フロリダ州の大邸宅Le Palais Royalは米最高額の1.39億ドル

Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate

フロリダ州の大邸宅Le Palais Royalは米最高額の1.39億ドル

AsiaNet 57832(0976)


*Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estateのウィリアム・P・D・ピアーズ氏が提供する米最高額の大邸宅

米フロリダ州の大西洋岸に建つフランス風ボザール建築様式の荘厳なLe Palais Royal(http://www.floridamoves.com/property/details/2036927/MLS-A2000634/935-Hillsboro-Mile-Hillsboro-Beach-FL-33062.aspx )が1億3900万ドルで売却リストに上がった。現在米本土市場に出ている邸宅としては最高額である。Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estateのウィリアム・P・D・ピアーズ氏が提供するこの大邸宅は、建築面積が6万平方フィート強、敷地面積は4エーカー以上。ミリオネアーズマイル通りにあって、ビーチに465フィート面している。長さ492フィートのプライベート桟橋には全長185フィートまでの大型ヨットが係留でき、地下ガレージには30台以上が駐車できる。現在は最終建築段階で、2015年中に完成する。価格には最終仕上げ費用が含まれている。

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Coldwell Banker Previews Internationalのプロパティースペシャリスト、ウィリアム・P・D・ピアーズ氏は「Le Palais Royalは米市場で最高額の物件であり、最も洗練された上流階層の人々のために企画された。良質な人生のまさに延長にある。この大邸宅は欧州の偉大な宮殿に匹敵する建造物で、設計面と比類なき仕上げ面で特別な細かい作りが施された本物の傑作である」と述べた。


大西洋を望む大邸宅には11寝室、17バスルームと、個人契約としては世界初のIMAXシアターを備える。シアターには横50フィート縦27フィートのスクリーンや18席のほかに、バーやIMAXラウンジもある。このほか特徴的なものには、3つの主寝室にはそれぞれ、大西洋か内陸大水路を見渡すジャグジーが付く。キッチンには高級調理台ブランドLa Cornue社製のGrand Palais特注レンジと、22カラット純金の葉を飾った硬質マホガニー製食器棚がある。一方ファミリールームには、壁際の高解像度3Dテレビを囲んで容量1300ガロンのLiving Color社製水槽がしつらえられた。


ファッション巨匠のジョセフ・レオーネ氏とインハウス建築会社Denio Madera Designの設計によるこの王宮風邸宅プロジェクトは、建設技術や建設インフラを含むあらゆる面で詳細な検討がなされた。独自のセキュリティーシステムは資産の最高度の保護を図るために特別に設計された。警備員施設は敷地内に組み込まれ、敷地を警備する犬のためにエアコンが付いた犬舎もある。全館での静寂を確保するため、あらゆる床材や配管、エアコンを含め、敷石から大理石に至るまで完璧で高度な防音装置も取り入れられた。スムーズな保守管理のため、建設のあらゆる段階とあらゆる場所を画像とビデオでデジタル記録するユニークなソフトウエアが利用されている。

ウィリアム・ピアーズ氏(http://www.floridamoves.com/real_estate_agent/4680/William-William-PD-Pierce.aspx )はフロリダ南部の高級不動産専門家の間で幅広く認められ、記録破りの販売実績で有名だ。フロリダ南部での物件販売ではColdwell Bankerのナンバーワンで、たえず市場に素晴らしい物件を提供することが、富裕層の間で国際的に高く評価されている。

Jennifer McGuire

Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate

Phone: 941.487.1432


ソース:Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate

Le Palais Royal, the Most Expensive Palace in the U.S., Hits the Market in Florida for $139 Million


FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Sept. 11, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

   - William P.D. Pierce of Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate presents

             the highest-priced palace on the U.S. market today

Le Palais Royal (


), a magnificent, French-inspired Beaux Arts masterpiece that sits on Florida's

Atlantic Coast, has just been listed for sale at $139 million, making it the

most expensive palace in the continental U.S. currently on the market.

Presented by William P.D. Pierce of Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate,

the more than 60,000-square-foot palatial estate sits on over 4 acres and

465-feet of beachfront on Millionaires Mile. Le Palais Royal boasts a 492-foot

private dock that can accommodate up to a 185-foot mega yacht, and an

underground garage with parking for over 30 cars. Currently under the final

phase of construction and slated for completion before the end of 2015, the

price tag includes the finishing.

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"Le Palais Royal is to be the most expensive listing on the market in America,

and was designed to be fit for royalty and the upmost refined individual. It is

a true extension of a life well-lived," said William P.D. Pierce, a Coldwell

Banker Previews International property specialist. "This grand palace will be a

landmark that rivals Europe's greatest palaces. A true masterpiece, it is

adorned with custom detailing exclusive to its design and incomparable


A 13-foot, 22-carat gold-leaf gate and 26-foot entrance fountain transports

visitors into a world of opulence and luxury. The magnificent fountain is just

one of six waterfalls that adorn the exterior. The entryway features seamless

double "day and night" custom-designed doors, one of bronze-encased glass and

the other of solid mahogany inlayed with 22-carat gold leafing. The doors open

beneath a $2 million marble staircase with steel-iron railing and gold leaf,

which took craftsmen more than two years to construct. The grand entrance and

lobby open up to the expansive Le Salon with mesmerizing panoramic views of the

Atlantic Ocean.

This oceanfront palace features 11 bedrooms, 17 bathrooms and the first-ever

IMAX Theater contracted for private use, featuring a 50 by 27-foot screen and

seating for 18 with a bar and IMAX lounge. Other exceptional features include

three master bedroom suites and one presidential master suite, each with a

Jacuzzi overlooking the ocean or Intracoastal Waterway.  La Cuisine du chef

will feature a La Cornue Grand Palais custom range and custom cabinetry made of

solid mahogany accentuated with 22-carat gold leafing. The family room will

feature a 1,300-gallon Living Color aquarium enclosed within custom cabinetry

that will accommodate a high definition 3-D television.

This royal palace features a 4,500-square-foot infinity edge pool with a

12-foot cascading waterfall, double loop LED-lit waterslide, fire pit and

swim-up bar for outdoor entertaining. The pool was designed with

state-of-the-art technology including an automated temperature gauge sensor and

triple sanitation system, which utilizes saline, chlorine and ultraviolet

light. An outdoor Jacuzzi is positioned above a waterfall, and there is also a

plunge pool off the master suite on the second floor of the exterior terrace.

The courtyard also features an outdoor summer kitchen with a pizza oven,

outdoor lounge for royal entertaining, and entrance to indoor spa massage rooms.

Designed and inspired by fashion dynast Joseph Leone and in-house architect

Denio Madera Design, every detail, including the construction techniques and

infrastructure, has been taken into account on this palatial project. A

proprietary security system was custom-designed for the upmost protection of

the property. Security guard accommodations have been built on property as well

as an air-conditioned kennel for on-site guard dogs. Le Palais Royal also

features complete and sophisticated soundproofing from the slab to marble,

including all flooring, plumbing and air conditioning to ensure a quiet

tranquility throughout. For seamless maintenance, the property utilizes unique

software that digitally documents every step and every square inch of the

construction through photography and video.

William Pierce (


) is widely recognized among South Florida's premier real estate elites and is

known for his record breaking sales. He is the No. 1 individual Coldwell Banker

sales associate in South Florida and is internationally recognized among

exclusive clientele for always presenting amazing properties to the market.

Jennifer McGuire

Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate

Phone: 941.487.1432


SOURCE  Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate




