◎ACEIが中米、カリブの電力開発、投資でBMR Energy設立

American Capital Energy & Infrastructure

◎ACEIが中米、カリブの電力開発、投資でBMR Energy設立

AsiaNet 55357

共同JBN 1530 (2013.12.19)

【アナポリス(米メリーランド州)2013年12月19日PRN=共同JBN】American Capital Energy & Infrastructure(以下ACEI)は19日、ベテラン経営チームと提携して中米、カリブ諸国の電力および関連するエネルギー・インフラストラクチャーの開発、投資に注力する新しいエネルギー会社BMR Energy LLC (以下BMR)を創設したと発表した。

BMR経営チームは最高経営責任者(CEO)に就任したブルース・レビー(Bruce Levy)氏に率いられ、世界的なエネルギー開発プロジェクト、買収、事業に60年余りの集約的経験を持っている。レビー氏は過去30年に米国と海外のエネルギー部門で数々の経営上の重職についており、ごく最近はInternational Power North America(現在はGDF SUEZ Energy International)の社長兼CEOだった。レビー氏はアンドルー・ロビト(Andrew Rovito)、ピップ・デッカー(Pip Decker)両氏に補佐される。ロビト氏は世界的なエネルギー開発プロジェクト開発と財務に大きな経験があり、最近まで米国における化石燃料開発の独立系電力開発プロジェクトデベロッパーであるDevelopment Partners Groupを共同で創設に当たった。デッカー氏は再生可能エネルギー産業にかかわり、米国での風力および太陽光発電施設の開発、建設、事業に注力し、BMRの前まではBrookfield Renewable Powerのプロジェクト開発に専念した。






American Capital Energy & Infrastructureは発電施設、給配電、送電ネットワーク、エネルギー輸送資産、燃料生産機会、電力・エネルギー業界の製造・サービス企業を含めた世界のエネルギーインフラ・アセットに投資している。ACEIはAmerican Capital, Ltd.(Nasdaq: ACAS)(American Capital)のアセットマネジメント関連企業であるAmerican Capital Asset Management, LLC.の1部門である。詳細はwww.ACEI.comを参照。


American Capitalはグローバル資産運用を業務とする上場企業である。直接もしくは資産運用事業を通じて、ミドルマーケットの未公開株式、レバレッジドファイナンス、不動産、エネルギー、インフラストラクチャー、ストラクチャードプロダクトに対する投資の創出、引き受け、管理を行っている。American Capitalはバランスシート上の資産、関連会社が管理している手数料収入対象の資産を含めて、総額200億ドルを管理し、管理下にある資産総額は1170億ドル(レバレッジドアセットを含む)に達する。American Capitalは関連会社を通じて、上場企業で純時価総額約100億ドルのAmerican Capital Agency Corp.(Nasdaq: AGNC)、純時価総額約10億ドルのAmerican Capital Mortgage Investment Corp.(Nasdaq: MTGE)を経営している。American Capitalとその子会社European Capitalは米欧8カ所にオフィスを置き、1件当たり1000万ドルから7億5000万ドル規模の投資の機会を探っている。詳細はwww.americancapital.comを参照。


BMR Energyはニューヨークに本社があり、カリブ諸国と中米の電力およびエネルギー関連資産の取得、開発、所有、事業に注力している。BMW経営チームは60年以上の国際的なエネルギー基盤開発と事業経験を持ち込む。


(443) 214-7070

Paul Hanrahan, Chief Executive Officer

Richard Santoroski, Managing Director

Rajeev Garside, Vice President

ソース:American Capital Energy & Infrastructure

American Capital Energy & Infrastructure Partners with Veteran Management Team to Establish BMR Energy and Commits $25 Million to First Project


ANNAPOLIS, Md., Dec. 19, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    American Capital Energy & Infrastructure ("ACEI") announced today that it

has partnered with a veteran management team to create BMR Energy LLC ("BMR"),

a new energy company focused on developing and investing in power and related

energy infrastructure throughout Central America and the Caribbean.  

    Led by Bruce Levy as Chief Executive Officer, BMR's management team has

over 60 years of collective experience in global energy project development,

acquisition and operations.  Mr. Levy has held key executive positions in the

U.S. and international energy sectors for the past 30 years, most recently as

President and CEO of International Power North America (now part of GDF SUEZ

Energy International).  Mr. Levy is joined by Andrew Rovito and Pip Decker.  

Mr. Rovito has extensive experience in global energy project development and

finance and most recently co-founded Development Partners Group, a developer of

fossil fuel independent power projects throughout the U.S.  Mr. Decker has been

involved in the renewable energy industry, focused on the development,

construction and operation of wind and solar facilities throughout the U.S.,

and, prior to BMR, focused on project development for Brookfield Renewable


    Mr. Paul Hanrahan, CEO and co-founder of ACEI, said: "We are excited to

partner with Bruce, Andrew and Pip in building this new platform.  Bruce is a

knowledgeable and successful international executive who leads a talented team

with strong energy infrastructure development and operational experience.  This

partnership will enable ACEI to expand into the Caribbean and Central American

region with the development of competitive and environmentally responsible

power and related energy infrastructure to serve the region's growing energy


    BMR's first project is a 34 MW wind farm in Malvern, St. Elizabeth Parish,

Jamaica.  In September 2013, the Office of Utility Regulation in Jamaica

selected BMR to build, own, and operate the wind project, which is expected to

be operational in 2015.  The company also has a mature project pipeline

throughout the region.

    Mr. Hanrahan added: "There is a tremendous opportunity for renewable and

efficient fossil fueled generation and gas infrastructure to displace expensive

oil-fired power plants in Jamaica, as well as throughout the Caribbean and

Central American region.  With most of Jamaica's electrical power produced by

diesel and heavy fuel oil, Jamaica depends on relatively expensive petroleum

imports to satisfy its national energy needs.  Renewable power and other energy

infrastructure can substantially reduce the cost of power while also improving

the environment in Jamaica."  

    "ACEI's deep operational and development knowledge, combined with its

extensive global network in the industry, as well as its financial strength

will add significant value to BMR and our first project in Jamaica," said Mr.

Levy. "Power from our Jamaica wind project should be among the lowest price

available in the country.  We are pursuing similar opportunities for wind,

solar and fossil fueled energy projects and expect that our technical and

development expertise as well as our financial strength will offer new options

to governments and energy users across the region.  We look forward to being a

part of this effort."   


    American Capital Energy & Infrastructure invests in global energy

infrastructure assets, including power generation facilities, power

distribution and transmission networks, energy transportation assets, fuel

production opportunities and product and service companies focused on the power

and energy sectors.  ACEI is part of American Capital, Ltd.'s (Nasdaq: ACAS)

("American Capital") asset management affiliate, American Capital Asset

Management, LLC.  For further information, please refer to www.ACEI.com.


    American Capital is a publicly traded private equity firm and global asset

manager.  American Capital, both directly and through its asset management

business, originates, underwrites and manages investments in middle market

private equity, leveraged finance, real estate, energy and infrastructure and

structured products.  American Capital manages $20 billion of assets, including

assets on its balance sheet and fee earning assets under management by

affiliated managers, with $117 billion of total assets under management

(including levered assets).  Through an affiliate, American Capital manages

publicly traded American Capital Agency Corp. (Nasdaq: AGNC) with approximately

$10 billion of net book value and American Capital Mortgage Investment Corp.

(Nasdaq: MTGE) with approximately $1 billion of net book value. From its eight

offices in the U.S. and Europe, American Capital and its affiliate, European

Capital, will consider investment opportunities from $10 million to $750

million.  For further information, please refer to www.americancapital.com.


    Headquartered in New York City, BMR Energy was founded in 2013 to focus on

acquiring, developing, owning and operating power and energy related assets in

the Caribbean and Central America.  The BMR team brings more than 60 years of

combined international energy infrastructure development and operational


    Contact: (443) 214-7070

    Paul Hanrahan, Chief Executive Officer

    Richard Santoroski, Managing Director

    Rajeev Garside, Vice President

    SOURCE: American Capital Energy & Infrastructure




