Rikkyo to hold wadaiko drum workshop for international students

Rikkyo University will hold a wadaiko drum workshop for international students on October 28, at which students will learn about these traditional Japanese drums and give a performance to showcase their skills.

October 21, 2017

Rikkyo University

Rikkyo to hold wadaiko drum workshop for international students

Rikkyo University will hold a wadaiko drum workshop for international students on October 28, at which students will learn about these traditional Japanese drums and give a performance to showcase their skills.

Students and teachers who are members of the Tanaka Takashi Memorial Wadaiko Project from the university’s College of Community and Human Services will instruct the international students on how to play the drums at the workshop and participate in the performance.

This event was organized at the initiative of several young staffs and will contribute to promoting the internationalization of Rikkyo University, which was selected to participate in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Top Global University project. The workshop will give international students a valuable taste of traditional Japanese culture and also provide an opportunity for international exchanges. About 20 international students participated in a kendo workshop held during the 2015 academic year, and in a sumo workshop held during the 2016 academic year.

Wadaiko workshop details

Date: October 28, 2017 (Saturday), 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Venue: Stage Box, 1st floor, Yurinoki Hall, Niiza Campus (1-2-26 Kitano, Niiza City, Saitama Prefecture)

Participants: Students and teachers who are members of the Tanaka Takashi Memorial Wadaiko Project, and international students of Rikkyo University (total of about 30 participants)

Program: After a demonstration by Tanaka Takashi Memorial Wadaiko Project members, the international students will select which of 12 drums (of five different types) they want to learn. They will practice under the instruction of the project members and then give a joint performance.



ational students practicing Japanese drums No.1

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ational students practicing Japanese drums No.2

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ational students practicing Japanese drums No.3

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ational students practicing Japanese drums No.4

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