Perfect World Group to Explore New Culture and Tourism Market Along the Grand Canal

Perfect World



SANYA, China, Nov. 30, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


Perfect World Investment & Holding Group (Perfect World Group) vowed to empower

the Grand Canal culture construction with "creative thinking."


The announcement was released on November 15 in Sanya City of South China's

Hainan Province by the Beijing-based Chinese entertainment conglomerate with

Jiangsu Cultural Investment at a conference on applying digital creativity on

the Grand Canal culture construction.


Perfect World CEO Dr. Robert H. Xiao attended and addressed the conference by

saying that "Combining creative thinking, Perfect World Group will dig in and

enrich the cultural connotation of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in terms of

IP development and operation, crossover empowerment via digitalization, and new

cultural landmark forging."


With consumption growing, industries are seeking new development involved in

digitalization, hoping to build a more profound bond with consumers. In 2019,

Perfect World Group first proposed the conception of empowering traditional

industries with creative thinking, and improving the images of brands among

consumers, especially among young consumers.


Perfect World Group has made many attempts in crossover cooperation in recent

years, including developing an exclusive onboard game "Flight Attendance

Simulation" for airborne travelers of Air China, and creating IPs for Dongsheng

Technology Park in Zhongguancun to enhance communication of clients. In the

culture and tourism sector, Perfect World Group reached an in-depth cooperation

with a group of Chinese national intangible cultural heritages such as Nanjing

Confucius Temple. In the National Day holiday, the company launched a carnival

in Shanghai's Jinshan City Beach together with Jinshan district of Shanghai,

which created a young and active atmosphere for tourists with trendy cultural

icons such as movies, animation, and bands.


Against the backdrop that the culture and tourism industry has become a new

economic growth point, exploring cultural connotation in other industries to

fuel offline consumption is a new trend led by Perfect World Group, which will

also help promote the Grand Canal Culture.


Dug 2,500 years ago, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal broke a number of world

records and nurtured prosperous economy and culture along the two banks. With

unique cultural resources and development potential, the Grand Canal was

included on the World Heritage List in 2014.


In the digital era, the Grand Canal is facing a critical problem of how to

carry forward its culture via modern technologies and creative contents, and

how to forge popular brands, IPs, and new development patterns for culture and

tourism industry. Perfect World Group vowed to integrate and apply high-quality

cultural and IP resources from all parties and its rich experience in digital

creativity to the Grand Canal culture construction. Together with other

parties, Perfect World Group will facilitate the "new infrastructure"

construction for digital culture and tourism industry along the Grand Canal,

and inject vigor to China's culture and tourism industry.


Among the eight provinces and municipals that the Grand Canal flows through,

Jiangsu Province is not only located in a significant strategic position, but

also leading the Grand Canal Culture construction across the nation. The

strategic cooperation reached by Perfect World Group and Jiangsu Cultural

Investment will bring a new vision for the Grand Canal Culture inheritance and

IP development.


In the meantime, Perfect World Group is looking forward to joining hands with

all provinces and cities along the Grand Canal to create a new ecosystem for

the Grand Canal Culture.


Based on innovative technology and creative content, Perfect World Group has

explored a new market with its "creative thinking," which serves as an attempt

to establish a complete ecosystem outside the existing business patterns.


SOURCE: Perfect World




