◎2013年世界起業家賞に6氏 シンガポールでフォーラム


◎2013年世界起業家賞に6氏 シンガポールでフォーラム

AsiaNet 54824

共同JBN 1312 (2013.11.5)

【シンガポール2013年11月4日PRN=共同JBN】4大陸の代表は、富と社会正義を生み出した起業精神の本質を象徴している。シンガポールで開催された世界起業家フォーラム(World Entrepreneurship Forum)のガラセレモニーで28日、2013年「世界起業家賞(Entrepreneur for the World)」の受賞者が発表された。






アシシ・サッカー氏は26カ国で活動、7000人以上を雇用しているMara Groupの創業者兼社長。英国とウガンダで育ち、ルワンダ虐殺の恐怖をくぐり抜け、15歳で最初の会社を立ち上げた。


ダニエル・エプスタイン氏はUnreasonable Groupの創業者兼最高経営責任者(CEO)。毎年、世界各地の影響力の大きい起業家を結び付け、世界トップ級の指導(http://unreasonableinstitute.org/our-mentors)、種子資本へのアクセス、国際的な支援ネットワークを提供している。エプスタイン氏は2012年、米誌フォーブスの「影響力ある起業家30人」のひとりに選定された。


リシャディエ博士は1982年、対人地雷で損傷したカンボジア難民を支援するためにHandicap Internationalを共同創設した。それから30年、Handicap Internationalの活動は60カ国以上の数百万人に恩恵を与え、1997年にノーベル平和賞を共同受賞した。


ファディ・ガンドゥール氏は60カ国の354地点に1万4000人の従業員を抱える世界的な大手物流・運輸企業、Aramexの創業者。中東・北アフリカ地域(MENA)の起業家支援プラットフォーム、WAMDA.comの会長も務め、恵まれない地域を支援する取り組み、Ruwwad for Developmentの創業者兼会長でもある。




50カ国以上に従業員6万人を展開、100を超える企業を擁する世界有数の魅力的ブランド、Virgin Groupの創業者。ブランソン卿自身が多くの記録破りの冒険に挑戦し、世界の望ましい変化を誘発する起業家的手法を常に見いだしてきた。

▽世界起業家フォーラム(World Entrepreneurship Forum)について

2008年、EMLYONビジネススクールとKPMGフランスによって創設された後、シンガポールのAction Community for Entrepreneurship、ナンヤン理工大学、フランスのリヨン都市共同体、リヨン商工会議所、中国の淅江大学が加わった。世界起業家フォーラム(World Entrepreneurship Forum)にはこれまでに75カ国から600人以上の会員が加入、起業家精神のソリューションで現代世界の最緊急課題に取り組んでいる。


Stephanie Kergall

Deputy Director - World Entrepreneurship Forum



ソース:World Entrepreneurship Forum

The World Entrepreneurship Forum Announces the Winners of the 2013 "Entrepreneur for the World" Awards



     Representing four continents, they symbolise the very essence of an

entrepreneurship that creates both wealth and social justice. The winners of

the 2013 "Entrepreneur for the World" Awards were announced yesterday in

Singapore during the gala ceremony of the World Entrepreneurship Forum.

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


    The keynote speaker for the sixth anniversary of the World Entrepreneurship

Forum was Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister

of Singapore.

    Prizes were awarded for the six following categories:

    - "Young Entrepreneur": Ashish Thakkar - Uganda

    Ashish Thakkar is the Founder and Managing Director of Mara Group, which

operates in 26 countries and employs over 7,000 people. He grew up in the UK

and Uganda, survived the terror of the Rwandan genocide, and started his first

company at the age of 15.

    - "Educator": Daniel Epstein - United States of America

    Daniel is the Founder and CEO of Unreasonable Group. Annually, they unite

high-impact entrepreneurs from around the world and provide world-class

mentorship [http://unreasonableinstitute.org/our-mentors ], access to seed

capital, and a global support network [http://unreasonableinstitute.org/network

]. Daniel was recognized in 2012 by Forbes as one of the "top 30 most impactful


    - "Social Entrepreneur": Jean-Baptiste Richardier - France

    Dr. Richardier co-founded Handicap International in 1982 to assist

Cambodian refugees mutilated by anti-personnel mines. Thirty years later,

Handicap International's work has benefitted several million people in over 60

countries and was a co-recipient of the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize.

    - "Business Entrepreneur": Fadi Ghandour - Jordan

    Fadi is the Founder of Aramex, a leading global logistics and

transportation company with 14,000 employees in 354 different locations across

60 countries. He is also the Chairman of WAMDA.com, an entrepreneurship support

platform for the MENA region and the Founder and Chairman of Ruwwad for

Development, an initiative that helps disadvantaged communities.

    - "Policy Maker": Her Excellency Mrs Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of

the Republic of Liberia

    She is the first elected female Head of State in Africa, is serving her

second term as President and co-received the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize. She has

built strong relations with regional partners and the international community,

attracting foreign investment to her country and restoring Liberia's

international reputation.

    - "Serial Entrepreneur": Sir Richard Branson - United Kingdom

    He is Founder of the Virgin Group, one of the world's most irresistible

brands, with more than 100 companies worldwide and 60,000 employees in over 50

countries. Branson has challenged himself with many record breaking adventures

and has always found entrepreneurial ways to provoke positive change in the


    About the World Entrepreneurship Forum

    Founded in 2008 by EMLYON Business School and KPMG France, later joined by

Action Community for Entrepreneurship and Nanyang Technological University in

Singapore, Greater Lyon and Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry in France,

and Zhejiang University in China, the World Entrepreneurship Forum has already

brought together more than 600 members from 75 countries to tackle our world's

most pressing issues with entrepreneurial solutions.


    Press contact: Stephanie Kergall

    Deputy Director - World Entrepreneurship Forum



SOURCE: World Entrepreneurship Forum




