◎先進エネルギーで危機打開意識を構築 Peabody Energyがキャンペーン開始


◎先進エネルギーで危機打開意識を構築 Peabody Energyがキャンペーン開始

AsiaNet 55954

共同JBN 0230 (2014.2.27)

【セントルイス(米ミズーリ州)2014年2月27日PRN=共同JBN】米石炭大手Peabody Energy(ピーボディー・エナジー、NYSE:BTU)は27日、世界的な「エネルギーの貧困」が最大の人類および環境の危機であるとして、エネルギーの貧困を撲滅、低コスト電力へのアクセスを増大し、先進クリーン石炭テクノロジーを通じて排ガスを削減する意識と支持の構築を目指す包括的な国際キャンペーンを始動した。

「生命のための先進エネルギー(Advanced Energy for Life)」キャンペーンは世界の指導者、多国籍組織、さまざまな機関、利害関係者、一般大衆を以下のように教育、結集する。

1. 世界的なエネルギーの貧困という危機を終結させる。それは世界人口の半数に影響を及ぼし、人類の健康、生活水準に大きな打撃を与え、環境を損なっている。

2. 信頼できる低コスト電力へのアクセスを増大する政策を推進、行動を支援する。それは特に今日の先進石炭テクノロジーを利用、寿命を延ばして経済を築き、自然および屋内の環境を向上させる電力である。

3. 主要発電所の排ガスを軽減する今日の先進テクノロジーを採用する。長期的には、より大規模な次世代テクノロジーの開発、二酸化炭素排出を捕らえて利用、蓄積する規制枠組みを追求する。

Peabody Energyのグレゴリー・H・ボイス会長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)は「10年以上前、国連の『ミレニアム開発目標』は世界の極度の貧困を2015年までに半減させると呼び掛け、半世紀前にはジョンソン米大統領が貧困に宣戦布告した。しかし今日、世界の35億人がエネルギーを十分享受しておらず、毎年400万人以上がエネルギーの貧困のせいで不必要に死亡している。われわれにはこの危機を終わらせるテクノロジーと世界の資源がある。われわれは全員、現実的解決に向かって力を合わせなければならない」と語った。
















Advanced Energy for Lifeキャンペーンの中核部分は、低価格エネルギーの利用の広範なメリットに焦点を当てたデジタル方式の研修プログラムである。重要な役割を持つ石炭電力は、世界のエネルギー問題の解決に貢献できる。調査機関は研究や政策志向の知的資本を練り上げて、伝達する。政府や関係機関、利害関係者に直接働き掛けて、エネルギー利用を拡大させ、最新技術の開発と導入を強化させることだ。

Advanced Energy for Lifeは世界のエネルギー貧困を撲滅し、低コスト電力の利用を拡大させ、今日の最新クリーン石炭技術を使って排出を改善させるために、知識を広め、支援するキャンペーン活動である。キャンペーンへの参加を要請する。AdvancedEnergyForLife.comや、Facebook、YouTube、Tumblr、Google+、Vineの各Advanced Energy for Lifeまで。Twitterでは@AdvancedEnergy。


Beth Sutton, Vice President

Global Advocacy Communications


(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140226/CG70548LOGO

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120724/CG44353LOGO

ソース:Peabody Energy

Advanced Energy for Life Campaign Launched to Build Awareness and Support to End "World's Number One Human and Environmental Crisis" of Global Energy Poverty


ST. LOUIS, Feb. 27, 2014 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

Calling global energy poverty the world's number one human and environmental

crisis, Peabody Energy (NYSE:BTU) today launched a comprehensive global

campaign aimed at building awareness and support to eliminate energy poverty,

increase access to low-cost electricity and improve emissions through advanced

clean coal technologies.  

The "Advanced Energy for Life" campaign will work to educate and mobilize world

leaders, multi-national organizations, a wide range of institutions and

stakeholders, and the general public to:

    1. End the crisis of global energy poverty, which affects half the world's

       population and leads to crippling impacts to human health, standards of

       living and damage to the environment;

    2. Drive policies and support actions that increase access to reliable,

       low-cost power - particularly today's advanced coal technologies - that

       extends lives, builds economies and improves both natural and indoor

       environments; and

    3. Employ today's advanced technologies to reduce key power plant

       emissions.  Longer term, pursue greater development of next-generation

       technologies and the regulatory framework to capture, use and store

       carbon dioxide emissions.

"More than a decade ago, the United Nations Millennium Goals called for a rapid

halving of extreme global poverty by 2015 - and a half century ago, U.S.

President Johnson declared war on poverty," said Peabody Energy Chairman and

Chief Executive Officer Gregory H. Boyce.  "Yet today, 3.5 billion people in

the world lack adequate access to energy, and more than 4 million people

needlessly die each year from the effects of energy poverty.  We have the

technologies and the global resources to end this crisis.  All of us must work

together toward realistic solutions."

The need for modern energy is enormous.  Half of the world's 7 billion people

lack adequate access to energy  (


), including 1.2 billion children, based on data from the International Energy

Agency and the World Bank.  Household air pollution from indoor fires is

estimated to be the fourth leading cause of death in the world, and results in

a stunning 100 million years of life prematurely lost as measured by Disability

Adjusted Life Years (DALY), a metric established by the World Health

Organization.  Each DALY represents one year of healthy life lost to disease.   

"These sobering statistics demonstrate that energy poverty is the real human

and environmental crisis facing the world today," said Boyce.  "The greatest

crisis we confront is not an environmental crisis predicted by computer models,

but a human crisis fully within our power to solve.  For too long, we have been

focused on the wrong priorities."

