◎古代への窓を開く石の村・Yong Wan ミッションヒルズの対決の場

Mission Hills China

◎古代への窓を開く石の村・Yong Wan ミッションヒルズの対決の場

AsiaNet 54840

共同JBN 1314 (2013.10.31)


(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2013/10/28/20131028223550352923.html

自然遺跡の多くは、地元の言葉でYong Wanと呼ばれる古代の村の名残である古代の村の遺跡は、ゴルフコースやリゾート観光地の建設でも手をつけられず、今日ではブラックストーン・コースの7番から10番ホールの辺りに遺跡を見ることができる。



ソース:Mission Hills China

Yong Wan Stone Village Offers a Window into Ancient History for the Match between Tiger and Rory at Mission Hills Haikou


HAIKOU, China, Oct. 30, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

The Blackstone Course, tournament course of The Match at Mission Hills between

Tiger and Rory, winds its way through ancient black rock and natural ruins,

including centuries-old houses, walls, shrines and graves. The ancient lava

brick structures reflect the unique customs and culture of the region.

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2013/10/28/20131028223550352923.html )

Many of these natural ruins are the remnants of an ancient village, named Yong

Wan in local language. All remnants of the ancient village remained untouched

during the construction of the golf courses and resort, and remains can be

found today near Blackstone's seventh and 10th holes.

The rock walls we see today are the walls of the native village, although many

roofs of the houses have since collapsed. The biggest spaces were probably the

living areas and the smaller areas by the side are for cooking and rearing


The entrance to the courtyard of each house has an arched entrance made from

carved stone. There are many other items which were hand carved from the

centuries-old lava stones. In view of its historic interests, National

Geographic and Discovery had filmed a documentary that is scheduled to be

broadcasted in the coming months.

SOURCE:  Mission Hills China




