Genesis Healthcare, Leader of Genetic Testing in Japan, Announces Asia Expansion Plans

Genesis Healthcare

TOKYO, Apr. 10, 2018 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Genesis Healthcare Co.

Genesis Healthcare, Leader of Genetic Testing in Japan, Announces Asia Expansion Plans

Genesis Healthcare Co., Japan’s leading genetic testing company, has announced its plans to expand into 8 Asian countries and regions through the establishment of a wholly-owned subsidiary, Genesis Healthcare Asia Pte. Ltd., in Singapore. The new entity started operations on April 2, 2018, with a branch in Taiwan. Operations in other countries and regions are expected to follow.


Planned expansion into Asia

Genesis Healthcare has built the largest private genetic databases comprising the Japanese population in East Asia, mainly eight Asian countries and regions (Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam), since 2015. Given that demand for its genetic testing services has drastically increased in the last several years from neighboring Asian countries and regions, Genesis Healthcare Asia Pte. Ltd. will serve as the hub in Asia to offer its proprietary genetic research and genetic testing services across Asia in the areas of clinical and consumer testing.

Subsidiary information

--Singapore Branch

Company name: Genesis Healthcare Asia Pte. Ltd.

Location : Singapore

Address: 20 Cecil St #23-05 PLUS Singapore 049705

Telephone: +65-6904-4936

--Taiwan Branch

Location: Taiwan

Address : 2F., No.394, Sec. 1, Keelung Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan Telephone: +886-2-5568-6565

Regional Head: Takafumi Miyabe

Business Activity: Genetic testing service and gene analysis business

Date of establishment: April 2, 2018

Shareholder: Genesis Healthcare Co. (100%)

East Asia Official Site (English version):


About Genesis Healthcare Co.

Genesis Healthcare Co., founded in 2004, is celebrating its 15th year this year. The company is known as the biggest player specializing in genetic research and analysis (for private and medical). It has the largest genetic database domestically (including Asia) based on its own analysis and collaborative research achievements for many years, and the company is doing its own research aimed at a wide range of medical and research institutions, etc. In addition, through its daily progressive research, it aims to enrich the life of everyone through its consumer-oriented inspection kit "GeneLife" and its services. The company’s President is Dr. Iri Sato-Baran.

Major shareholders: Rakuten, Inc., Mitsui & Co., Ltd., Omron Healthcare Co., Ltd., etc.




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