Huawei's Innovative Technology and Scenario-Based Solutions Enable All Industries




SHENZHEN, China, March 24, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


-- Huawei Proposes a Value-Driven Model for Industrial Digitalization in the

Post-pandemic Era


Today, Huawei holds its online Industrial Digital Transformation Conference,

themed "New Value Together". Nearly 50 customers and partners from more than 10

countries and regions shared their industrial practices and jointly explored

the new value of digital transformation in the post-pandemic era.


In his speech, Mr. Ken Hu, Huawei's Rotating Chairman, pointed out that digital

transformation is speeding up across industries, and full cloud adoption will

happen 1 to 3 years earlier than expected. Going digital is no longer just for

internet companies. It's expanding to traditional industries, and from the

office to the production floor. We'll keep innovating in technology and

scenario-based solutions to help all industries take advantage of this



So far, Huawei has built 13 Open Labs around the world to support joint

innovation. In places like Munich and Dubai, the company is working with almost

900 ecosystem partners to incubate different solutions for industrial

scenarios. To date, it has successfully verified more than 60 solutions in

areas ranging from smart retail to smart manufacturing. On the technology side,

Huawei is innovating in areas like smart campuses, deterministic networks,

hyper-integrated data centers, smart clouds, and green energy to lay the

foundation for an intelligent future.


A Value-Driven Model for Industrial Digitalization: Create New Value Through

Continuous Improvement Based on Business and Scenarios


Ideas and models must be tested in real situations. After years of practice,

Huawei has proposed a value-driven model for industrial digitalization. Huawei

maintains that digital transformation should be focused on actual business use

and scenarios, which can then be used to create value for customers through

continuous improvement.


In his keynote speech, Mr. Peng Zhongyang, Board Member, President of

Enterprise BG, Huawei, stressed that three basic principles must be followed

during digital transformation. First, companies must continue to be

customer-centric, which is the starting point of digital transformation.

Secondly, they must seize two key factors: the convergence of technologies and

scenarios is the key to digitalization, while cloud is critical to continuous

optimization and value creation in the digital era. Thirdly, businesses should

focus on customer requirements to build a symbiotic and shared digital

ecosystem from three dimensions: scenario exploration, capacity building, and a

cooperation model to jointly create new value for industries.


New challenges and uncertainty will emerge in the post-pandemic era. Huawei

will be more open and continue to work with our 30,000 global partners to

complement each other's strengths and help overcome new challenges.


Cooperating with Customers to Create New Value in the Industry


Huawei is committed to working with customers and partners to integrate core

business scenarios with ICT technologies, and accelerate industrial

digitalization and upgrade through scenario-specific, innovative solutions.

This is also the key to the digitalization of the industry.


In the finance sector, through joint innovation with partners, Huawei has

provided NCBA Bank Kenya, the largest commercial bank in the East African sub

region, with a new digital core system. The system provides inclusive financial

services for more than 18 million users in Kenya and neighboring countries,

empowering the real economy and promoting sustainable social development. Eric

Muriuki Njagi, Director of NCBA Digital Services, said: "Our cooperation with

Huawei aims to solve current problems as well as grasp new opportunities

brought by future services."


In the transportation sector, Dr. Georgia Ayfantopoulou, Research Director

Intelligent Infrastructure, Networks, Mobility & Logistics; Deputy Director

Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT) of Center for Research & Technology

Hellas (CERTH), took Europe as an example and shared the situation of digital

transformation of port construction. European Union (EU) ports offer services

to a global maritime fleet (Greece, for example is ranked first with a share of

17% of the world fleet in 2020). Seaports and the shipping industry are an

important nexus of the EU economy, but are facing challenges such as structural

performance gaps, lack of high-quality infrastructure at ports and other

low-performing services. To address this, the EU has formulated a strategic

agenda for the European ports, focusing on maritime infrastructure as part of

raising EU's global competitiveness.


In this context, the Green Port Proposal has been developed in collaboration

between CERTH and Huawei. Dr. Georgia Ayfantopoulou said: "The Green Port

project is deeply involved in the transformation process of the ports'

ecosystems: the users of the ports together with the port's authorities, the

cities try to solve problems of accessibility, efficiency, operation

optimization and environmental impact. Ports of the future are sustainable,

smart, multimodal and interconnected. Technology solutions from partners like

Huawei will contribute to efficiently meeting various challenges."


In the education sector, Soochow University partnered with Huawei to jointly

build a "Cloud-based Soochow University" that is digital and intelligent. With

this project, all people, environments, objects, as well as academic and

cultural activities in the campus are digitalized and mirrored on the cloud,

allowing for digital integrations in teaching, scientific research, and



Xiong Sidong, President of the Soochow Iniversity, remarked in his keynote

speech: "Soochow University and Huawei have applied cutting-edge technologies

such as AI, big data, cloud computing, and IoT in the planning and construction

of a cloud-based campus for information exchange and data sharing. Our aim is

to shape a new form of university that is built with future technology and

integrates reality and virtual interactions."


In the energy industry, Gao Kunlun, CIGRE Study Committee D2 Regular Member,

and Vice President of the Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute,

pointed out that in recent years, AI is gradually being applied in many fields,

such as equipment maintenance, power grid operation, and customer service.

Whilst this effectively improves the efficiency and benefits of the power grid

it also reveals technical limitations. With the development of AI theories and

technologies, AI-powered electric power systems are now capable of knowledge

learning and independent decision-making optimization in complex environments,

playing a crucial part in key services such as autonomous power generation and

autonomous scheduling of power grids.


From March 24 to 26, Huawei hosts the Industrial Digital Transformation

Conference 2021 online. For more information, please visit us at


SOURCE: Huawei


Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: Mr. Ken Hu, Huawei's Rotating Chairman




   Caption: Mr. Peng Zhongyang, Board Member, President of Enterprise BG, Huawei





