◎NSFOCUSのAnti-DDoS SystemがVerAfiedのセキュリティーマーク獲得

Nsfocus Technologies, Inc.

◎NSFOCUSのAnti-DDoS SystemがVerAfiedのセキュリティーマーク獲得

AsiaNet 57331

共同 JBN 0778 (2014.7.15)


*分散型サービス拒否攻撃に対抗するシステム(Anti-DDoS System)とウェブ・アプリケーション・ファイアウォールソリューション(Web Application Firewall Solution)がVerAfiedのセキュリティーマークを獲得

分散型サービス拒否(DDoS)攻撃を軽減するソリューションとサービスを提供している世界的プロバイダー、NSFOCUS TECHNOLOGIES, INC.(http://jp.nsfocus.com/index.html)は15日、同社のAnti-DDoS SystemとWeb Application Firewall Solutionがクラウドベースのアプリケーション・セキュリティー企業、Veracode(http://www.veracode.com/ratings/nsfocus)のVerAfiedセキュリティーマークを獲得したと発表した。独立した第三者の評価はNSFOCUSの顧客に同社のアプリケーション・セキュリティーへの実践および姿勢を保証する。





*ウェブ・アプリケーション・ファイアウォール(WAF)は一連のテストの結果、製品が安全でリスクに影響されやすい業務向けの使用に適していることが確認され、VeracodeのVL4 VerAfied認証を獲得。このレベルの認証は銀行、金融機関やサービス・プロバイダーの厳格なセキュリティー管理要件を満たす。

*Anti-DDoS System(ADS)は3年連続でVeracodeのLevel 4 Certification認証を獲得。NSFOCUSのソフトウエアはこの認証プロセスを通じ、静的バイナリーと動的分析を使ってOWASP Top 10とSANS Top 25に対する技術的不備を個別査定され、結果として業界で認められるレベルのセキュリティー品質を達成している。







LinkedIn: http://linkd.in/Sl8QsN

Blog: http://nsfocusblog.com/


2000年に創設されたNSFOCUSは、分散型サービス拒否(DDoS)攻撃軽減、ウェブ・セキュリティー、エンタープライズレベル・ネットワーク・セキュリティーソリューションとサービスをエンタープライズレベル、キャリアグレード向けに提供している。DDoSの研究開発・軽減で10年以上の経験があるNSFOCUSは、世界中の顧客が高水準のインターネット・セキュリティー、ウェブサイト稼働率、事業運営を維持し、オンライン・システムが常時利用可能な状態を保つことを支援してきた。NSFOCUSのAnti-DDoS System(ADS)の利用により、顧客は単純なネットワークレイヤー攻撃からより高度で損害を与えかねないアプリケーションレイヤー攻撃まで、さまざまな攻撃を発見、回避することができ、結果として正規トラフィックがネットワークと企業の重要システムに確実に到達することを保障する。詳細はウェブサイトhttp://jp.nsfocus.com/を参照。

ソース:Nsfocus Technologies, Inc.

NSFOCUS Earns High Marks in Independent Security Evaluation by Veracode


TOKYO, July 15, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Anti-DDoS System and Web Application Firewall Solution Achieves VerAfied

Security Mark

    NSFOCUS TECHNOLOGIES, INC.( http://jp.nsfocus.com/index.html ), a global

provider of distributed denial of service (DDoS) mitigation solutions and

services, today announced its Anti-DDoS System and Web Application Firewall

Solution have achieved the VerAfied security mark from cloud-based application

security company, Veracode( http://www.veracode.com/ratings/nsfocus ). The

independent, third-party assessment provides NSFOCUS customers with proof of

the company's application security practices and posture.


    -- As a premier leader in network security solutions, NSFOCUS strives to

make the security of its network solutions a top priority. In addition to

stringent internal testing and assessment, the company also regularly

cooperates with independent third-party assessors to conduct security audits on

its products.

    -- The VerAfied status offered by Veracode demonstrates that NSFOCUS is

actively identifying and remediating application vulnerabilities to provide its

customers with one of the highest levels of software assurance and security

verification. This is a clear indicator to NSFOCUS's worldwide customers that

the company's security have met or exceeded industry standards for security,

reliability and compliance.


    -- Web Application Firewall (WAF) achieved the Veracode VL4 VerAfied

certification following a series of tests, confirming the product is secure and

appropriate for use by risk-sensitive businesses. This level of certification

meets the stringent security governance requirements of banking and financial

organizations, as well as service providers.

    -- Anti-DDoS System (ADS) achieves Veracode Level 4 Certification for third

year in a row.  Through this certification process, NSFOCUS software has been

independently assessed for technical flaws against the OWASP Top 10 and SANS

Top 25 using automated static binary and dynamic analysis and has attained the

industry-accepted level of security quality.


    Chris Wysopal, co-founder and CTO, Veracode, said:

    "We are finding that CIOs and CSOs are asking their purchasing teams to

take security into consideration when procuring new applications. For this

reason it is important that software vendors find a way to demonstrate that

their software is built using secure development practices. The VerAfied mark

tells the world that NSFOCUS is testing for application vulnerabilities and

complying with industry standards, but more importantly, it lets their

customers know NSFOCUS is a vendor they can trust to keep their data secure."

    Yonggang Han, Director of International Business, NSFOCUS, said:

    "We subject our products to the stringent audits of third-party testing to

demonstrate our commitment to providing our clients with the most reliable

security products in the industry. VerAfied certification objectively assesses

the quality of a tested product and alleviates client concerns that may arise

about the potential risk of introducing a third-party product into an existing

IT environment."

    Social media destinations and additional resources:

    LinkedIn: http://linkd.in/Sl8QsN

    Blog: http://nsfocusblog.com/

    About NSFOCUS

    Founded in 2000, NSFOCUS provides enterprise-level, carrier-grade solutions

and services for distributed denial of service (DDoS) mitigation, Web security

and enterprise-level network security. With more than a decade of experience in

DDoS research and development and mitigation, NSFOCUS has helped customers

around the world maintain high levels of Internet security, website uptime and

business operations to ensure that their online systems remain available. The

NSFOCUS Anti-DDoS System (ADS) empowers customers to find and fend off a

variety of incidents, from simple network layer attacks to more sophisticated

and potentially damaging application-layer attacks, all while guaranteeing

legitimate traffic gets through to networks and corporate-critical systems. For

more information, visit www.nsfocus.com.

     SOURCE: Nsfocus Technologies, Inc.




