◎Vespa Primaveraの伝説が復活

Piaggio Group

◎Vespa Primaveraの伝説が復活

AsiaNet 54909

共同JBN 1340 (2013.12.9)


新型Vespa(ベスパ)Primaveraが12月3日から8日まで開催の Paris Salon de la Motoで、フランス・デビューを果たした。

先月、ベトナムのハノイで行われたプレゼンテーションに続き、ミラノ2013年EICMAショーで世界のプレスに発表されたVespa Primaveraは欧州全域で販売され、ベトナムをはじめとするアジア諸国でも販売される。



Vespa Primaveraの1号機は1968年に登場した。その年は、若者世代の間で新たな意識が芽生え、突如として自由を求めて叫んだ年でもあった。

敏しょう、革新的なライン、目を見張る性能、簡単で楽しい運転-45年前Vespa Primaveraは、変化を希求する世界に新鮮な息吹を吹き込んだ。小型で俊敏なPrimaveraはVespaの歴史の中で最も長く販売され最も愛されるモデルになるべくしてなり、本当の「ステータスシンボル」で、若い男にも女にも等しく人気があった。

Vespa Primaveraは若々しく、イノベーティブで技術的に画期的であり、俊敏でダイナミックであり、その上環境保護の観点からみてもスターでもある。Vespa Primaveraは時代の主人公であり、Vespa系譜のカルト的なモデルの経歴にふさわしい日常の新鮮さと楽しさをまるごと継承している。

全く新しいデザイン、鋼鉄製の新ボディー、新しいサイズ、俊敏さを保ちながらも安定性と快適性を備えて、Vespa Primaveraはよみがえった。超モダンで環境に配慮した50cc, 120cc 3バルブと150cc 3バルブエンジンで駆動され、最高級で技術的に最も進んだモデルVespa 946のスタイルと技術のソリューションの一部も取り込んでいる。






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The Vespa Primavera Legend Is Back


MILAN, Dec. 6, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     At the Paris Salon de la Moto, open from 3 to 8 December, the new Vespa

Primavera made its French debut.

    Unveiled a month ago at the world press at the Milan 2013 EICMA show, the

Vespa Primavera is now being marketed all over Europe and - following a

presentation in Hanoi - in Vietnam and Asian countries as well.

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:         


    The first Vespa Primavera emerged in 1968. This was the year that witnessed

a new awareness amongst the younger generation that suddenly wanted to yell for


    Nimble, innovative lines, sparkling performance, easy and fun to ride- 45

years ago Vespa Primavera was a breath of fresh air. Small and quick, it was to

become one of the longest running and most beloved models in the history of

Vespa, equally popular with guys and girls.

    Youthful, technologically ground-breaking and agile, with an eye to the

protection of the environment, the new Vespa Primavera is the protagonist of

its time, inheriting all the joy of life that go hand in hand with the story of

a model that is a cult in the Vespa family tree.

    With a radically new design, a new body in steel, new sizes, still agile

but even more stable and comfortable, Vespa Primavera is reborn - powered by

the ultra modern and ecological 50cc, 125cc 3 valve and 150cc 3 valve engines -

appropriating some of the stylistic and technical solutions of Vespa 946, the

most prestigious and technologically advanced model ever conceived.

    The new Primavera is back at one of the brightest moments in Vespa history,

the year that also marked the debut of the Vespa 946, which was introduced to

the American market with the launch that took place in Manhattan on 25 October

after already having been introduced in Europe and Asia.

   The record of new products offered is matched by sales records: from January

to October 2013 the Vespa brand earmarked the exceptional number of more than

158,000 units sold worldwide, 20,600 vehicles more than the 137,000 sold in the

first ten months of 2012.

    This is further confirmation of the extraordinary progress the Vespa brand

has made in the last ten years: from 2004, when overall sales reached 58,000

units, numbers rose to 100,000 in 2006, and 165,000 Vespas manufactured in

2012, a record which is about to be broken in 2013.

    In less than ten years, from January 2004 to October of this year, a total

of 1,207,827 Vespas have been sold worldwide.

    Piaggio Group Press Office - 20121 Milano

    - Via Broletto, 13

    - tel +39-02-319612-15/16/17/18/19,

    fax +39-02-31961288

    - press@piaggio.com.

    SOURCE: Piaggio Group




