Shenyang launches 660 scenario projects to unleash investment opportunities worth RMB 700 billion

Publicity Department of the CPC Shenyang Municipal Committee



SHENYANG, China, May 8, 2023 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


Recently, Shenyang held a conference to release the Three-year Action Plan for

Attracting High-caliber Talents & Urban Application Scenarios. With the theme

of "Shenyang's Future Comes with You", the conference released nine major urban

development visions involving 30 subdivided scenarios and 660 scenario

cooperation projects, which is expected to bring investment opportunities worth

RMB 700 billion.


At this conference, Shenyang initiated an invitation to the world, with the

focus on nine urban visions: building a national modern comprehensive hub, a

comprehensive national science center, a national advanced manufacturing

center, a regional financial center, a regional cultural and creative center, a

national consumption center city, a high-level open platform, a high-quality

livable and business-friendly city, a digital twin smart city. A list of urban

opportunity scenarios was also released at the conference, according to the

Publicity Department of the CPC Shenyang Municipal Committee.


Of the 660 scenario projects, this release focused on 30 major scenarios,

including micro and nanotechnology, science and technology headquarters

economic agglomeration base, R&D and production of intelligent sensors and

chips, unmanned driving technology R&D demonstration, intelligent

manufacturing, intelligent construction center in Northeast region, intelligent

manufacturing park, high-end industrial machine tool R&D and production base,

international logistics hub, international land port food park, logistics

warehousing and digital intelligent trading, general aviation operation

services, and financial headquarters building.


Source: Publicity Department of the CPC Shenyang Municipal Committee




