松山公紀研究所長就任のお知らせ/Kiminori Matsuyama Named Chief Scientific Adviser



Economist Kiminori Matsuyama Named Foundation's Chief Scientific Adviser

(English follows Japanese)



東京財団政策研究所プレスリリース ____________ 2018/09/19



┃┃ 松山公紀研究所長就任のお知らせ



松山氏は、マクロ経済の不安定性のメカニズムの解明や経済構造変化と経済格差の研究などで著名な成果を持つ世界的な経済学の権威で、1996年には国際的に認知される業績を挙げた若手経済学者に贈られる日本経済学会・中原賞を受賞したほか、1999年からはEconometric Societyの終身フェロー、現在は理論経済学のトップジャーナルとされ『Journal of Economic Theory』の編集委員を務めるなど、アカデミックの最前線で活躍しています。




松山公紀(まつやま きみのり)

1980年東京大学教養学部国際関係学科卒業。87年ハーバード大学経済学部博士課程修了(Ph.D.)後、同年ノースウエスタン大学経済学部助教授、91年同准教授、95年より同教授。Econometric Society終身フェローの他、マサチューセッツ工科大学客員教授、シカゴ大学客員准教授、スタンフォード大学フーバー研究所客員フェローを務める。


東京財団政策研究所 TEL:03-5797-8403 /info@tkfd.or.jp


公益財団法人東京財団政策研究所              <PR18-04JE>

〒106-6234 東京都港区六本木3-2-1六本木グランドタワー34F

TEL : 03-5797-8403  FAX : 03-5570-6033


Website : https://www.tkfd.or.jp

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Economist Kiminori Matsuyama Named Foundation's Chief Scientific Adviser


TOKYO, September 19, 2018 -- The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research <http://www.tokyofoundation.org/en/> is pleased to announce the appointment of Northwestern University professor Kiminori Matsuyama as chief scientific adviser. Starting December 2018, he will provide leadership over a two-year term in advancing the Foundation's research activities.

Matsuyama, a professor in the Department of Economics at Northwestern University, is an expert in international trade and economic growth and development who has made valuable contributions to elucidating the mechanisms behind macroeconomic instability, structural transformation, and inequality.

He was the 1996 winner of the Nakahara Prize awarded to the best young economist by the Japanese Economic Association. He has been a fellow of the Econometric Society since 1999 and currently serves as an associate editor of the "Journal of Economic Theory" -- a leading journal in the field of theoretical economics.

Matsuyama received his BA in international relations from the University of Tokyo in 1980 and his PhD in economics from Harvard University in 1987. He became an assistant professor of economics at Northwestern University in 1987, associate professor in 1991, and has been professor since 1995. He has held full- or long-term visiting positions at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2008) and the University of Chicago (1993 and 2003), and was a national fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University (1991).

The Foundation is also happy to announce that Izumi Kadono, former president and professor emeritus of Seisen University, became president of the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research in June 2018. Toshihiko Fukui, president of the Canon Institute for Global Studies and former Bank of Japan governor, was newly elected to the Board of Directors as a nonexecutive member.

Under its new leadership structure with clearly delineated responsibilities for policy research and administrative governance, the Foundation will advance rigorous, evidence-based research and offer concrete policy proposals leading to real-life changes.

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Public Communications








  • 名称 公益財団法人東京財団政策研究所
  • 所在地 東京都
  • 業種 各種団体
  • URL https://www.tkfd.or.jp/
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