
Dongdu International Group


AsiaNet 56871

共同JBN 0578(2014.5.28)


*Dongdu International Groupがノバスコシア州の経済開発機関と了解覚書(MOU)に調印

上海に本社を置く国際的な不動産、ハイテク、ライフスタイル指向会社のDongdu International Group(DDI)はNova Scotia Business Inc.(NSBI)およびGreater Halifax Partnership(GHP)との間で、ノバスコシア州のハリファックスなどの地域で多段階の投資、開発計画を実行する意向を公式に示す覚書(MOU)に調印した。


2013年にDDIはハリファックスのバーリントン・ストリートにある歴史的なPacific Buildingを買収して改装中であり、ノバスコシアで追加的な開発を計画している。これまでにDDIはノバスコシアで9件の不動産と不動産管理会社を1社買収している。



Greater Halifax Partnershipのポール・ケントCEO兼社長は「ハリファックスとノバスコシアに投資するのに今ほどよい機会はない。ハリファックスは新たな投資を引きつけ、経済を成長させるためのリーダーシップを示すという州と地域に対する自らの役割と責任を理解している。DDIと協力して市と州のために経済的な機会を探ることに期待している」と語っている。

ハリファックスとノバスコシアに対する投資はカナダにおけるDDIの初めての投資だが、北米では初めての投資ではない。DDIは最近、David Stott、旧Detroit Free Press、Clark Loftの各ビルを含め、米ミシガン州デトロイトのダウンタウンで3件の有名ビルを買収して改装中であり、カリフォルニアでも不動産投資をしている。

DDIは2013年の中国のトップ100不動産デベロッパーの1つ、2013年の中国で最も急成長中の不動産デベロッパー、2009年のトップ雇用会社の1つとして認められており、若い中国人リーダー向けの中国の居住文化の場をつくり出し、Shanghai DongDu Celebrity Building、Shanghai City Young Executives Series、Changzhou City Young Executives Series、Nanjing International Youth Cityなどのプロジェクトでイノベーションを認められている。




▽Dongdu International Groupについて

Dongdu International Group(DDI)は1989年に深センで設立され、本社は2000年から上海にある。20年以上にわたる発展の後、DDIは包括的な不動産、ハイテク、ライフスタイル・グループとなり、中国東部、中国南西部、香港、米国、カナダで事業を行っている。当初は不動産開発に集中していた。しかし、DDIは多目的不動産、ハイテク、金融、プライベート・メンバーズ・クラブ、住宅に事業を多角化した。

ソース:NATIONAL Public Relations - Halifax


Tara Wickwire

NATIONAL Public Relations



ソース:Dongdu International Group

International Real Estate Developer Intends Major Investments in Nova Scotia


HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, May 27, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

- Dongdu International Group signs MOU with Nova Scotia economic development


Dongdu International Group (DDI), a Shanghai-based international real estate,

high technology and lifestyle oriented company, has signed a memorandum of

understanding (MOU) with Nova Scotia Business Inc. (NSBI) and Greater Halifax

Partnership (GHP) formalizing intentions to carry out a multi-phased plan of

investment and development in Halifax and other areas of Nova Scotia.

DDI has more than 20 years of comprehensive real estate development experience,

with business interests in east China, southwest China, Hong Kong, the United

States and Canada.

In 2013, DDI acquired and is refurbishing the historic Pacific Building on

Barrington Street in Halifax, and is planning additional developments in Nova

Scotia. To date, DDI has acquired nine properties in Nova Scotia and one

property management company.

"Nova Scotia and Halifax have an abundance of well-educated people, many

universities and international students, beautiful scenery, interesting tourist

attractions, as well as superior transportation linkages and emerging new

technologies, all of which make it a compelling location for DDI to establish

its first Canadian location," said Marvin H.L. Li, Founder, Chairman & CEO, DDI.

"DDI is an internationally recognized company that has chosen Nova Scotia to do

business," said Ron Smith, CEO, NSBI. "We will continue to work with our

partners and DDI to manage potential investment and trade opportunities for the


"There has never been a better time to invest in Halifax and Nova Scotia," said

Paul Kent, CEO and President of the Greater Halifax Partnership. "Halifax

understands its role and responsibility to the province and region to

demonstrate leadership in attracting new investment and growing the economy. We

look forward to working with DDI to explore economic opportunities for our city

and province."

Investments in Halifax and Nova Scotia are DDI's first in Canada, but not North

America. DDI recently purchased and is refurbishing three prominent buildings

in downtown Detroit, MI, including the David Stott, old Detroit Free Press, and

Clark Lofts buildings, and also have real estate investments in California.

DDI was recognized as one of the top 100 real estate developers in China in

2013, the top 10 fastest growing real developers in China in 2013, one of the

top employers in 2009, and has created a niche in the China's housing culture

for young Chinese leaders and has been recognized for innovation with projects

such as: Shanghai DongDu Celebrity Building, Shanghai City Young Executives

Series, Changzhou City Young Executives Series and Nanjing International Youth


DDI intends to build a strong partnership with Nova Scotia governments,

universities and business communities, which will provide opportunities for new

jobs, develop new trading relationships, attract tourists, and build new

businesses all with mutually beneficial outcomes.

"We see great long-term potential for the development of information

technology, film and tourism sectors in Nova Scotia," said Li.

DDI's longer-term vision in Nova Scotia could include private-sector investment

in resort developments, establishment of a high-tech cluster, promotion of

tourism in China, and further development of a film and movie industry.

About Dongdu International Group

Dongdu International Group (DDI) was established in Shenzhen in 1989, and

headquartered in Shanghai since 2000. After more than 20 years' development,

DDI has become a comprehensive real estate, high technology and lifestyle group

with business involved in east China, southwest China, Hong Kong, the United

States and Canada. At the beginning, the focus of the company was in real

estate development. However, DDI has diversified its business into

multi-purpose real estate, high-technology, finance and private members clubs

and residences.

SOURCE: NATIONAL Public Relations - Halifax

For further information:

Tara Wickwire

NATIONAL Public Relations



SOURCE: Dongdu International Group  




