UC RUSAL Opens a Modern Epidemiology Centre in Guinea


UC RUSAL Opens a Modern Epidemiology Centre in Guinea


CONAKRY, Guinea, Jan. 19 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    UC RUSAL (SEHK: 486; Euronext: RUSAL/RUAL; Moscow Exchange: RUALR), a

leading global aluminium producer, announces that construction of the "Centre

for epidemic and microbiological research and treatment" in the Kindia

administrative region of the Republic of Guinea has completed. The Centre will

support Guinea's national health system and help fight the spread of the Ebola

virus. The opening ceremony which took place on 17 January was attended by

President of Guinea, Alpha Conde.  

     (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150119/726521-a )

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150119/726521-b )

    The Centre for epidemic and microbiological research and treatment (CEMRT)

is located at the former Soviet-Guinean Institute Pasteur in Kindia and is

among the most modern centers to combat viral diseases in West Africa. Its

primary focus will be to conduct research on infectious and highly dangerous

diseases and their detection, treatment and prevention.

    The Centre's premises include an infection hospital, a provisional

hospital, a mobile laboratory and a blood and plasma transfusion department

with a laboratory. The Centre will initially serve as a hospital for the

treatment of those infected with the Ebola virus.

    RUSAL is the only public company globally to initiate a major construction

project to help fight the spread of Ebola. The Company's investment in the

construction of the Centre amounts to over USD10 million.

    As one of the largest investors in the Republic of Guinea, RUSAL is

actively supporting the Government in its fight against Ebola. In April 2014,

RUSAL donated medicines, sanitary and hygiene items to the Guinean Ministry of

Health. In October 2014, RUSAL donated special thermometers which remotely

measure temperature to the management of the autonomous sea port of Conakry,

where sanitary posts are deployed.

    In addition, RUSAL supports all Russian Government initiatives, aimed at

helping Guinea to combat Ebola. Since August 2014, RUSAL has provided

logistical support to a special anti-epidemic team of the Russian Federal

Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing

("Rospotrebnadzor") and a mobile anti-epidemic research laboratory in Guinea.

    In November 2014, RUSAL was actively involved in deploying a mobile 200-bed

hospital for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which was

donated to the Republic of Guinea in accordance with a decision by the

President of Russia. RUSAL organised the [registration] and unloading of three

Russian aircrafts, which delivered equipment for the mobile hospital to Guinea,

as well as ensuring the safe transportation of the cargo under escort to its

place of storage. RUSAL prepared the site for the hospital, provided

accommodation for Russian military medics and provided them with the required


    'We are very grateful for the generous contribution of the Russian

Federation and UC RUSAL. It is a great honour to accept this valuable

contribution, which will significantly help us in the fight against Ebola. On

behalf of the people of Guinea, I offer my sincere thanks,' stated President of

Guinea Alpha Conde at the opening ceremony.

    'We strive to provide full support to the Republic of Guinea, not only in

the fight against the Ebola virus, but also in activities related to

strengthening theirnational health system as a whole in order to successfully

prevent thespread of life-threatening diseases in future,' commented Vladislav

Soloviev, CEO of RUSAL.

    Notes to Editors:

    RUSAL has been present in Guinea since 2002. The Company owns Compagnie des

Bauxites de Kindia and Friguia Bauxite and Alumina Complex. In June 2014, RUSAL

announced the start of works to develop Dian-Dian, the world's largest bauxite

deposit with reserves of 564 million tonnes.

    About RUSAL

    UC RUSAL (http://www.rusal.com) is a leading, global producer of aluminium,

in 2013 accounting for approximately 8% of global production of aluminium and

7% of alumina. UC RUSAL employs over 67,000 people in 19 countries, across 5

continents. UC RUSAL markets and sells its products primarily in the European,

Japanese, Korean, Chinese, South East Asian and North American markets. UC

RUSAL's ordinary shares are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

(Stock code: 486), global depositary shares representing UC RUSAL's ordinary

shares are listed on the professional compartment of Euronext Paris (RUSAL for

Reg S GDSs and RUAL for Rule 144A GDSs), and Russian depositary receipts that

are issued on common shares of the Company are listed on Moscow Exchange



    The information contained in this press release is for media advice only.

The contents are true and accurate at the time of publishing, however, may

change over time.


    Elena Morenko








