Call for Applications for Tokyo Metropolitan Government Accelerator Program...


TOKYO, Sept. 22, 2017 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Call for Applications for Tokyo Metropolitan Government Accelerator Program “New Tech Business Camp Tokyo”

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) has been actively working to attract foreign companies to raise the city’s international competitiveness and bring about its further growth by promoting the creation of a more business-friendly environment for overseas businesses, including startups.

Building on its efforts to date, the TMG will introduce the “New Tech Business Camp Tokyo” accelerator program for foreign companies that possess advanced technologies related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, including IoT, big data and artificial intelligence. The TMG aims for this intensive two-month program to generate groundbreaking innovation.

In addition to having an estimated eight to 10 Japanese global companies based in Tokyo serving as mentors at the program, the opportunity to connect with investors, IT vendors and other businesses will also be provided. Furthermore, the products and services of companies selected to participate (about five companies) will be advertised for an extended period (*) using signage located in areas such as Shinjuku and Roppongi in the heart of Tokyo, and support will be extended to foreign companies that decide to establish their business in Tokyo.

(*) Length of period varies by location.

1. Eligibility and how to apply

- Eligibility

Foreign companies in fields related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IoT, big data, artificial intelligence, etc.) and possessing advanced technologies but having yet to establish a business in Japan. Please refer to the program website provided below for detailed application requirements.

- How to apply

After confirming the detailed application requirements provided on the following website, send the required documentation to the program secretariat.

Application deadline: 11:59 p.m. (JST), Friday, November 3, 2017

2. Schedule (tentative)

- Applications will be accepted starting September 22, 2017.

- Announcement of companies selected for the program (about five companies): December 8, 2017

- Pre-program seminar: End of January 2018

- New Tech Business Camp Tokyo (mentoring, creating a business plan, networking event(s), connecting with businesses in Tokyo): End of January through early March 2018

- Presentation of business plans: Mid-March 2018 (open to the public)






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