Hainan Free Trade Port Carried out Nearly A Hundred Activities to Promote Inheritance of Intangible Cultural Heritage

The 1st Nanshan Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival in 2021



HAIKOU, China, June 16, 2021 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


Adjusting the water/clay ratio, kneading the clay, and shaping the clay... With

techniques that have been practiced countless times, pottery ware begin to take

shape. "I've sold eight Li Minority-styled pottery ware," said Huang Yuying,

inheritor representative at the county level in Changjiang, Hainan, when she

took a break between sessions of demonstrating techniques of Li Minority-styled

pottery on June 12.


The 1st Nanshan Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival in 2021, where Huang

Yuying demonstrates her techniques, is one of the intangible cultural

heritage-oriented activities that celebrates the Cultural and Natural Heritage

Day held by Hainan Free Trade Port, the only free trade port in China.

Centering around the theme of "intangible cultural heritage of people and for

people", the Hainan Bureau of Tourism and Culture carried out nearly 100

activities in the province, mainly in exhibition sites at Haikou city, Sanya

city, Wuzhishan city, Ding'an county, and Baoting county. The rich variety of

cultural events has enabled residents, tourists, and the entire society to

benefit from the preservation of intangible cultural heritage and the

achievement of related R&D.


Apart from the Nanshan Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival in Sanya, Hainan

Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival was held in the Haikou

exhibition site on the same day. The "live broadcast promotion + offline fair"

attracted nearly 800,000 participants. The exhibition site in Wuzhishan focused

on the demonstration of techniques of intangible cultural heritage, with nearly

100 inheritor representatives of intangible cultural heritage showcasing their

talents. The exhibition site in Ding'an invited famous local performing artists

to present the audience with Hainan opera, puppet shows, Danzhou folk music,

and other traditional music and operas included in the list of intangible

cultural heritage in need of protection. The exhibition site in Baoting

launched a curriculum design competition for intangible cultural heritage

study, an itinerary design competition for intangible cultural heritage study,

and other activities, to explore how "intangible cultural heritage + study +

tourism" can be integrated with modern life.


Residents and tourists that follow the progress of Hainan's intangible cultural

heritage inheritance R&D will find that Hainan has taken comprehensive measures

to make intangible cultural heritage closer to people's daily lives and to

introduce young people to their rich cultural heritage. Many intangible

cultural heritage handicrafts and creative cultural products such as vases, tea

sets, and tableware not only explicitly embody the characteristics of

intangible cultural heritage but also demonstrate their properties as artwork

and practical objects. Zhou Renci, the inheritor representative of seashell

carving at the provincial level, said that he had been cooperating with

vocational schools over the past few years to implement training courses of

intangible cultural heritage techniques, hoping that the cultural heritage

programs which contain the wisdom of humanity can be studied and accepted by

more young people.


Source: The 1st Nanshan Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival in 2021


Image Attachments Links:


   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=393954


   Caption: Contestants knitting and embroidering on site




