◎STAR-CCM+ v8.06は新たにご利用になるユーザーをプロに近づけます


AsiaNet 54724



STAR-CCM+ v8.06は新たにご利用になるユーザーをプロに近づけます

CD-adapcoのSTAR-CCM+の最新版、STAR-CCM+ v8.06はユーザー経験の活用、シミュレーション範囲の拡大、ターンアラウンドタイム(解析全体にかかる工数)の削減を実現します。


エンジニアリング用CFD・CAEシミュレーションソフトウェアの世界最大級の独立系プロバイダー、CD-adapcoは、STAR-CCM+の最新バージョンSTAR-CCM+ v8.06のリリースをご案内いたします。今回のバージョンアップは当社を代表する製品である解析ソフトウェアの2013年における3回目のリリース版となります。

(写真:http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110623/MM25604LOGO )

当社のプロダクトマネージメント・シニアバイスプレジデント、Jean Claude Ercolanelliは次のように述べています。「STAR-CCM+ v8リリースの目的は、ユーザー経験の総合的活用、適用範囲の拡大、処理時間の劇的な削減にあります。」






STAR-CCM+ v8.06ではオーバーセットメッシュと混相流の併用ができるようになり、飛行機の翼にあるフラップに蓄積する氷や吹付塗装を解析することが可能です。他に、DEM粒子はアクティブ・スカラーを取り扱うことができるようになり、タブレットコーティングの厚みやウッドチップ乾燥の湿度解析に適用可能です。



DEMをお使いになるお客様は、STAR-CCM+ v8.06では性能が大きく向上していることに気が付かれるでしょう。内容によっては前バージョンと比較して約30%の時間で同様の解析が可能となります。また、並列トリマーの導入により、より大きなメッシュの生成をより短時間に行い、全体的な生産性を向上させることができます。

STAR-CCM+ v8.06はカスタマーポータルサイトからダウンロードしていただけます。詳細につきましては弊社ウェブサイト(www.CD-adapco.com)あるいはCD-adapcoブログにてご確認ください。



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STAR-CCM+ v8.06 Gets New Users Up and Running Like Pros


NEW YORK and LONDON, Oct. 23, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     -- CD-adapco's new STAR-CCM+ v8.06 release enhances its user experience,

                      simulation scope and turnaround time.

    CD-adapco, the largest privately held CFD-focused CAE provider, announced

today the release of STAR-CCM+ v8.06, the third release in 2013 of their

flagship simulation tool.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110623/MM25604LOGO )

    "The objective of the STAR-CCM+ v8 releases is to improve the overall user

experience, to expand the application coverage and to boost turnaround times,"

says Senior VP of Product Management, Jean-Claude Ercolanelli.

    Enhanced User Experience

    "A significant challenge for simulation engineers lies in ensuring

consistency of processes across large organizations or geographically dispersed

teams," says Ercolanelli. "To address this, we are offering the Simulation

Assistant, an interactive user interface that allows users to reproduce best

practices and deploy them across whole organizations."

    The Simulation Assistant (


) is also perfect for introducing inexperienced engineers to your simulation

process, exposing them to a step-by-step approach that guides them through the

stages necessary to obtain meaningful results.

    Expanded Coverage

    "Multiphase flows are perceived as being difficult to simulate because

models are often restricted to a narrow range of applications," says

Ercolanelli. "One of our focuses in STAR-CCM+ involves making multiphase flows

more accessible to users (


), closing gaps and allowing you to tackle a wider range of industrial


    STAR-CCM+ v8.06 introduces the ability to use multiphase with overset,

which opens up the possibility to simulate phenomena such as ice buildup on

aircraft wing flaps or spray painting. Discrete Element Method particles can

now carry an active scalar that can be used for applications such as tablet

coating thickness or moisture content for wood chip drying.

    Improved Turnaround Time

    "Being able to simulate part of a problem is not enough," says Ercolanelli.

"We are committed to allowing our users to 'simulate systems' in their full

complexity, by improving solver performance so that users can simulate

phenomena that occur on an industrial scale and in an acceptable timescale."

    Users of DEM will notice substantial performance improvements in STAR-CCM+

v8.06, with simulations taking as little as 30% of the time taken in previous

versions. The introduction of a parallel trimmer will allow the faster creation

of larger meshes, increasing overall productivity.

    STAR-CCM+ v8.06 is available for download from the Steve Customer Portal

(http://steve.cd-adapco.com). For more information, please visit

http://www.cd-adapco.com, or visit the CD-adapco blog



    Lauren Gautier



    SOURCE: CD-adapco




