
Mederi Therapeutics


AsiaNet 56814

共同JBN 0553 (2014.5.22)

【ノーウォーク(米コネティカット州)2014年5月21日】新たに発表されたStretta(登録商標)療法(http://www.stretta-therapy.com)審査のピアレビュー(同分野の専門家が検討する)研究は、逆流性食道炎(GERD)に対するこの非外科的治療法の長期的有効性をあらためて確認している。「Gastroenterology Research and Practice」(消化器学研究と実践)に「Durability of Stretta Radiofrequency Treatment for GERD: Results of 8-Year Follow-Up」(GERDのStretta高周波治療の持続性:8年間のフォローアップ)と題して掲載された8年間の研究は最近発表されたStrettaについて10年間フォローアップした別の長期研究の結果を裏付けている。

     Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130211/NY56794

イタリア・トリノのCity of Health and Sciences Hospital(健康科学都市病院)のルカ・ドゥゲラ、マリア・デチェント、パオラ・カソリーノ、ファビオ・チサロ各博士とイタリア・ナポリのMaresca Hospital(マレスカ病院)のジャンルカ・ロトンダノ博士が行った新たな研究は、Strettaが安全で効果的な治療法であり、PPI療法では満足できるGERDの症状管理を提供できない患者、手術よりもより非侵襲的な治療選択肢の方を望む患者で継続的な結果をもたらすと結論づけている。



Strettaの製造会社であるMederi Therapeuticsのウィル・ルータン最高経営責任者(CEO)は「この8年間のフォローアップ研究は10年、8年研究、3つの4年研究やさまざまなフォローアップ期間のほか30の研究を含む長期データの増大に加わり、Strettaを飛び抜けて最もよく研究された非外科的GERD治療法にしている。これらの長期研究の結果はすべて一貫して特別な安全性、有効性、持続性を示している」と語っている。2013年2月にStrettaは米国消化器内視鏡外科学会(SAGES)から腔内(くうない)GERD治療の臨床ガイドラインで最強のGRADE推奨を獲得した。

Strettaはイタリア・ローマで5月22-23日に開催されるEndolive Roma(www.endoliveroma.it)と6月23-25日のベルギー・ブリュッセルでのGEEW(www.live-endoscopy.com)で生の症例デモンストレーションを行う。





Mederi Therapeuticsは、高周波エネルギーを照射して消化器疾患を治療する革新的な機器であるStrettaとSeccaを製造している。Mederi療法は世界各地で利用できる。


Julia Brannan



ソース:Mederi Therapeutics

Newly-Published 8-Year Follow-Up Study Confirms the Safety, Efficacy, and Durability of Stretta in GERD Treatment


NORWALK, Conn., May 21, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN / --

    A newly published peer-reviewed study that examines Stretta(R)

[http://www.stretta-therapy.com ] therapy, further confirms the long-term

effectiveness of this non-surgical treatment for gastroesophageal reflux

disease (GERD). The 8-year study published in Gastroenterology Research and

Practice, entitled "Durability of Stretta Radiofrequency Treatment for GERD:

Results of 8-Year Follow-Up" corroborates the findings of another recently

published long-term study on Stretta with 10-year follow-up.

    Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130211/NY56794

    The new study, authored by Drs. Luca Dughera, Maria De Cento, Paola

Cassolino, and Fabio Cissaro of City of Health and Sciences Hospital, Turin,

Italy, and Gianluca Rotondano of Maresca Hospital, Naples, Italy, concludes

that Stretta is a safe and effective treatment with lasting results in patients

for whom PPI therapy provides unsatisfactory control of GERD symptoms, and

those that prefer a less invasive treatment option than surgery.

    "Of the many important findings in this study, one of the most significant

is the complete absence of any Barrett's esophagus or erosive esophagitis in

the follow-up population at 8-years," stated Dr. Dughera. "These findings make

clear that along with excellent symptom control, Stretta reduces patient

dependence on medication while also reducing harmful effects of prolonged

esophageal acid exposure, a principal cause of Barrett's and esophagitis. In

fact, in this study 76.9 percent of patients were still off their PPIs at

8-year follow-up," said Dr. Dughera. "Stretta is a valuable non-surgical

treatment option in the management of GERD," he added.

    Stretta uses low power and low temperature radiofrequency (RF) energy to

remodel the lower esophageal sphincter muscle, thus reducing GERD and its


    "This 8-year follow-up study adds to a growing body of long-term data,

which now includes 10-year, 8-year, and three 4-year studies, as well as 30

other studies of varied length follow up, making Stretta by far the most

studied non-surgical treatment for GERD," stated Will Rutan, CEO of Mederi

Therapeutics, maker of Stretta. "The results in all of these long-term studies

consistently show exceptional safety, effectiveness and durability of

treatment," Rutan continued. In February of 2013, Stretta earned The Society of

American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) strongest GRADE

recommendation in their Clinical Guideline on Endoluminal GERD treatments.

    Stretta will be featured in live case demonstrations at the upcoming

Endolive Roma in Rome, Italy on May 22-23, www.endoliveroma.it, and at the GEEW

in Brussels, Belgium on June 23-25, www.live-endoscopy.com.

    For the complete study go to


    More information on Stretta is available at http://stretta-therapy.com.


    Stretta is a minimally invasive, outpatient treatment for GERD that

involves delivery of RF energy to the LES and gastric cardia. It is a safe and

effective alternative to long-term drug therapy or surgery, and is covered by

many insurance plans.

    Mederi Therapeutics manufactures Stretta and Secca - innovative devices

that deliver RF energy to treat digestive diseases. Mederi therapies are

available worldwide.

    Contact: Julia Brannan



    SOURCE:  Mederi Therapeutics