Also driving the need for affordable energy are longer-term demographic

trends.  The global population is expanding by more than 200,000 people each

day. And urban areas are forecast to grow by more than 70 million annually

through 2020, according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social


In any action plan to end global energy poverty and increase access to low-cost

electricity, all energy forms are necessary.  Coal is the world's most abundant

energy source and fastest-growing major fuel.  And coal is expected to surpass

oil as the largest energy source in coming years, according to the

International Energy Agency and other analysts.  So coal plays a special role

in the war to end global energy poverty and increase access to low-cost

electricity while using today's advanced technologies to improve emissions.

Coal is key to human health and welfare along with a clean environment.   

"Coal is a fundamental environmental solution when turned into electricity and

synthetic natural gas at large scale," said Boyce. "Coal-fueled electricity and

synthetic natural gas can eliminate widespread deforestation from gathering

biomass as well as the devastating effects of energy poverty."  And coal is a

unique fuel of the future based on its density, availability and cost benefits.

"The drive by some to reduce coal use and make energy scarce and expensive is

unsustainable, hurting people and harming the environment," said Boyce.  "We

need to recognize the enormous health and environmental benefits in ending

energy poverty, eliminating household air pollution and increasing access to

low-cost electricity.  Everyone in the world deserves to live as well as those

in developed nations.  Let's use more energy, more cleanly, every day."

The strengths of coal in meeting these needs are demonstrated all around the


    -- In the United States, coal is used to generate approximately 40 percent

       of electricity. The states that don't use coal pay electricity rates

       that are more than 50 percent above states that use substantial coal for

       electricity generation.  High energy costs create a regressive tax on

       Americans, with lower-income households spending a far greater portion

       of their family income on energy bills.  Coal's environmental profile

       has continued to improve:  Coal used for electricity generation has

       increased more than 170 percent since 1970, while key power plant

       emissions have been reduced by nearly 90 percent per unit of electricity.

       Moving forward, Peabody believes that the U.S. policy framework must

       recognize coal's role in low-cost electricity, protect existing coal

       plants from regulatory overreach that would lead to premature

       retirements and skyrocketing electricity rates, and encourage

       development of efficient new coal plants using today's advanced

       technologies while investing in research and development for next-

       generation technologies.

    -- Australia leads the world in coal exports. Coal is the nation's second-

       largest export and essential for jobs and economic strength,

       contributing nearly $43 billion each year to the economy, based on

       research from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.  Coal also is

       the lowest-cost fuel for electricity generation.

       At a time when challenging environmental targets and taxes have caused

       Australian families and businesses to suffer, it is essential that the

       new government be supported in its call to end the failed carbon tax

       scheme, scale back renewable energy targets, drive down electricity

       costs, restore jobs and strengthen the country's competitive advantage

       in the Australasian region.

    -- In China, coal demand is rising as it increasingly is used for

       electricity generation and is turned into natural gas, transportation

       fuels and chemicals to drive the world's fastest-growing economy.  China

       will reduce the direct use of coal in residences and businesses while it

       uses far more coal in electricity plants and conversion applications.

       The nation also is replacing older coal plants with advanced coal units

       as well as using synthetic gas from coal in a range of applications.

       This approach, along with installation of major emissions controls on

       power plants and replacing older plants with advanced technologies, is

       similar to the approach that the United States has taken over the past

       half century.

"The world continues to turn to coal to solve its largest energy and economic

challenges, but we need far more action to expand access to low-cost

electricity to help families, power economies and pull billions out of energy

poverty," said Boyce.  "We also need a new approach to rational environmental

policy.  We submit that the right path is through increased deployment of

today's advanced technologies such as supercritical coal generation that lead

to continued emissions reductions.  Longer term, research and development in

next-generation technologies can lead to the ultimate goal of near-zero

emissions from coal."

Advanced coal technologies  (


) are in use today, including high-efficiency supercritical coal generation,

state-of-the-art emissions control applications and coal conversion methods

through gasification.  A critical step in improving emissions around the world

would be far greater deployment of these existing technologies.  

Next generation technologies such as carbon capture, use and storage

applications need far greater research and development investment, including

greater private-public partnerships in research and development, as well as new

and improved regulations to allow for carbon storage.

Core elements of the "Advanced Energy for Life" campaign are a digitally-based

education program highlighting the widespread benefits of inexpensive energy

access and the vital role coal-fueled electricity can play in solving the

world's energy issues; a research institute that will develop and distribute

studies and policy-oriented intellectual capital; and direct outreach to

governments, institutions and other stakeholders toward actions that increase

energy access and expand the development and use of advanced technologies.  

Advanced Energy for Life is a campaign to raise awareness and support to end

global energy poverty, increase access to low-cost electricity and improve

emissions using today's advanced clean coal technologies. Please join in the

campaign. Visit us at AdvancedEnergyForLife.com  

(https://www.advancedenergyforlife.com/) and Advanced Energy for Life on

Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/advancedenergyforlife), YouTube

(http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC21HyLm-tBdetQBAoBBL2fQ), Tumblr

(http://advancedenergyforlife.tumblr.com/ ) and Google+


Use our Twitter handle @AdvancedEnergy (https://twitter.com/advancedenergy).


Beth Sutton, Vice President

Global Advocacy Communications


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(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120724/CG44353LOGO )

SOURCE:  Peabody Energy




