


AsiaNet 58508 (1227)



米国に本拠を置く世界最先端のミキサー・メーカーであるBlendtecは世界進出イニシアチブの一環として日本で消費者向け製品のラインアップを発売して1年になるが、このほど一連の販売促進の積極策に打って出た。日本ではすべてのコストコストアで売られているBlendtecミキサーは多目的、機能、安全性を売り物にしているが、それにはジューサー、コーヒーミル、フードプロセッサーなど複数の機器を簡単に「one machine does it all (1台ですべてをこなす)」機能も含まれている。

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同社ウェブサイト( )では「Will It Blend?(これもミキサーに入れられる?)」と題したビデオを繰り返し流し、ミキサーがスマートフォンからゴルフ・ボールにいたるまでありとあらゆる物を安全に砕いているところを見せて、ブレードの耐久性を示している。Blendtecのブレードは、他社ブランドとは異なり、25年の歴史を通じて一度も破損したことがなく、安全のためのリコールを行ったこともない。


Blendtecは世界で最も安全で最も強力な商用、個人向けミキサーを設計、製造している。Blendtecミキサーはすべて米国の同社ユタ州オレム工場で設計、組み立てられている。詳しい情報はウェブサイト( )を参照。



Nicole Friedman, 847-415-9344,

Blendtec Steps Up Blender Promotion in Japan with Demos & Other Initiatives


OREM, Utah, Nov. 5, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

  -- World's Most Advanced Blenders Double as Juicers & More; Now Sold in All

Japanese Costco Stores

Blendtec, the U.S.-based creator of the world's most advanced blenders, has

launched an aggressive series of promotions in Japan a year after debuting its

line of consumer products in the country as part of a global expansion

initiative. Blendtec blenders - sold at every Costco store in Japan - offer

versatility, feature and safety benefits that include the ability to replace

multiple appliances such as juicers, coffee grinders and food processors for

"one machine does it all" simplicity.

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"We entered the Japanese market last year because there is a strong smoothie

and juicing movement here. The ability to do both with a single appliance is a

big selling point, and that's one reason why Costco is selling through their

inventory quickly," said Bill Markham, Blendtec's VP of Global Retail Sales.

"U.S. consumers know us well because of our 25 years in business, but we are

still newcomers in Japan and this campaign is designed to help spread the


As part of the campaign, a Blendtec representative is spending three months

demo'ing the company's blenders in Japan in a schedule that includes 26 Costco

demonstrations through Dec. 30. Blendtec is also placing Japanese-specific

recipes that showcase the capabilities of its high-performance blenders in

local media.

Recipes range from Matcha Tea and Boba Smoothies to Black Sesame Ice Cream,

Takoyaki, Creamy Miso Dressing and a vegetable-rich Miso Soup that can be

assembled and served directly from the blender.

In addition to saving money and counter space by doing the work of multiple

appliances, Blendtec blenders offer advantages that include pre-set blend

cycles for different kinds of foods that automatically produce the perfect

blend; patented blades that are 80% thicker and 10 times stronger than those

from other manufacturers; and extra horsepower that works in conjunction with

blade design to prevent blade breakage from frozen fruit and ice and thereby

protect consumers from finding shards of metal in their blended foods.

The durability of the blade has been displayed repeatedly in the company's

'Will It Blend?' videos (, where the company's blenders

have safely pulverized everything from smartphones to golf balls. Unlike other

brands, Blendtec has never broken a blade or had to issue a safety recall

throughout its 25-year history.

About Blendtec

Blendtec designs and manufactures the world's safest and most powerful

high-speed commercial and residential blenders. All Blendtec blenders are

designed and assembled in the USA at the company's Orem, Utah facility. For

more information, visit

SOURCE:  Blendtec

CONTACT: Nicole Friedman, 847-415-9344,




