◎エネルギー価格の不安定性および不況が気候変動問題にかわり初めてエネルギー問題の最重要課題に - 世界エネルギー会議


AsiaNet 55798



エネルギー価格の不安定性および不況が気候変動問題にかわり初めてエネルギー問題の最重要課題に - 世界エネルギー会議

ヨハネスブルク、2014年2月18日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --

世界エネルギー会議(World Energy Council, WEC)が公表した「2014年世界エネルギー課題モニター(World Energy Issues Monitor)」報告書によれば、エネルギー価格の不安定性が、これまでの気候変動問題にかわって、初めて世界のエネルギー問題における最重要課題となりました。


報告書発表の場で、WEC事務局長クリストフ・フライ氏(Christoph Frei)は、次のように見解を述べました。




「2014 年世界エネルギー課題モニター」報告書は、84ヶ国におよぶ、大臣、最高経営責任者やWEC国内委員会の会長など800名を超えるエネルギー分野のトップの意見を集約した、6ヶ月に及ぶ調査研究の成果です。 報告書は、世界規模でのエネルギーに関する課題を考察するとともに、世界6地域および24か国におけるトレンドや展望についても分析しています。








報告書は次のサイトからダウンロードできます。 http://www.worldenergy.org/publications

情報提供: 世界エネルギー会議

Energy Price Volatility and Recession Have for the First Time Replaced Climate Framework as the Top Issue for Energy Leaders - World Energy Council



    High energy price volatility has for the first time replaced global climate

framework as the top critical uncertainty driving the world energy agenda,

according to the 2014 World Energy Issues Monitor, released by the World Energy

Council (WEC).

    Global climate framework uncertainty, while still is a key issue, is now

perceived by energy leaders to have less impact than in the previous three

years of the study. Meanwhile, carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS)

is still viewed as a technology with only a limited impact on the energy

sector, continuing the clear trend over the past three years.

    Speaking at the report launch, Christoph Frei, WEC Secretary General, said:

    "The fact that both climate framework and CCUS are perceived to be issues

of less impact is bad news not only in terms of emissions mitigation, but also

for the development of robust and resilient energy infrastructure.  Our energy

systems are in a state of massive expansion and transition, and the signals we

see today provide clear evidence of the urgent need for more robust, coherent,

long-term frameworks for planning our future investment."

    The WEC study further finds that energy leaders are increasingly concerned

about the sector's ability to access the capital markets for funds towards

energy infrastructure, when set against a continued recessionary backdrop.

    Meanwhile, renewable energy and energy efficiency continue to be of

concern, with growth shifting from Europe and North America to the Middle East

where demand is rapidly rising. Large hydropower is back on the agenda with

significant unrealised potential in central Africa, Latin America, Russia, and


    The 2014 World Energy Issues Monitor is a six-month study capturing the

views of over 800 energy leaders including ministers, chief executives and the

heads of the WEC's national members committees covering 84 countries.  The

report looks at the global energy agenda and analyses the trends and outlook in

six world regions plus 24 countries.

    The study highlights strong regional variations. In addition to energy

prices, the top regional critical uncertainties are:

    - Africa: climate framework, commodity prices

    - Asia: renewable energy

    - Europe: global recession

    - Latin America & Caribbean: commodity prices, capital markets

    - Middle East & North Africa: energy efficiency, renewable energy

    - North America: nuclear energy, capital markets

    Download the report: http://www.worldenergy.org/publications

    SOURCE: World Energy Council




