◎アルペンリゾート・シュバルツが受賞 2013年EFQMエクセレンス賞


◎アルペンリゾート・シュバルツが受賞 2013年EFQMエクセレンス賞

AsiaNet 54700

共同JBN 1249 (2013.10.24)

【ブリュッセル2013年10月24日PRN=共同JBN】2013年の欧州品質管理財団エクセレンス賞(EFQM Excellence Awards)に10団体がノミネートされた。審査団は10団体のうち、エクセレンス賞に1団体、入選に8団体を選定した。最終選考に残るのはすべて、少なくとも3年間、競争相手と区別される卓越性の持続を示すことができる団体である。入選するには持続的な卓越性を示し、特定分野で「模範(Role Model)」とみなされる必要がある。賞は「卓越性の基本概念(Fundamental Concepts of Excellence)」に基づいて授与されるが、これには革新性、指導性、組織発展が含まれる。

この賞は名誉ある褒賞で、審査団によって真に「卓越性の模範(Role Model of Excellence)」であることを示した団体に限り授与される。審査団がその水準の卓越性を明示した団体がないと判断すれば、その年は授賞なしとなる。このため、それだけ名誉ある褒賞になっており、授与は義務付けられていない。審査団は、2013年EFQMエクセレンス賞の受賞者として、オーストリアのアルペンリゾート・シュバルツ(Alpenresort Schwarz)を認定した。



3万以上の団体に使用されている管理の枠組み「EFQMエクセレンスモデル(EFQM Excellence Model)」を通じて、組織の業績向上支援に取り組み、モデル実践を支援するためトレーニング、評価ツール、表彰を提供している。しかし、優れた実践の収集とポートフォリオ内の統合によって、本物の才能は現れる。






The EFQM Excellence Award 2013


BRUSSELS, Oct. 24, 2013/PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     A winner this year

    In 2013, 10 organisations were nominated for the EFQM Excellence Awards.

Out of the 10 nominees, the jury identified one Award winner and 8 Prize

winners. All the finalists are organisations that can demonstrate a sustained

level of excellence over at least 3 years that sets them apart from their

peers. To become an EFQM Prize Winner, they must also demonstrate sustained

excellence and be considered a Role Model in a specific area. Prizes are

awarded based on the Fundamental Concepts of Excellence, which include

innovation, leadership and organisational development.

    The Award is a prestigious reward only bestowed by the Jury on an

organisation demonstrating they are truly a Role Model of Excellence. If the

Jury feels that none of the applicants can clearly demonstrate this level of

Excellence, no Award is given that year. This is what makes the Award such a

prestigious reward: its bestowal isn't mandatory. This year, the Jury decided

to recognise Alpenresort Schwarz as the EFQM Award Winner for 2013.

    Marc Amblard, Chief Executive Officer of EFQM, comments: "This competition

is the opportunity for everyone to learn best practices, gain newinsights from

various people and organisations. But above all the EFQM Excellence Award is

the occasion to measure up against other high maturity organisations, identify

further areas for improvement and motivate employees. Every year, participants

demonstrate Excellence and brighten up the EFQM spirit. We are delighted to

recognise their great efforts, and we are convinced they'll inspire others."

    About EFQM

    We are committed to help organisations improve performance through the EFQM

Excellence Model, a management framework used by over 30 000 organisations. To

help you implement our Model, we provide training, assessment tools and

recognition. But our real talent comes from gathering good practices and

integrating those within our portfolio.

    About the EFQM Excellence Award

    The objective of the EFQM Excellence Award is to recognise Europe's best

performing organisations, whether private, public or non-profit. It recognises

industry leaders with an indisputable track record of success in turning

strategy into action and continuously improving their organisation's

performance. All applicants are assessed by a team of independent experts who

spend an average of 500 hours per applicant.


   Pictures from the Award Ceremony available by 9am on 24th October on

DropBox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/e9axt5yb6kuvbic/0klDHMz2WI





