会長は次のように語った。「シブ・ナダール財団の全人的リーダー養成方式は、受講者に対する完璧な指導という面だけでなく、インドの包括的な未来を創る重要性においても、ユニークなうえ極めて優れている。すべての発展途上国にとって、われわれは、この強力な方式は国家建設に主動的な役割を果たすと確信する。誠に称賛に値するこの活動を行うナダール氏とその財団に祝意を表したい」


シブ・ナダール氏は全財産の20%以上を慈善活動に拠出し、シブ・ナダール財団は有名な教育施設を通して社会改革の大きな推進力になっている。その教育施設は、インドのトップクラスの工科大学SSN Institutionsや、調査研究に力を入れている総合大学のShiv Nadar University、地方の恵まれない子どもたちへの無料住民教育を行う画期的なリーダー育成プロジェクトのVidyaGyanなど、幼稚園から高校、大学まで広がっている。




Ajay Davessar



ソース:HCL Technologies Limited

Shiv Nadar Awarded 2013 BNP Paribas Grand Prix for Individual Philanthropy


PARIS and NEW DELHI, Oct. 12, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    - Recognized for his philanthropic endeavors in education in India through

the Shiv Nadar Foundation

    BNP Paribas Wealth Management, a leading global private bank, awarded the

2013 BNP Paribas Grand Prix for Individual Philanthropy to Shiv Nadar, Founder

& Chairman, HCL and Shiv Nadar Foundation. The award was given to him at an

event hosted on October 10th, 2013 at the Salons de l'Orangerie, the BNP

Paribas headquarters in Paris, for his unparalleled efforts in philanthropy.

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131011/647173 )

    Francois Debiesse, Chairman of The Fondation de l'Orangerie for Individual

Philanthropy, a grant-making foundation set up by BNP Paribas Wealth

Management, said, "The inclusive leadership development model of the Shiv Nadar

Foundation is unique and stands out not only in terms of the sheer impact it

will have on its beneficiaries but also on the significance of this to create

an inclusive future for India. We believe that is a very powerful model for

every developing nation that would play a key role in contributing to nation

building. I congratulate Mr Nadar and the Foundation for this truly exemplary


    Accepting the award, Shiv Nadar said, "This is a great honor and I thank

BNP Paribas for this recognition. Education is the single largest tool for

individual empowerment and sustainable large-scale social and economic

transformation. The Shiv Nadar Foundation would continue to harness the power

of inclusive education to bridge urban-rural divide and drive exponential

social transformation in India by creating leaders from every socio-economic


    Shiv Nadar has pledged over 20 percent of his total wealth towards

philanthropy. Since inception, the Shiv Nadar Foundation has become a

significant driver of social change and transformational education through its

landmark institutions spanning the entire education spectrum from universities

and colleges to K-12 schools and that include the SSN Institutions, one of

India's top ranked engineering college; the Shiv Nadar University, a

multidisciplinary university with strong research orientation and VidyaGyan, a

radical experiment in leadership development through free residential education

to meritorious rural underprivileged children.

    BNP Paribas Wealth Management instituted the BNP Paribas Awards for

Individual Philanthropy in 2008 with a view to disseminating information and

raising general awareness of the growing global phenomenon of philanthropic


    For more information follow this link - Shiv Nadar Foundation

[http://www.shivnadarfoundation.org ]

    CONTACT: Ajay Davessar



     SOURCE: HCL Technologies Limited




