Xinhua Silk Road: Shanghai sub-contest of China (Nanxun) 4th Global Innovation & Entrepreneurship Contest of Elite Talents held on Thursday

Xinhua Silk Road



BEIJING, April 25, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


The Shanghai sub-contest of the 4th Global Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Contest of Elite Talents hosted by Nanxun District of Huzhou, a

prefecture-level city in east China's Zhejiang Province, is held on Thursday.


The 4th Global Innovation & Entrepreneurship Contest of Elite Talents was

commenced on April 16, aiming at attracting elite talents from home and abroad

to join the development of Nanxun.


The Shanghai event will include a roadshow and selection of ten projects which

will be comprehensively evaluated from team capacity, technological innovation,

project feasibility, industrialization prospect and landing feasibility.


Currently, Nanxun is striving to build three high-end industrial platforms

involving the Nanxun Economic Development Zone, connected development of green

and intelligent manufacturing in the Yangtze River Delta and integrated

innovation cooperation, as well as "sci-tech innovation enclaves" in Shanghai,

Hangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities, said Wen Jianfei, deputy Party chief and

head of Nanxun district, at the kick-off ceremony of the contest.


The district has rolled out policies covering housing, education, etc. to

provide guarantee for innovators and entrepreneurs, he noted.


Innovation and entrepreneurship contest is an important channel for talents to

implement innovation achievements, and also a key means for a region to attract

excellent innovation projects, he pointed out, adding that Nanxun will continue

to create a better environment and provide greater support and better services

to share development opportunities and achieve a better future with talents in



It's learned that the 4th contest is divided into two categories of

entrepreneurship competition and innovation competition, and three stages of

"kick-off ceremony, city sub-contests and final", targeting to introduce elite

entrepreneurship projects in optoelectronic information, intelligent

manufacturing, digital economy and other high-tech fields.


There will be two first-prize winners, four second-prize winners and six

third-prize winners, who will be respectively awarded 300,000 yuan, 200,000

yuan and 100,000 yuan. Outstanding projects will represent Nanxun to

participate in the Huzhou innovation and entrepreneurship semi-final and final.


The winning projects in the municipal entrepreneurship competition can be

selected into the "Southern Taihu Lake Elite Plan", a talent-introduction

project of Huzhou, and receive up to six rewards of 10 million yuan.


A signing ceremony of elite talent projects was also held on the commencement

day of the contest.


See the original link:


SOURCE: Xinhua Silk Road


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   Caption: The 4th Global Innovation & Entrepreneurship Contest of Elite Talents is

commenced on April 16 in Nanxun District of Huzhou, east China's Zhejiang





